
Ella Haravuori
Harassment contact person
TG: ellaharavuori

Maria Jussila
Harassment contact person
TG: mariajussila

Naomi kaura
Harassment contact person
TG: naomikaura

Joona Pystynen
Harassment contact person
TG: chemtigerman

Mariina Tikka
Harassment contact person
TG: tikkarii
Prosessiteekkarit ry wishes to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all participants in the association’s activities, regardless of any mental or physical characteristics, and therefore does not tolerate harassment in any form. To this end, the association has a Code of Conduct, to which everyone participating in the association’s activities is expected to follow. In cases of non-compliance with the code, the association has the right to impose disciplinary measures in accordance with the code. A translation of the association’s Code of Conduct can be accessed here.
To promote equality, the association has harassment contact persons. They are the first point of contact for people involved in the association’s activities to report any incidents of harassment. The harassment contact person can be contacted if you experience or witness harassment in the association’s activities, and you can also discuss general equality issues with them. Harassment contact persons can be identified in PT events by their rainbow sashes.
Harassment situations in a nutshell
- Harassment is not the fault of the person experiencing it and nobody should have to be alone with it. It is important that incidents of harassment are brought to the attention of harassment contact persons.
- If you are being harassed or witness harassment, try to make it clear to the harasser that you find their behavior disturbing.
- If the situation persists, contact a harassment contact person or the event organizer. You can contact them even if you are not sure whether the situation you are experiencing is harassment.
- If you are witnessing harassment and the situation might pass by the time you contact a harassment contact person or event organizer, it is always better to intervene than to stand by and watch. However, remember to behave in a civilized manner! If you don’t want to intervene alone, you can take a friend with you.
- If you suspect a crime, contact the police. It is not your job to find out whether a crime has been committed, a suspicion is enough.
- If your own behavior is brought to your attention, think about your behavior and how it affects the other person’s student experience. Be willing to apologize.
reporting harassment
- You can report harassment to any of the association’s harassment contact persons in person or via Telegram. All reported cases are investigated.
- When contacting a harassment contact person at an event, the harassment contact person will aim to guide the affected person to a quiet and calm space.
- In this space, the affected person will be able to discuss the matter.
- The discussion is completely confidential and the harassment contact person will not share the conversation with any outsider without the permission of the affected person.
- Reporting the harassment does not oblige the person to take any further action, the person can also simply come and discuss the matter.
- Depending on the seriousness of the situation, the following measures, among others, may be considered:
- Informing the suspected harasser that their actions have been perceived as harassing. All parties involved in the situation will be consulted in a non-biased manner and any discussions will remain between the harassment contact person and the parties involved.
- The harassment contact person will refer and guide the person experiencing harassment to other sources of help, such as AYY harassment contact persons, health services or the authorities. However, the decision to approach any of the above is always made by the person experiencing harassment.
- With the permission of the subject of harassment, the harassment contact person will inform the board of the incident so that disciplinary action can be taken against the person who has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct in accordance with section 3 of the Code of Conduct.
If harassment occurs at teaching-related events or by Aalto University staff, contact Anni Rintala, the Manager of Academic Affairs of the School of Chemical Engineering.
becoming a Harassment contact person
Are you interested in becoming a harassment contact person? Please email the chairman of the board at puheenjohtaja(at)prosessiteekkarit.fi. Please answer the following questions in the email:
- Why do you want to be a harassment contact person?
- What do you think are the duties and responsibilities of a harassment contact person?
- The responsibilities of a harassment contact person involve being present at association events, such as sitsis and the annual party. How often would you be able to act as a harassment contact person at such events?
After sending an application, the applicant will be invited for an interview. The post is open-ended, i.e. it is up to the harassment contact person to decide how long they will stay in the role. No previous experience is required as the selected harassment contact persons will be trained for the role.