I        PT

  1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
  2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  3. PT’s LinkedIn group
  4. Board meetings in 2023
  5. PT’s feedback form
  6. PT x YFK Traffic Light Sitsit 16.3.
  7. [NEW] 3+ sitsit 11.3.
  8. [NEW] PT’s LAN Party 17.-19.3.

II      CHEM

  1. CHEM events Telegram channel
  2. Study feedback
  3. New online course in Wood Products and Processes
  4. Coffee break with professors 6.3.
  5. [NEW] CHEM Rantsu evening 13.3.


  1. Allwell? -survey for second year’s Bachelor’s students and first-year’s Master’s students
  2. Student musical theatre Teekkarispeksi 2023
  3. TEK Finnish Language Café returns every Monday and Wednesday!
  4. TripVenture 2023 to Sicily
  5. [NEW] Automation Days 2023
  6. [NEW] Sparkling Sauna Day 7.3.
  7. [NEW] Sitsit on the road – Other student cities sitsit 16.3.
  8. [NEW] AYY x Kiekko-Espoo: Students’ Hockey Nights 8.3. & 9.3.
  9. [NEW] FSE Volleyball Championships
  10. [NEW] The Munajahti of Hankkijat 29.3.
  11. [NEW] Rainbow Pong by Aalto Beer Pong x GAYY 11.3


  1. Metsä Group’s open positions and international internships
  2. Summer Trainee positions at Murata
  3. [NEW] eniferBio Summer Trainee positions
  4. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary


Coffee break with professors 6.3.
CHEM Rantsu Evening 13.3.
PT x YFK Traffic Light Sitsit 16.3.

I        PT

1.     PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday from 5.1. onwards at 21-22! There you will be able to play badminton or basketball with TiK, SIK and other PT members.


2.     PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email.
The #PT-chat (https://t.me/+rG8LiYRYWl9hZjg0.) will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.

Remember also to join the CHEM Events -info channel, that information about open events held by Chemistry Guild, Forest Products Guild and The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


3.     PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


4.     Board meetings in 2023

Next board meeting is on Monday 6.3.! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.


5.     PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


6.     PT x YFK Traffic Light Sitsit 16.3.

Ready, set GO!
Were you left without a kiss after Valentine’s Day? Did your crush not show up? Are you still sailing on the sea of singleness? Or do you just want to spend a fun evening with new friends?
If your answer to any of the questions above is yes, the solution is naturally PT x YFK sitsis!
So dress up according to the theme, and advertise if you’re single (green), taken (red) or if you’re unsure yourself about the nature of your relationship (yellow).
Arrive at Smökki on March 16th, and find your new crush! The cocktail event starts at 18.00, and the gong at 18.30!
Registration opened on February 24th at 18.00 on PTs ilmomasiina, and closes March 5th at 23.55.
But what if I don’t get a spot? Not to worry! The after-party is open to all members after 23.00!

What? PT x YFK Traffic Light Sitsis
Where? Servin mökki, Jämeräntaival 4A
When? 16.3. Cocktails at 18.00 and gongi at 18.30
DC? Overalls + traffic light
Price? 15€
Why? PT <3 YFK
The event follows Aalto University Student Union’s (AYY) Safer Space Policy. The event aims to be equal and comfortable for everyone. If you see or experience inappropriate conduct, you have the right to intervene in the situation. If you wish, you can also get in touch with AYY’s harassment contact persons: hairinta@ayy.fi
You can read about the space’s accessibility here.


7.     [NEW] 3+ sitsit 11.3.

The Senior Citizens have been given home leave from the nursing home and this of course means that it’s time for the first 3+ event of the year, the 3+ sitsit!

The theme is Finnish traditional celebrations! So get ready for the abundance of family celebrations and come to the party wearing your traditional celebration classics to experience a night of naming, wedding, confirmation and graduation! The evening will include activities related to the theme and there will be no shortage of traditional party food and celebrations.
There will be room for 37 of the fastest celebrating their third or higher academic year! Registration for these family celebrations will take place via the PT’s registrations https://prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/203 from 2 March at 12 noon until 7 March at 11.55pm, when it will become binding. The gong plays at 17.30, but you can ask questions about your newly graduated niece’s marital status, certificate and future plans from 17.00 onwards at the first drinks!
What: 3+ sitsit!
Where: the Otaranta kerhotila
When: 11.3. at 17:00, gong at 17:30
What it costs: 15e
DC: Pagan Traditional Celebrations
Why: A chance to relive all of our most beloved celebrations, but this time you can be the one to ask the others about their future plans!


8.     [NEW] PT’s LAN Party 17.-19.3.

LAN party is making a return this spring, so pack up your computer and come play! There is also going to be other gaming-related action for all PT’s members. More information about the event is coming later.


9.     [NEW] ISOISO Recruitment 28.2.-13.3.

ISOISO is a new role made to support the ISOs. ISOISOs are ISOs that have already been involved in ISO activities in the past. Their tasks include assisting, supporting and organising refreshment events for ISOs.
The most important task of ISOISOs is to pass on the knowledge and skills they have learned during their ISO period to their ISO groups. ISOISOs are intended to replace the existing boardISOs.
ISOISO’s tasks also include maintaining the welfare of ISOs. As ISOs will play a greater role in the organisation of events, it is important that the welfare of ISOs is better looked after by the ISOISOs.
ISOISOs are part of the PT’s ISO quota, which entitles them to participate in ISO-related events, such as ISO refreshments of PT and ISO Committee.
This year, a total of 22 ISO groups will be formed; 18 Finnish Bach ISO groups and 4 CHEM Eng groups. One ISOISO will be responsible for supporting two (2) ISO groups, which means that 11 ISOISOs will be selected this year.
The ISOISO search will favour the ’22 ISOs, as their knowledge and skills are the freshest due to the ongoing ISO year. Any Prosessiteekkari who has served as an ISO can still apply to become an ISO!
The selection process is based on the ISOISO application, which can be found in the registration form of ilmomasiina. If required, this will also include an interview. The application is open until 13.3.

Applying is highly recommended if you want to continue being an ISO and want to be part of developing the ISO department of PT!
You can ask for more information from the ISO Officer in Telegram @huoltomies.


II      CHEM

10.   CHEM events Telegram channel

Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


11.   Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.


If for example the assessment criteria change during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.


For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @leeviha
  3. The anonymous feedback form


For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form

PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form

VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form


More information about student rights can be found here.


12.   New online course in Wood Products and Processes

CHEM-E2235 Wood Products and Processes (5 cr) course is organized for the first time in the online format in spring 2023. You may follow the course independently whenever it is suitable for you during IV period 27.2. – 14.4.2023. The course includes short videos, texts, exercises, and online exams. The course started with an online introduction on 27.2.2023 at 14:15. Register to the course by 6.3.2023:
Sisu: https://sisu.aalto.fi/student/courseunit/aalto-CU-1150933092-20220801/brochure


13.   Coffee break with professors 6.3.

The time has come for the spring coffee break with professors! So, join us in the School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall on Monday 6.3. at 4 pm sharp to enjoy some coffee with our professors. You get to freely converse about things that worry you, such as majors in your bachelor of master studies, summer jobs etc. This is a great opportunity to talk about your feelings and to impact teaching in our school!
WHAT? Coffee break with professors
WHERE? School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall
WHEN? Mon 6.3. @ 4 pm
WHY? Studying is better when you know the professors!


14.   [NEW] CHEM Rantsu evening 13.3.

When was the last time you had a nice sauna evening? Would you like to start Monday relaxed? In that case, Rantasauna is the perfect start to the beginning of the week! Come spend a relaxing sauna evening at Rantsu on Monday 13th of March with CHEM comrades. There will be traditional guilds’ games, food and above all good company! The sign-up opens on Monday 27th of February at 12 PM on Prosessiteekkaris’ Ilmomasiina!
WHAT? Rantsu evening for the members of KK, PJK, VK and PT
WHERE? Rantasauna, Vastaranta 1
WHEN? Monday 13.3. starting at 18 PM ->
WHY? Because good company, games and sauna!
HOW MUCH? Nothing at all! 0€



15.   Allwell? -survey for second year’s Bachelor’s students and first-year’s Master’s students

Hello, second-year bachelor’s student or first-year master’s student, how are you? Respond to the AllWell? questionnaire on study wellbeing through the link you will receive by email. This is your chance to help your programme and the university develop. Once the questionnaire has closed, you will get personalised wellbeing tips in return for your response. The questionnaire is anonymous, and all responses are treated with the utmost confidentiality.

The questionnaire will be open from 15 February to 1 March 2023. Read more: The AllWell? questionnaire


16.   Student musical theatre Teekkarispeksi 2023

Welcome to see Teekkarispeksi 2023 – Univelka. Speksi will head off to the world of dreams! As family, business and dreams intertwine, surprising partners must join forces to save the world of dreams. But will it be a nightmare?
In Finnish only.
More information about the tickets and performance dates (in Finnish) https://teekkarispeksi.fi/naytokset-ja-liput/


17.   TEK Finnish Language Café returns every Monday and Wednesday!

After a Christmas break, the TEK Finnish Language Café returns to help you practise your Finnish skills outside of your lessons! The café is a low effort opportunity to speak Finnish with other learners, as well as to just have a break from your courses with coffee and snacks. The location is the Otaniemi TEK office, found in the Harold Harlin Learning Centre (via external A door), so can form a convenient part of your day.

The Finnish Café aims to be very casual, with all skill levels of Finnish welcome, especially including those who are native speakers. Whether you are in your first year in Finland or your twentieth, feel free to stop by, chat, and improve your skills!

In terms of integrating into Finland following studies, language problems are consistently given as the number one issue in finding a field relevant job. While native skills are impossible for many, even some Finnish skills can make a huge difference. As part of TEK’s work to improve the ability of international students to thrive in Finland, these cafes can hopefully help you achieve those skills – and therefore a future here!

Starting from Wednesday 01.02., the times of the café throughout the Spring semester are as follows:
Every Monday at 16:15
Every Wednesday at 14:15
Depending on demand, extra sessions can also be organised later on.
We have a Telegram group for communication and extra Finnish practise, as well as for any possible cancellations or changed times. If you have any interest in coming to a café, join it at https://t.me/+_XsOr7ChyPxkOTI8

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me at @kvtykki on Telegram, or at owain.hopeaketo@tek.fi.

Nähdään siellä!
Owain Hopeaketo
TEK International Student Liaison, Otaniemi


18.   TripVenture 2023 to Sicily

Teekkaripurjehtijat will head to sail in unforeseen Sicily on 26.8.-2.9.2023 with monohull sailboats. Come with us to see the volcanoes and turquoise waters!
Signing up is now open and binding!
You can find more information and sign up form from https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=2479 or you can directly contact hallitus@teekkaripurjehtijat.fi


19.   [NEW] Automation Days 2023

Automation Days 2023 are here soon! Come to Helsinki 28. and 29.3 to follow amazing speeches and presentations with the theme of Automation and machine learning as enablers for the green transition. The venue will host Finnish and International talent from companies, education and research sectors. As such the seminar is an amazing place for networking and understanding the wide scale of automation.
As a free extra for students, there will beHands on tech demos from top talents of the industry. https://www.automaatioseura.fi/automationdays2023/side-event-getting-toknow-industry/
You can register here: https://www.automaatioseura.fi/automationdays2023/registration/
And everything else you can find on the event pages: https://www.automaatioseura.fi/automationdays2023/


20.   [NEW] Sparkling Sauna Day 7.3.

The Community Section Aava invites every Aalto student to enjoy the most beloved leisure activity of Finns, going saunas!
During the event, you can visit most of AYY’s large sauna facilities, take relaxing and cool baths with your best friends and new acquaintances. During the evening, you will also get to know several committees under Aava through various checkpoints.
Saunas and checkpoint maps will be distributed at the start of Sauna Day at 5 pm onwards in front of AYY’s central office.
By visiting all the saunas and completing each sauna check, you will get yourself a sauna-themed overall thingy!

What: Aava’s Sparkling Sauna Day 7.3.
Where: Otaniemi, Start in front of AYY’s central office (the side of Alvarinaukio)
When: Tuesday 7.3. from 5 pm onwards
Why: You can go to the sauna again in AYY facilities!
DC: Overalls, towel, swimsuit


21.   [NEW] Sitsit on the road – Other student cities sitsit 16.3.

Do you already know the sitsi songs of Otaniemi like the back of your hand? Do you want to expand your knowledge of the singing culture of other cities as well? Your wishes have been granted, as LuTku is organizing Other student cities sitsit! Hurry up and reserve your ticket for a singing culture journey through the teekkari cities of Finland!

The sitsit will be held on March 16th in OK20 downstairs. All passengers are requested to arrive at the pier starting from 6 pm to reserve a seat on the train and get to know their fellow travelers. Those arriving in good time to the train have the opportunity to reserve a spot in a premium cabin! The train whistle will blow at 6:30 pm, after which our unforgettable journey of discovering new student songs can begin!
In addition to singing, the cheerful staff of LuTku will take care of your enjoyment during the evening with a surprise program. The fun does not end at the final stop, as after the sitsit there will be an afterparty, which includes a possibility to go to the sauna!
Registration for the event opens on Wednesday, March 1st at 12.00 on https://forms.office.com/e/JWmXsxyVSw and closes on Sunday, March 12th at 23.55, becoming binding at that point. More info can be found from the events Telegram channel:

WHAT: Other student cities sitsit
WHEN: March 16th at 18, gong at 18.30
WHERE: OK20 downstairs
COST: 16 €
DC: Culture tourist with another teekkari cities twist
TO WHOM: For all who loves singing culture and traveling


22.   [NEW] AYY x Kiekko-Espoo: Students’ Hockey Nights 8.3. & 9.3.

What better way to get ready for the upcoming Ice Hockey World Championships than by going to a real ice hockey game! AYY’s Community Section Aava is organizing a joint trip open to all Aalto students to the Kiekko-Espoo games offered by the city of Espoo on Wednesday 8.3. and on Thursday 9.3.!
Kiekko-Espoo plays its last games before the start of the Mestis playoffs, so now is the right time to go cheer on our local team!
The games are as follows:
8.3. Kiekko-Espoo vs Iisalmen Peli-Karhut at 18:30
9.3. Kiekko-Espoo vs Roki at 18:30
Before the games, it’s also good to get to gather as a gang and talk a little about the upcoming games with some refreshments. Therefore, pre-games will be organized on both days at 17:00 at a location to be specified later. A more detailed distribution of tickets will be announced closer to the date.
Sign up via the following link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=0377CHYR0EKKo6ccnH8geugoqPJtpQhJk1_pDwToXWJUM0xZRkNVVVQ4T0o2MldUTkpMTU8yOTI1Mi4u
You can registrate for both games if you wish.

What: AYY x Kiekko-Espoo: Students’ Hockey Nights
Where: Espoo Metro arena, Urheilupuistontie 3
When: on Wednesday 8.3. and on Thursday 9.3 at 6:30 p.m., pre-game at 5 p.m
Why: Free hockey!
DC: Overalls with a ice hockey twist


23.   [NEW] FSE Volleyball Championships

After a long break, the FSE Volleyball Championships are here again! The Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Tampereen Teekkareiden Lentopallokerho (TTLK) will organise the volleyball FSE Championships at the University of Tampere campuses in Hervanta, Tamppi Arena and in the city centre, Atalpa building on 15.-16.4. 2023.
The games will be played in three divisions: men’s, women’s and hobby. The hobby series is for mixed teams.
Registration is open from 20.2.-24.3. and there are 8 team places in the men’s and women’s competition series and 12 in the hobby series. In addition, there must be at least one woman on the court for the entire match in the hobby series. There will always be 2 sets in each game, except in the finals, where there will be a best-of-three format.
The entry fee for each series is 100€/team, which includes 15€ OLL handling fees.
If the person paying the participation fee is different from the contact person or if the fee is paid from a club account, for example, please send an e-mail to: markku.rantahalvari@oll.fi

Accommodation and meals:
TTLK will have accommodation for couple fastest teams near the Hervanta
campus. For more information and reservations, please contact the
accommodation officer (emma.salli@tuni.fi) during the registration period.

There is the possibility to eat at student-friendly prices at the following
places: Hervanta, City centre.
OLL accident insurance:
All persons belonging to OLL member associations are covered by accident insurance on behalf of OLL. Further information can be found here.
Both venues are fully accessible.

Contact information:
FSE Competition Officer(rules, quotas, venues, etc. practical matters)
Laura Ala-Hakuni laura.ala-hakuni@tuni.fi 0503058121
Accommodation Officer: Emma Salli emma.salli@tuni.fi
Harassment contact person: Salla Partanen
You can follow the information about the championships on TTLK’s instagram as well as on the website


24.   [NEW] The Munajahti of Hankkijat 29.3.

The reeds are buzzing… Are YOU ready??
The Munajahti of Hankkijat is coming back on March 29, and it’s bigger than ever! The mythological pike chicken has once again laid her orange eggs in the warmth of pubs and bars near the orange-colored tracks of Espoo and Helsinki…
The location of the eggs can only be found out by solving mysterious clues, so get your cognition in order! Waiting at the checkpoints are the Pike Chicken Envoys, who will offer a hint to the next checkpoint, although only after the team has completed a task ever so whimsical.
Munajahti is also a team sport where Wonderful Prizes are awarded. So a) the fastest and b) most inventive team gets a chest full of glitteringgold… or at least something equally great!
The event includes, of course, a good old Afterparty @OK20 downstairs. Otakaari 20 also serves as the starting point (the first clue can be fetched between 16-18) and as the finish line.

Ticket sales (6€ / 8€ with overall badge) start *on 6.3. at 12:00* here. So remember to stalk kide.app like a preying
hawk, or the ticket may be out of your reach… Attention! All team members must buy their own ticket!
Remember to also join our Telegram info channel at http://t.me/munajahti
What: Munajahti
Huh? 3-in-1 checkpoint tour / treasure hunt / bar crawl
When: 29.3.2023 starting at 16
Where: Starting at the big side of Otakaari 20
Costs: 6€ / 8€ tinyurl.com/munajahti2023


25.   [NEW] Rainbow Pong by Aalto Beer Pong x GAYY 11.3

Get ready to experience the most dazzling Beer Pong tournament ever! Aalto Beer Pong and GAYY’s Rainbow Pong is a shiny event which will take your game to the next level. Compete against the best, or come for the fun. The afterparty will keep anyone entertained with karaoke and good company! Join us for a night of unforgettable fun, excitement, and glitter!
The event is free and open for anyone to come and spectate, participation in the tournament costs 6€/team. Registration opens on 3.3. at 12:00.
More info and registration form can be found here: https://abp.ayy.fi/ilmo/event/9. See you soon!
What: A Beer Pong tournament
Where: OK20 upstairs
When: Saturday 11.3., games begin at 17:30



26.   Metsä Group’s open positions and international internships

Join Metsä Group to make a better future! Explore our efficient production plants, where we manufacture cutting edge products from the world’s best raw material, renewable northern wood. Continuous product development and innovation are key elements of our business. We offer diverse and responsible summer jobs all over Finland. You can develop your skills in areas such as production, sourcing and logistics, production planning, technical marketing, IT or customer service. Apply for summer jobs by TOMORROW 28 February 2023! www.metsagroup.com/summerjobs

International internships:
Are you interested in a summer internship outside Finland? Metsä Group has opened 6 international internships at our mills in Sweden, Germany, Poland and Slovakia! It is a 2–4-month long internship for engineering students in Finland – travel expenses and accommodation are also covered. English is the only language requirement. Check out these opportunities, and hop on an international career!


27.   Summer Trainee positions at Murata

Are you a student with a technical background looking for a summer internship?
Check out www.muratafinland.com/#positions to see all the open positions we have to offer! At Murata, our goal is to contribute to the advancement of society with innovative sensor technology that makes driving safer and improves quality of life. This summer, we are offering a wide range of interesting summer trainee positions to students with a technical background and a passion for cutting-edge technology. In Finland, we design, develop and manufacture accelerometers, inclinometers and gyro sensors based on the company’s proprietary 3D MEMS technology. These sensors are used to measure things such as acceleration, inclination, vibration and pressure.

For Summer 2023, we offer the following summer internship positions:
• Summer Trainee, Process Development, Assembly
• Summer Trainee, MEMS Design, R&D
• Summer Trainee, Test Software Development
• Summer Trainee, ASIC Design, R&D
• Summer Trainee, Failure Analysis
• Summer Trainee, Process Development
• Summer Trainee, Test Design Engineer, MEMS Test Development
• Summer Trainee, Test Engineer, MEMS Test Development
• Summer Trainee, Embedded System Development

These summer internships are an excellent opportunity for students eager to enhance their professional skills in a challenging and fascinating environment. As a Murata summer trainee you will be working in one of our many specialist teams contributing to the development and manufacturing of our products. You will be working with some of the brightest minds in the field who are always willing to share their knowledge with you. Our products are used in applications where reliability and high accuracy is critical. With our technology cars stay in their lanes, people’s hearts keep beating and bridges don’t collapse. One of our goals is to enable safe autonomous driving with our products, and we are constantly looking for new talents to help us achieve this ambition. Interested? Head over to our website www.muratafinland.com and apply for our summer internships through our website by TOMORROW 28th February 2023. Please act quickly, as the positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.


28.   [NEW] eniferBio Summer Trainee positions

Microbes, fermentation, or synthetic biology your thing? Find stainless steel tanks, fungal growth kinetics or genome editing fascinating? You could just be the Summer trainee (2 positions) we are looking for! eniferBio is a Finnish biotech start-up founded in 2020 as a spin-off company from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. We develop revolutionary novel protein ingredients based on unique Finnish innovation – the PEKILO® process. Our proprietary continuous fermentation solution allows us to produce high-value inputs to the feed, petfood and food sectors. For the past two years, we have been honing our approach, and are now, after raising Series A funding, ready to take over the world.

To join us our mission, we are currently looking to hire two Summer trainees to join our rapidly growing team. In our labs in Peuraniitty, Espoo, we are taking fungal fermentation to the next level. You would be joining an experienced group of biotech scientists and entrepreneurs to either carry out bioprocess research (one position) or microbial strain development (one position) together with the team.

What we expect from you:

-Bioprocess engineering or Biotechnology student in the Master’s phase

-Some experience in aseptic working procedures and bioprocessing or molbio laboratory work and strain engineering

-Proactive and flexible working attitude

-Willingness to occasionally assist in bioprocessing work and sample collection during weekends and holiday seasons

What we offer you:

-Full time laboratory work (3-4 months) in bioprocess or fungal strain development + possibility to part-time weekend work in spring/autumn

-Passionate and highly motivated co-workers and dynamic working environment in

a start-up where change is the only constant

-Flexible working hours

Interested? Please submit your CV and motivation letter to info@eniferbio.fi. For more information contact Ville Pihlajaniemi 040 143 9379 (bioprocess research) or Anssi Rantasalo 040 589 8354 (strain development). The position will be filled once a

suitable person is found.


29.   Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Happy Monday! New courses mean new things, and soon it is summer, yay! This week’s cliché is directly (translated) from a postcard I received recently: “Imagination allows. Dreams dare. I accomplish.”


Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram