Merit Badges

The merit badge regulations for Association of Process Engineering Students were approved in the fall of 2014, and the first acknowledgments were given at the annual celebration of 2015 in Lämmönsiirto III.

Each year, a merit badge committee is established to prepare a proposal for the recipients of badges and recognitions.

Quoting from the association’s merit badge regulations:


“The merit badges of the Association of Process Engineering students (later referred to as association) are, in ascending order of value, the honorable mention, silver and gold merit badges, and the ProTekijä badge. In addition, honorary membership serves as a badge of merit and the member identifier is a membership pin.

The association’s merit badges are worn similar to academic achievement and honor badges. The membership pin may be worn whenever representing the association in official events, such as annual celebrations or excursions. The membership pin is attached to the left lapel of the attire. Merit badges are worn on a ribbon of merit, with only the highest-ranking badge being displayed.”

The recognitions for Association of Process Engineering students include:


The ribbon of merit is approximately 30 mm wide and is colored in the official colors of the association, green and silver. The heraldic description of the ribbon is as follows: the ratio of the ribbon and colors is approximately 8 mm – 4 mm – 8 mm – 10 mm, with the order of colors being green-silver-green-silver.

The wider silver stripe is positioned at the bottom when wearing the ribbon. The ribbon of merit is worn from the right shoulder down to the left hip. The ribbon should not touch bare skin. It can also be worn as a rosette with an evening gown or formal dress, in which case it is worn on the right lapel of the attire, with the wider silver stripe at the bottom and to the right.

The honorable mention

The honorable mention is the association’s ribbon of merit. It is a recognition for meritorious actions benefiting the association, displaying an encouraging attitude, and uplifting the spirit of the association. Primarily, the honorable mention can be awarded to a current or former member of the association, but the merit badge committee may propose its granting as a token of appreciation to a community or an individual not a member of the association. There is no limit to the number of honorable mentions that can be awarded.

Silver merit badge

The Silver Merit Badge is a silver emblem, approximately 25×30 mm in size, shaped like the symbol of the association. It is presented and worn on the association’s ribbon of merit. The Silver Merit Badge is a recognition for meritorious actions benefiting the association, displaying an encouraging attitude, uplifting the spirit of the association, and for sustained and significant contributions to the association through long-term efforts. Silver merit badges may be awarded up to a maximum of three (3) per year, but more may be awarded for justified reasons. The Silver Merit Badge can be awarded to a current or former member of the association.

Golden merit badge

The Golden Merit Badge is a gold emblem, approximately 25×30 mm in size, shaped like the symbol of the association. It is presented and worn on the association’s ribbon of merit. The Golden Merit Badge is a recognition for meritorious actions benefiting the association, displaying an encouraging attitude, and uplifting the spirit of the association. Additionally, it signifies exceptionally long-term and comprehensive contributions, as well as a significant commitment to the association. Golden merit badges may be awarded up to a maximum of one (1) per year, but more may be awarded for justified reasons. The Golden Merit Badge can be awarded to a current or former member of the association.


ProTekijä is a gold emblem, approximately 25×30 mm in size, shaped like the emblem of the association, with a silver laurel wreath below. The emblem is presented and worn attached to the association’s ribbon of merit.

In addition, two boiling flasks are distributed in connection with ProTekijä: one for the recipient to keep and another for use as a drinking glass at the association’s annual celebrations. The bottle used at the annual celebrations is retained in the association’s possession. The glass bottle is made of glass and is placed on a pedestal. The pedestal is engraved with the recipient’s name, consecutive numbering, and the year of award. The bottle given to the recipient is smaller in volume than the version used at the annual celebrations.

ProTekijä is the highest merit badge of the association. It is a recognition for meritorious actions benefiting the association, displaying an encouraging attitude, uplifting the spirit of the association, and for exceptionally long-term and comprehensive contributions. Additionally, it signifies an exceptionally significant commitment to the well-being of the association and its members, as well as clear and active efforts in advancing the goals of the association. ProTekijä may be awarded up to a maximum of one (1) per year for particularly weighty and justified reasons. It can be awarded to a current or former member of the association.


The association may also have honorary members, and honorary membership is defined in the association’s regulations. An honorary member enjoys the same benefits as other members of the association at any given time, such as the opportunity to participate in events organized by the association. An honorary member is presented with a certificate of honor upon receiving the recognition. Two (2) certificates of honor are issued, with one being archived.



Golden merit badge

  • Oona Hanska
  • Janika Hart
  • Taru Jormakka
  • Juhani Rahikka

Silver merit badge

  • Julia Alajoki
  • Laura Lukkarila
  • Joona Pystynen
  • Niko Saastamoinen
  • Sara Siivola
  • Jaakko Sääskilahti
  • Olli Tunkelo
  • Jere Vänskä

The honorable mention

  • Pinja Heikkinen
  • Toni Heinilä
  • Anna Ihamuotila
  • Otto Joutsiniemi
  • Julia Jänkävaara
  • Kai Karvetti
  • Leevi Lamminjoki
  • Onni Lehtikuja
  • Rudolf Nikander
  • Veikka Wiksten

Golden merit badge

  • Valtteri Siira

Silver merit badge

  • Oona Hanska
  • Juhani Rahikka

The honorable mention

  • Jussu Hämynen
  • Leevi Kosonen
  • Niilo Kostiander
  • Sebastian Nikolov
  • Eveliina Palo
  • Atte Reunanen
  • Laura Virtanen

Golden merit badge

  • Krista Lindqvist

Silver merit badge

  • Janika Hart
  • Taru Jormakka
  • Milja Koskela
  • Perttu Saarela

The honorable mention

  • Laura Lukkarila
  • Sasu Pasanen
  • Iiro Peuhkuri
  • Ottilia Romana
  • Linh Tong
  • Olli Tunkelo


  • Kristiina Kruus

Golden merit badge

  • Jani Anttila

Silver merit badge

  • Krista Lindqvist

The honorable mention

  • Leila Arstila
  • Oona Hanska
  • Peetu Ilola
  • Milja Koskela
  • Ville Lindström
  • Anna Pasonen
  • Joona Pystynen
  • Jaakko Sääskilahti

Golden merit badge

  • Jakke Anttila
  • Mauri Kostiainen

Silver merit badge

  • Elisa Juvonen
  • Jenina Noki

The honorable mention

  • Liisalotta Erämies
  • Anna He
  • Juho Hentman
  • Sara Kalima
  • Kasper Nurmi
  • Outotec & UPM
  • Jere Vänskä

Golden merit badge

  • Juho Tamminen
  • Janne-Joonas “J-J” Tiitinen

Silver merit badge

  • Riikka Hammar
  • Werneri Huhtinen
  • Mika Sahlman

The honorable mention

  • Minerva Huovari
  • Inka Lehtimäki
  • Erkka Pehto
  • Elina Pitkäranta
  • Verna Repka
  • Marja Rinne
  • Perttu Saarela
  • Saana Sainio

Golden merit badge

  • Kia Lehti
  • Janne Stubb

Silver merit badge

  • Jakke Anttila
  • Riina Aromaa
  • Heidi Korhonen

The honorable mention

  • Elisa Alasuvanto
  • Reetta Hassinen
  • Juhani Heimo
  • Risto Hertzberg
  • Piia Iivonen
  • Jenina Noki
  • Elina Makkonen
  • Johanna Kuronen
  • Alex Villa

Silver merit badge

  • Koskinen Lauri
  • Lehti Kia

The honorable mention

  • Honkanen Elina
  • Kumin Milla
  • Lehtiniemi Iiro
  • Metsälä Antti
  • Rentto Lauri

Golden merit badge

  • Kiviluoma Mikko
  • Laine Mikko
  • Lundell Laura

Silver merit badge

  • Poikkimäki Sakari
  • Potka Ella

The honorable mention

  • Hakaste Iiris
  • Jyrkiäinen (os. Stenman) Emilia
  • Lahti Pia
  • Lommi Jukka
  • Nurmi Samu
  • Viertiö Tyko
  • Wuokko Mikko