Hello again members!

Welcome to an additional associations’s meeting of the Association of Process Engineering Students on Wednesday the 2nd of August 2023 starting at 18:00. The meeting will take place at the Livingroom of Teekkari Village (Kylän Olohuone). (Jämeräntaival 5 A, 02150 Espoo). In order to get the meeting started on time, please arrive early. Since Finnish is the statutory language of the association, the meeting will be held mostly in Finnish. However, questions can always be asked and answered in English. Entrance is either from the JMT 5A door or directly through the Livingroom’s own backdoor from JMT5 courtyard.  

Before and after the meeting we will also have an after work event. You can arrive to grill your own sausages etc already at 17:00 and the event continues after the meeting in the same place. PT will warm the grill and offer ketchup and mustard.

We will cover the suggestions to change the rules of the association (yhdistyksen säännöt) and also associatioation’s guideline for the forming of the board (hallituksen muodostamisen ohjesääntö). Additionally, we will cover the proposal for a new guideline: Code of Conduct (yhdenvertaisuusohjesääntö). The suggestions for new rules and guidelines can be found (unforunately only in Finnish) from the attachments of the email sent to the member list. 


Meeting agenda:

1. Opening
2. Verification of legality and quorum of the meeting
3. Organization of the meeting
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Course of action
6. Announcements
7. The board’s situational report
8. Proposal of changes to the rules of the association
9. Proposal of changes to association’s guideline for the forming of the board
10. Proposal of Code of Conduct
11. Other matters
12. Ending the meeting

Best regards,

Eveliina Palo

Chair of the Board 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
+358 404167892 | puheenjohtaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi