
The decisions that concern the members of the Association of Process Engineering Students are made in several administrative bodies of the School of Chemical Engineering. These include the Chemical Engineering Degree Programme Committee, Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering and the steering groups of departments.

Our association’s interests are monitored by student representatives aka hallopeds, which are appointed by AYY. The call for student representatives is every autumn and no previous experience is needed! If you are interested, don’t hesitate to apply!


Chemical Engineering Degree Programme Committee

The degree programme committee puts forth proposals to the school academic committee on the degree programme curricula, degree requirements and admission criteria. It also decides on the development of the degree programmes, assuring the quality of teaching and the processing of feedback, as well as appoints the persons approving bachelor’s theses and decides on the topics, supervisor, and advisor(s) for the master’s theses and evaluates the master’s theses.

Members: Ella Haravuori, Konsta Laajalehto, Esko Rae
Deputies: Elmo Eskelinen, Ellen Järvinen, Ronja Korhonen

Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering

The academic committee makes proposals on school-specific curriculum, degree requirements, admission requirements and other matters relating to academic activities. It also decides on the arrangements for the conferral of degrees and the conferral of the title of Honorary Doctor.

Members: Elmo Eskelinen, Ronja Korhonen, Henna Liljanko
Deputies: Santeri Kämäräinen, Konsta Laajalehto, Esko Rae

Steering groups of the Departments of the School of Chemical Engineering:

The financial and administerial matters of the departments are managed by the steering groups of the departments.

Steering group of the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems (BIO2)

Member: Konsta Laajalehto
Deputy: Santeri Kämäräinen

Steering group of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science (CMAT)

Member: Hanna Kujanpää
Deputy: Esko Rae

Steering group of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (CMET)

Member: Henna Liljanko
Deputy: Esko Rae

School of Chemical Engineering Management Group

The members of the School of Chemical Engineering Management Team are the dean, vice deans, heads of the school’s departments and the school’s services. The management team provides a platform for discussing operative matters and preparing issues for decision-making in other bodies.

Member: Hanna Kujanpää
Deputy: Umer Amin

Doctoral Programme Committee in Chemical Engineering

The doctoral programme committee shall develop the content of the doctoral programmes and the joint studies offered by the school, put forth proposals to the school academic committee on the fields of research in doctoral programmes and prepare proposals for the dean on admission of doctoral students. The Doctoral Programme Committee also handles the administrative side of dissertations such as decides on the permission for public defence of dissertations and evaluates the dissertations.

Member: Member not selected

School of Chemical Engineering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

The EDI committee promotes the sustainable social and cultural development as well as the equality, diversity and inclusions acts of the school. The committee also participates in the yearly EDI meeting arranged by the university’s EDI committee.

Member: Emilia Porttinen
Deputy: Member not selected

School of Chemical Engineering Student Marketing Group

The student marketing group of the School of Chemical Engineering includes representatives of the study services and communications of the School and a representative of Aalto University marketing. The marketing group discusses how the School of Chemical Engineering should reach new students.

Member: Ella Haravuori
Deputy: Saimi Teräväinen

Teaching Competence Assessment Committee – School of Chemical Engineering (TCAC)

The dean-appointed committee evaluates applicants’ teaching skills in the recruitment and advancement stages of their career paths. The assessment is made on the basis of teaching portfolios, teaching samples and interviews, using the common operating methods of all Aalto schools.

Members: Viti Hirvenoja, Santeri Kämäräinen
Deputies: Hanna Kujanpää, Tiiu Näränen

More information about hallopeds can be found here.