Reimbursement of expenses allows you to claim back the money you have spent on the association’s needs. From 1.11.2024 onwards, you can apply for reimbursements to the association at However, expense reimbursements in pdf format will continue to be accepted until the end of 2024.
If you have any questions regarding expense reimbursements or other financial matters, please contact the treasurer by email rahastonhoitaja(at) or via telegram @emmipekkola.
Instructions for reimbursement forms
Please fill in your full name, bank account number, phone number and email address to track the processing of your expense claim. If your bank is foreign (not a bank operating in Finland) please contact the treasurer after filling out the form. Due to the association’s banks requierements, additional information is needed in order to transfer money overseas.
Please fill in the expense claim form carefully, giving a clear description of each expense and mentioning any event related to the expense. To be eligible for reimbursement, the reimbursement form must be duly completed and supporting documents (receipt or other documents mentioned below) must be attached to the each expense.
Several separate expenses can be attached to the same form. In this case, however, please note that each separate receipt must be added to the form as a separate item, and always make sure to attach the receipt corresponding to each item and purchase.
Scan your receipt using your phone’s scanning app or attach it as an image to the form in jpg, png or pdf format. You can easily scan your receipt by for example using a scanning app you can download to your phone, the Notes app on your iPhone or the Google Drive app. Please make sure that all the information on the receipt is clearly legible.
When paying for a reimbursable purchase online (including, please attach an order confirmation or receipt to the form, as well as a receipt from your online bank. A separate receipt from most online banks will work well as a receipt.
Please note that personal club or bonus cards should not be used when paying due to tax reasons. Alcohol can only be reimbursed for purchases made in Finland. When purchasing from an individual, please contact the association’s treasurer first for instructions on how to document the purchase.
The reimbursement form in pdf format can be found here.
reimbursement form