- PT x TiK regular sport sessions
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- The return of PauseTime!
- Board meetings in 2022
- PT’s feedback form
- PT’s official application period is here again!
- Patch sewing night 16.11.
- Association Fall Meeting 21.11.
- [New] Save the date – Family and friends sitsit 15.12.
- Teekkari Tradition Weeks
- Teekkarius 150 + Radiodiodi = tradition week radio!
- Songwriting sitsit 16.11.
- [New] Afterparty of the 150th Teekkari Tradition Party 19.11.
- per-Christmas Beer pong tournament by Limes and ABP 21.11.
- Nail game tournament 23.11.
- Liukuhihna goes afterSki 24.11.
- [New] Joulun tähden – Dominante’s traditional Christmas concerts
- Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
14.-20.11. Teekkari Tradition Weeks
16.11. Songwriting sitsit
1. PT x TiK regular sport sessions
Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday from 1.9. onwards at 21-22! There you will be able to play badminton or basketball with TiK and other PT members.
2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
3. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
4. The return of PauseTime!
PauseTime is association’s weekly hangout at pHuone. Whether you want to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, do schoolwork together, watch TV or play games, head to Kemistintie 1 D 2! There’s always a board member present during the PauseTime, so you can also buy overall patches and membership pins. Come to say hello to friends and make new ones!
The next PauseTime is on Thursday 16.11. at 16.15-18.00! During PauseTime you can also buy the new songbook!
5. Board meetings in 2022
Next board meeting is on 22.11. at 5pm! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.
6. PT’s feedback form
Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.
7. PT’s official application period is here again!
Take a Nakki and join to create an unforgettable year as a PT official! ???? Our operations wouldn’t be possible without our valued officials and there is all kinds of tasks available to those who are interested in them! As an official you have an opportunity to express yourself and being an official is a great change for studying. ???? Besides of unique experience, you will also get to know new people and also get to know our association on deeper level.
Applying for official post is takes place in PT’s ilmomasiina Check all the positions that you want to apply for before the application form closes on 24.11! ???? Almost all official tasks last for the whole year and positions with a star are positions that contain more responsibility.
After application form has closed the board of 2023 will interview and choose its officials. If you come up with any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the old or new board members????
8. Patch sewing night 16.11.
Do you have a growing pile of overall patches at home that you haven’t sewn? Do you find sewing alone at home boring and frustrating? Do you have a bigger tuning in mind, that would require a sewing machine? If yes, the answer to your problems is the Patch sewing night organized by Culture and Wellbeing Officers!
The sewing night happens at Process room on 16th Nov 5pm onwards. Take your sewing equipment with you and come to sew and chat with good company! There will also be a sewing machine and help with using it if needed.
9. Association Fall Meeting 21.11.
Welcome to the statutory Fall Meeting of the Association of Process Engineering Students on Monday the 11th of November starting at 17:30. The meeting will take place in the Ke1 hall (Chemistry Building, Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo). The actual invitation will be sent to the associations mail list at least week before the meeting.
In order to get the meeting started on time, please arrive at the lecture hall in good time. Please notice that the membership status will be checked from everyone who enters the lecture hall.
10. [New] Save the date – Family and friends sitsit 15.12.
As the autumn term draws is coming to an end, it’s soon time for Family and friend sitsit! The sitsit will take place on 15.12., more information coming later!
11. CHEM events Telegram channel
Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat
12. Study feedback
Hi all!
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.
If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.
For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Mariina through:
- Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
- Telegram: @mariinatikka
- The anonymous feedback form
For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:
KK: @pikkuhart or feedback form
PJK: @ilmarihieta or feedback form
VK: @Janttila or feedback form
More information about student rights can be found here.
13. CHEM Awards 2022
It is time to propose candidates for CHEM awards 2022!
Each year, the School of Chemical Engineering awards its members in teaching, research, services, and collaboration & impact. Students have an opportunity to make a proposal as well, and answers are particularly welcome in the Teaching Action of the Year category!
So, if you know a staff member that goes above and beyond to make the teaching better, you can submit a candidate here:
The deadline for the proposals is November 18, 2022 and the award will be announced in the Dean’s glögg event on December 15.12.2022.
More information about the CHEM awards can be found here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/news/chem-awards-2022-nominate-now.
14. Teekkari Tradition Weeks
This year Teekkari Tradition Weeks have these unique events! From them you’ll also get a sticker to your Teekkari Point Card! ????
???? 12.-13.11 at Cradles of Technology you get to know more about Old Poli on Saturday and Otaniemi on Sunday! At the locations there will be guided tours, where you can sign up for free here
???? 17.11. at Battle of the Guilds we will find out who is going to be the winner when guilds host different sports at the end of TTW! When the participants are doing their best, at Smökki you can follow their journey and cheer on your favourite team! The tickets can be found here.
15. Teekkarius 150 + Radiodiodi = tradition week radio!
Teekkarius 150 + Radiodiodi = tradition week radio!
Yes, you read that right because this year, in honor of the Teekkarius 150th anniversary, Radiodiodi has decided to participate in the celebration by organizing a tradition week radio during the teekkari tradition weeks from 7th to 18th of November. More infromation and registration for programme making can be found at radiodiodi.fi. Registration is now open and closes at 16th of October!
What is a Radiodiodi? Radiodiodi is an annual production from Otaniemi, where students have the opportunity to make their own radio programme. Programmes are produced by volunteering Aalto students (even you!). We facilitate it, you make it. The activity is free for students and does not require any previous experience.
Join Radiodiodi chats on Telegram: https://t.me/radiodiodichat (casual conversation channel) and https://t.me/radiodiodi (info channel).
Follow Radiodiodi at Instagram @radiodiodi.
16. Songwriting sitsit 16.11.
Otaniemi Song Contest sitsit is here again! In this sitsit you will hear songs that have never been sung before, and get the possibility to be the first to experience the future classics of sitsit songs.
In this sitsit, we will sing through all the songs submitted to the Song Contest. Winners of each series will be announced at the sitsit. Winners will be decided by a group of judges consisting of experts of Otaniemi song culture.
Doors at Otakaari 20 will open at 18:00 and sitsit begin at 18:30. All participants of the song contest will have a spot reserved. For others, there are a limited number of spots for the fastest. The ticket will cost 17e. Ticket sales start on 25.10 at 15:00 in kide.app. Link to sales
- The Song Contest will still be open all the way through 2.11.2022. Rules and how to participate can be found here.
The Song Contest sitsit is a fair and equal event for everybody and no harassment of any kind will be tolerated at the event. The event follows the AYY’s principles of a safe space. If you face any kind of unpleasant or harassment at the event you can contact the AYY’s harassment contact person at hairinta@ayy.fi
17. [New] Afterparty of the 150th Teekkari Tradition Party 19.11.
Ticket sales to the 150th Teekkari Tradition Party’s AFTERPARTY are open now! Get yours from kide.app
Millennium Project, Adikia and Hubble will take care of the party atmosphere! And the doors to the Afterparty will open already at 21.30!
What? Teekkari Tradition Party’s Afterparty
Where? Dipoli!
Tickets? NOW from kide.app
When? Saturday 19.11. at 21.30 ->
How much? Students 15 €, Alumni 25 €
DC? Smart casual and up (no overalls)
18. per-Christmas Beer pong tournament by Limes and ABP 21.11.
Is there still free time in your calendar? We have a solution for you! Sign up for a per-Christmas beer pong tournament by Limes and ABP. Tournament is organized on Monday 21.11. at 17.30 in Otarannan kerhotila (Otaranta 8B). We have place for 32 teams, but you can also come to ask cancellation spots at the door. Places for teams are 16/16 for ABP and Limes represents but those will be even if other organization has too little teams. If the team has not registered before their first game they can be replaced.
Tournament fee is 6e/team. Sign in starts on Tuesday 1.11. at 15.00 and ends 13.11 at 23.55. Tournament is played with ABP rules: abp.ayy.fi/rules
19. Nail game tournament 23.11.
For a long time, the mysterious “Nail game” has been played on the nights of Otaniemi. This time, you, fellow Aalto students, can participate in a tournament!
Challenge your friends and come try out which of you has the best nailing technique and become a legend.
Be fast, as in this tournament there are only 27 places for teams of two people. The sign-up is open now in https://forms.gle/vqvBAzsQW2Rv4sC99There will be a small participant fee of 5 euros, which will cover misc. expenses of the tournament. The teams should reserve 2 game drinks per round (0.33 L). There will be a maximum of three rounds for the team. The
drinks can also be bought at the event.
WHAT? Nail game
WHERE? Otakaari 20 upstairs
WHEN? 23.11.2022 at 18->
WHAT WILL IT COST? 5 € per team
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1139107370045046/
20. Liukuhihna goes afterSki 24.11.
AS fuksis are putting in their best effort, as we party the most un-unforgettable event of the year, since on the next morning you won’t remember anything. Get your overalls and your A-team, and slide via grey slope into AfterSki-Smökki.
There will be AfterSki-themed beverages, which make sure you won’t be freezing (with exception of falling asleep in snow). In addition to normal beverages, we are happy to announce that we happen to have some hot chocolate suitable for ski’ing, and it will be available during the night.
Also, to keep you entertained, the best artist in Otaniemi has promised to show up – the one and only KNV!
What: Liukuhihna goes Afterski
Where: Smökki Why: Because minttu hot chocolate is great
Price: 10€
DC: Overalls + AfterSki
21. [New] Joulun tähden – Dominante’s traditional Christmas concerts
Aalto University’s mixed choir Dominante warmly welcomes you to the atmospheric Christmas concerts Joulun tähden! The program includes the most beloved Christmas tunes, traditional Dominante Christmas repertoire and some new acquaintances. The choir is conducted by Seppo Murto.
Baritone soloist Juhana Kotilainen and organist Arttu Selonen will participate in the Christmas concerts.
Tu 13 December at 19, Tapiola church
Mon 19 December at 19, Helsinki Cathedral
Tickets 25 / 15 / 40 € from the choir members or from Dominante’s online store:
More information about Dominante:
22. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Hello! It’s the teekkari tradition week and I am excited about the Teekkari tradition party on Saturday! Next week there is the associations fall meeting, where the new board gets picked, hopefully I’ll see you there :D. Cat of the week
Kai Karvetti
Spokesperson-secretary 2022 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358505723651 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram