- PT x TiK regular sport sessions
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- The return of PauseTime!
- Board meetings in 2022
- PT’s feedback form
- Kylmävalssaus 12.9.
- Lämmönsiirto X anniversary year excursion 13.9.
- Catalysis 15.9.
- pHuone is closed from 16.9. to 19.9. 12PM
- Ratsitsit 28.9.
- Save the date – PT x YFK sitsit 4.10.
- VK x PT Metallurgy evening 11.10.
- CHEM events Telegram channel
- Study feedback
- Survey about the functionality of the course Bachelor’s thesis and seminar
- CHEM-Appro 27.9.
- Neon Rave X 2022: Cyberpunk
- Auditions for the Polytech Choir on 13.9.
- Song writing evening 13.9.
- Teekkaripurjehtijat info evening 14.9.
- Otaranta Cup Padel Tournament 19.9.
- Dash Hack 2022
- Otatarha Grand Prix 30.9.
- Lakinlaskijaiset 2022 30.9.
- Dipolin and Polin appros are back again!
- Alvarin Appro 20.10.
- Teekkari Tradition Weeks: Elonkorjuu
- Otacruise 27-29 November
- Join Startup Experience course this fall!
- Polijazz’s dance lessons
- Shape a meaningful career path with a mentor!
- Teekkarispeksi improv and dancing courses
- Join Teekkarispeksi 2023 musical production!
- Dissonanssi Choir is looking for new singers!
- T150 – Teekkari Point Card
- Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
13.9. Anniversary year excursion
15.9. Catalysis
16.9. Ylikulku Rave
1. PT x TiK regular sport sessions
Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday from 1.9. onwards at 21-22! There you will be able to play badminton or basketball with TiK and other PT members.
2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
3. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
4. The return of PauseTime!
PauseTime is association’s weekly hangout at pHuone. Whether you want to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, do schoolwork together, watch TV or play games, head to Kemistintie 1 D 2! There’s always a board member present during the PauseTime, so you can also buy overall patches and membership pins. Come to say hello to friends and make new ones!
The next PauseTime is on Wednesday 21.9. at 16.15-18.00!
5. Board meetings in 2022
Next board meeting is on 19.9. at 6pm! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.
6. PT’s feedback form
Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.
7. Kylmävalssaus 12.9.
Lämmönsiirto week is approaching and so is the traditional Kylmävalssaus!
Do you want to try out a new ball sport? Or perhaps show off your beach volley skills? This year’s Kylmävalssaus offers you a chance to play Kin-ball and Beach volley. In honor of Lämmönsiirto X, Prosessiteekkarit will head out to the beaches of Salmisaari on Monday the 12th of September at 15-16.30. Kin-ball is played in a tournament fashion in the event, and Beach volley at the players own pace on the side. After the games participants can use the saunas at the location. Participation costs 8€/person and there are 30 spots for participants. The sign up opens 1.9. at 12.00 and closes 9.9. at 23.55 here. The sign-up becomes binding after closing!
What: Kin-ball and Beach volley
When: Monday 12.9. at 15-16.30
Where: Salmisaari biitsi, Energiakatu 3
What does it cost: 8€
Why: It’s good to exercise even on the annual ball week!
8. Lämmönsiirto X anniversary year excursion 13.9.
Prosessiteekkarit will celebrate its tenth year anniversary as an association and the week of celebration will start with an excursion to Woikoski Voikoski!
The story of Woikoski began in 1882 as a carbon black factory at Koivuniemi. In 1933 the first air separation plant was lauched in Voikoski. Four years later, the first hydrogen peroxide factory in the Nordic counties also started operations. Currently around 200 people work at Woikoski.
The excursion begins on Tuesday 13.9. at 9 and we’ll return to Otaniemi late in the evening of the same day (before midnight).
Be sure to book the whole day for the trip! The excursion is free for members of PT!
The registration for the trip opens on 31.8. at 12.00 at prosessiteekkarit.fi and the places will be filled in order of fastest sign-ups.
WHAT? Excursion to Woikoski
WHEN? 13th of September
HOW MUCH? Free for the members of PT
DC: Smart casual, teekkari cap (if you have one)
9. Catalysis 15.9.
As Lämmönsiirto week is already just around the corner, it’s good to recall how you celebrate when someone turn 10-year-old – luckily, we have Catalysis!
Does your inner child miss fishing game and amazing prizes? What about board games and pinning the donkey tail? Or perhaps palju and sauna? Then you should head to Catalysis on Thursday 15.9. from 17-22 to the Otaniemi Rantasauna to remind you how amazing children’s parties can be! Some snacks available!
The event is open for all PT members.
What: Catalysis
When: on Thursday 15.9. at 17–22
Where: Rantasauna
What does it cost: 0€
Why: There is nothing better than a birthday party and PT turns 10-year-old only once!
10. pHuone is closed from 16.9. to 19.9. 12PM
pHuone is closed from 16th of September to 19th of September 12PM due to Lämmönsiirto organizing.
11. Ratsitsit 28.9.
Squeak Squeak! Do you hear the rustle of rodents in your ears? Do you identify as a mouse? Release your inner rodent in OK20’s upstairs on Wednesday 28th September with PT and SIK!
The cocktail party starts at 18.00 and gong will ring at 18.30. The party will continue downstairs with a sauna.
Registration begins on the 15th of September at 12.00 noon and closes on the 22nd of September at 12.00 noon after which the registration is binding. The payment will be concluded with CASH on the spot.
PRICE? 13€
WHERE? Otakaari 20 upstairs
WHEN? 28h September klo 18
DC? Pest
More info: https://sahkoinsinoorikilta.fi/events/195
12. Save the date – PT x YFK sitsit 4.10.
PT x YFK sitsit are making a sporty comeback! The sitsit willl be held 4.10. at Käärmeenpesä, more info coming later!
13. VK x PT Metallurgy evening 11.10.
Are you interested in hearing about the opportunities in the metal industry? Do you want to know what study options our university offers in the metal sector? Do you want to hear how materials for new technologies are responsibly produced? Are you interested in the circular economy?
If you answered yes to any of the questions, welcome to the evening trip to Metso Outotec office in Matinkylä organized by Vuorimieskilta and Prosessiteekkarit. In addition to M:O, Boliden representatives and the university’s teaching staff are also present. During the evening, an evening snack is also offered on behalf of the companies.
There is room for 45 of the most enthusiastic first- and second-year students and 45 senior Vuorimieskilta or Prosessiteekkarit members. When one quota is filled, we start filling the second quota after September 26. Signing up starts at 20.9. and the link will be provided later.
14. CHEM events Telegram channel
Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat
15. Study feedback
Hi all!
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.
If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.
For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Mariina through:
- Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
- Telegram: @mariinatikka
- The anonymous feedback form
For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:
KK: @pikkuhart or feedback form
PJK: @ilmarihieta or feedback form
VK: @Janttila or feedback form
More information about student rights can be found here.
16. Survey about the functionality of the course Bachelor’s thesis and seminar
This is your Head of Study Affairs speaking! The amount of Bachelor’s thesis subjects has been a headache to everyone who has had the unfortunate chance to attend the course, so I am now going to bring it up to the school.
The idea is to make the process of proposing your own topic easier, since it is already possible, but only few realize to exploit it and when the Bachelor’s thesis course starts, it is usually too late.
Therefore, my proposal to the school is as follows:
- A clear and exhaustive process chart to the Making of a Bachelor’s thesis page about how you can propose your own topic (a list of the people who you can propose it to, how to come up with your own topic, etc.)
- Both the association and the school will remind members well before the start of a Bachelor’s thesis course about the possibility of proposing your own topic
- The dates for seminar days should be published earlier and more of them are needed (?)
On top of this, my intention is to talk about the current topic selection system with the school, since the F5 race is liked by few. With the proposal mentioned above, my intention is to open further discussion about the matter and make the wheels of change move.
Now I would ask you, dear members, to say your opinion on the matter here! I would especially like to hear your opinions about whether there is a need for change concerning the seminar days, since there hasn’t been that much discussion about them.
I wish you all an amazing start for the academic year!
17. CHEM-Appro 27.9.
The School of Chemical Engineering has its own playful appro, CHEM-Appro, that will come again to the Otaniemi area!
During the appros, you will be able to get to know more of CHEM’s own committees and guilds, as well Otaniemi´s bars and shops through a playful checkpoint tour.
Appros are events organized especially among university students, where you can tour different points or bars and enjoy an activity/refreshment at each point. During the year, several appros are organized and the most well-known are the Poli and Dipoli appros.
CHEM-Appro itself is implemented in a BYOB (bring your own bottles/beer) style. At bars you are naturally not allowed to have your own drinks. You can also attend with non-alcoholic beverages or you can just come to complete the checkpoints without drinking.
The afterparty will be at Smökki!
The event is open for all CHEM, and no matter the academic age, the possibility for participation is ensured with quotas in the registration. Detailed info about the registration will be provided soon.
WHERE: In Otaniemi, afterparty at Smökki
WHEN: Tuesday 27.9. at 5 p.m →
DC: Overalls and cap (if you have) and/or clothing suitable for outdoor activities and appros
WHY: Because CHEM-appros!
18. Neon Rave X 2022: Cyberpunk
Neon Rave is having its tenth anniversary and we are proudly presenting the biggest student rave event of the decade! On 21st of October Smökki will be set on fire by the words of Keanu Reeves as the legendary Neon Rave is upon us once again: Wake the f up student, we have a Smökki to burn!
Multiple artists of electronic cyber mayhem and the futuristic lightshow will make sure that this will be a night to remember for years to come. Bring your friends, it is time to RAVE!
The tickets will be on sale later via kideapp!
WHAT: Neon Rave 2022: Cyberpunk
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: Friday 21.10.
TICKETS: 10 € with badge, 8€ without badge
Tickets: Ticket link will be published later on newsletters
Please note that the event is K-18!
Best regards
Neon Rave committee
If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to ask from our communications responsible @AnetteHonkanen via telegram
19. Auditions for the Polytech Choir on 13.9.
The Polytech Choir is looking for new members! Auditions for the Choir are organized on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022, at 5–8 pm at Maarintie 8, lecture hall AS2. At the event, you will get to perform an a capella song of your choosing, in addition to which your vocal range and pitch perception will be tested.
Sign up for the auditions by filling in the form at: https://forms.gle/FjBp1x7aLMvWDBtD6 (in Finnish)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Fuksi Emperor: fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi, tel. 040 9368304, tg: @tmtemetm. You can also ask us questions on Facebook or Instagram. More information is available at https://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/kuoron-esittely/koelaulut/ (in Finnish).
20. Song writing evening 13.9.
Are you interested in creating lyrics for new sitsi songs, but don’t know where to start? Have you ever thought that you could write a song? Have you thought about how new songs appear in your songbooks? ????
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, YOU should participate in the song writing event organized by the brand new Song Culture Committee on Tuesday, September 13th, from 5 PM onwards! There you can learn what you should keep in mind and the most common pitfalls in song writing.
WHAT: Song writing evening
WHERE: Otaranta rooftop sauna
WHEN: Tue 13.9. at 5-10 PM
WHY: You can learn new skills and improve Aalto’s song culture ✨
Contact @vittumikko on Telegram if you have questions about the event.
21. Teekkaripurjehtijat info evening 14.9.
Whether you were just interested in sailing or an experienced skipper who has conquered oceans, you should now arrive to the second information evening of the year. You get to hear what Teekkaripurjehtijat has to offer just for you! Also, don’t be confused by the name, as Teekkaripurjehtijat (more commonly known as TRIP) welcomes anyone interested in sailing, regardless of field of study.
Event is organised in Studio in Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, 02150 Espoo) starting at 18.00. Please register to the event with this form.
More info
Karri Pönni
Head of Events
+358 503725538 | Telegram: @karriponni
Friday 16.9. Smökki will be on fire, because it is time for YLIKULKU RAVE????
AaltoDJ and Audiopoli are bringing underground vibes overground.
Rave music. Custom built big ass speakers. Bring ear plugs.
House, Techno, Drum and Bass & more. Lineup TBA.
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: 16.9.2022, 21.00-2.30
TICKETS: 9€ (incl. overall patch) from Kide.app 5.9. at 17.00, physical ticket sale before that from our checkpoints (AaltoDJ and Audiopoli) at Otasuunnistus.
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/754975295580997
23. Otaranta Cup Padel Tournament 19.9.
The brand new padel courts of Pleimore Padel, raised in Otaranta, serve as the stage for the Otaranta Cup, which will be organized for the first time. Bring your best padel friend and come to Otaranta to fight for Aalto’s padel championship!
WHAT? Otaranta Cup Padel Tournament
WHEN? Mon 19.9. from 4 PM to 10 PM
WHERE? Otaranta 7
COST? Price 5e/pair
SIGN-UP? Starts on Mon 12.9. at 4 PM on Kide.app
More info in FB event.
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact @ilkkakortelainen
24. Dash Hack 2022
Dash Hack is a weekend-long design thinking hackathon event for multidisciplinary teams to tackle problems provided by our partner companies. This year’s Dash Hack will be held at VALO Hotel & Work in Helsinki from Friday 7th October to Sunday 9th October.
During the hackathon, you’ll learn how to solve problems by applying design thinking methods, gaining experience from solving real-life cases from versatile companies, and networking with our partner companies. And, of course, the winning team will be awarded!
If you’re open-minded, interested in problem-solving in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to develop yourself professionally – Dash Hack is the event for you!
What? Dash Hack 2022
When? 7 — 9.10.2022
Where? VALO Hotel & Work
Who? Students from diverse fields of study
How to sign up? Applications to participate in Dash Hack 2022 close on 15.9. at 23:59! Click here to apply! https://www.dash.design/
25. Otatarha Grand Prix 30.9.
Otatarha Grand Prix is here once again! In this traditional event teams that have built their own racing vehicles will race against each other in the safety of Alvari Square.
Alongside Otatarha Grand Prix there will also be the Teekkarius 150 events, Resiinat Raidejokerilla and City Challenge, at the same location.
Register for the event or come join us to watch the competition on the last day of September, Friday 30th, from 12 o’clock onwards.
More information and the link for registration on the event page.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/754809145595071
26. Lakinlaskijaiset 2022 30.9.
The end of September is looming near and our caps shall be put to rest then!
So come to Dipoli, the kingdom of the Queen of Hearts on the 30th of September to join us and our magnificent artists at Lakinlaskijaiset 2022! ❤️
Everyone is welcome, whether you study science, arts or business! <3
More information can be found from our telegram channel https://t.me/lakinlaskijaiset
And from instagram @ayy_fi and @teekkarijaosto
Ps: the Queen requires eager volunteers and each one earns a little something for their troubles. So apply right now! https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/lakinlaskijaiset/
27. Dipolin and Polin appros are back again!
Dipolin appro 12.10.
Polin appro 9.-10.11.
On Wednesday and Thursday of the first week of the Teekkari Tradition weeks, the dramatic arc will be lifted by Polin appro, which you can enjoy on two days to celebrate the anniversary year! You can warm up for Polin appro at Dipolin appro on 12th of October in Otaniemi. Tickets for the Dipolin appro are sold together with the Polin appro ticket, in which case the ticket is bought for one of the two days of the Polin appro.
Ticket packages for Dipolin and Polin appro will be on sale on the 28th of September in Kide.app. Ticket packages will also be sold live in Otaniemi on the 29th of September. More information about ticket sales will be published on Polin appros channels, so get them here:
Instagram: @polinappro
Telegram: t.me/polinappro
Dipolin Appro follows Aalto University Student Union’s (AYY) Safer Space Policy. Event aims to be equal and comfortable for everyone. If you see or experience inappropriate conduct, you have the right to intervene in the situation. If you wish, you can also get in touch with AYY’s harassment contact persons: hairinta@ayy.fi
28. Alvarin Appro 20.10.
Alvarin Appro – the greatest, oldest, and moistest bar crawl in Otaniemi – comes again on October 20! Put on your overalls, round up your buddies, and come check out both new and old bars and restaurants in Otaniemi in this banger bar crawl. ????
The ticket sales start on Monday, September 12, at 12:00 on kide.app. The cost is a whopping 6e, or 8e with a BYgnificient afterparty. ⚡️
29. Teekkari Tradition Weeks: Elonkorjuu
At the end of the first week of Teekkari Tradition weeks it is time to put on your classiest clothes and step into the shadows of Smökki as chill music fills the space. This is because on Friday, 11th of November, Elonkorjuu is back.
The event is organized by the Teekkari culture committee of AYY, GAYY and Jalostajat. During the night, you get to enjoy live music, good food and an excellent drink selection.
More information about the event and ticket sales from event page:
30. Otacruise 27-29 November
Are you starting to feel too safe and sound on land? Would you like to head to the sea? Otacruise is coming again, bigger and better!
Otacruise, arranged for the second time, gathers over 2500 Aalto students for a cruise to Stockholm on 27-29 November 2022 ????
More information about the tickets is coming soon. Follow @otacruise on Instagram and Telegram to keep up with the information! This is an event you don’t want to miss????
The event organiser reserves the right to make changes.
What: Otacruise
Where: Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki
When: 27-29 November 2022
Who: All Aalto students
Info: @Otacruise
31. Join Startup Experience course this fall!
All university students need entrepreneurial skills. That doesn’t mean that every student needs to become an entrepreneur, but the skills of successful entrepreneurs are beneficial to everyone.
Discover how think like an entrepreneur at Startup Experience! Learn to take responsibility in a safe environment, become one with your team, and build an idea that could change the world. You’ll experience what it’s like to found a startup — but without the paperwork.
Registration has already started in Sisu so be quick! Read more about the course here: https://avp.aalto.fi/avp-course/startup-experience/
32. Polijazz’s dance lessons
Bored of sitting home and can’t groove to music in your tiny apartment? Join the dance classes 12th Sep onwards and meet new people!
We offer the first time for FREE to you.
Modern dance: Thu 16:00–1755 (beginner)
Thu 17:00-17:55 (intermediate
Oriental dance: Tuesdays 18-19 (open level)
Breaking: Wed 19:10-20:10 (beginner)
Wed 20:15-21:15
Our professional teachers speak FI&EN and we are located at Aalto University. All student minded people are welcome!
Sign up: www.polijazz.fi
Telegram: https://t.me/polijazzinfo
33. Shape a meaningful career path with a mentor!
Master´s student, are you about to graduate but feel uncertain about your career direction? Would you like to discuss your options and broaden your career horizons? Learn from a seasoned professional and get advice on career design?
Apply to the Aalto University Mentoring Programme and find a meaningful direction for your career! There are more than 180 mentor candidates from different fields you can apply for. Mentoring offers a great opportunity to learn about working life, connect with our alumni and get support for creating your own path!
Read more and apply as an actor: https://www.aalto.fi/en/for-alumni/mentoring-programme-for-students-and-alumni
Application period 15 Sept – 9 Oc
34. Teekkarispeksi improv and dancing courses
Teekkarispeksi dancing and improv courses are here! We have beginner and advanced Improv and an Acting course (in Finnish).
For dancing we have 4 courses: acrobatics, contemporary, modern and boogie woogie (can be in English).
Application DLs are 7.9. Improv and 14.9. Dance courses. Improv courses are in Finnish, dance courses can be arranged in English.
You can apply here:
P.s. We have a newcommers meetup at 7.9. at 18 at Ossinsauna. Come join us if you are interested in theater!
35. Join Teekkarispeksi 2023 musical production!
Do you dream of making theater? Teekkarispeksi 2023 is recruiting! Take the leap to the world of theater and join us in making the next musical theater production!
Our production is mainly in Finnish so we can’t offer stage roles in English. However, we are looking for people to work behind the scenes in scenery, props, costumes, makeup, etc. Check all the options in the form below.
Apply with this form: https://forms.gle/FDpnaJ8JrGSWu4ho9. Application is open until 4.11.
36. Dissonanssi Choir is looking for new singers!
Dissonanssi choir is looking for new singers. This Fall we are looking for singers from all vocal ranges from soprano to bass.
Dissonanssi is a mixed choir based in Otaniemi singing diverse music – without forgetting having fun!
Our auditions will be held on 21.9. at 5pm at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18, Espoo). You can also apply with no prior choir experience.
You can apply using this form: https://forms.gle/JLfz8DGewFn1qa5A9
37. T150 – Teekkari Point Card
Re-experience the charm of the freshman year as you collect Teekkari points and find out if you can become a HyperSuperTeekkari!
In connection with the Teekkarius150 anniversary, you can complete the Teekkari Point Card, in which you can receive points from many of the already familiar recreations and T150-themed activities. Point cards are distributed at T150 events and are always advertised on Instagram and on the tg-channel. So remember to follow T150 on social media @teekkarius150 (Telegram, Instagram, Facebook).
38. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Heello! It is Lämmönsiirto week and im very excited for the weekend. School is laborious as usual :D. Here is me this weekend.
Kai Karvetti
Spokesperson-secretary 2022 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358505723651 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram