- Information about events in 2022 – Updated 10.1.2022
- PT x TiK regular sport sessions
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- The Association’s PauseTime
- Kesäkuntoon 2022
- IK x PT Senior Wappu Sitsit 26.4.
- The tent of Prosessiteekkarit and association’s Wappu Champagne at Ullanlinnanmäki 1.5.
- Board meetings in 2022
- PT’s feedback form
- Wappu-spirited Singing Sauna 26.4.
- Aaltoes’ Vappu Van 27.4. and 28.4.
- Wappu Exchange 28.4.
- Fuksispeksit 29.4.
- Tour de Walpuri 29.4.
- Wappufestarit 29.4.
- Dipolis’ Wappu 30.4.
- TEK-ferry to Ullis 1.5.
- AYY goes AATU 5.5.
- Tour de Terde 2022
- Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022
- T150 – Teekkari Point Card
- Radiodiodi
- Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
26.4. IK x PT Senior Wappu Sitsit
26.4. Wappu-spirited Singing Sauna
27.4. Just-because-sillis
28.4. Wappu Exchange
29.4. Fuksispeksit
29.4. Tour de Walpuri
29.4. Wappufestarit
30.4. Dipoli’s Wappu
1.5. TEK-ferry to Ullis
1.5. Association’s Wappu Champagne at Ullis
1. Information about events in 2022 – Updated 10.1.2022
The board of PT decided in the meeting held on 10.1. that the association will follow all regulations and recommendations of the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish institute for health and welfare, university and Student Union in its events.
2. PT x TiK regular sport sessions
Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play floorball or basketball with TiK and other PT members. On the first time we’ll be playing basketball. After that, the sport will change every week between floorball and basketball.
3. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
4. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
5. The Association’s PauseTime
Looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Take a well-deserved break and come to the pHuone to participate in Association’s PauseTime! ????☕️
Common PauseTimes will be organized every Wednesday from 16:00 onwards. Any exceptions will be announced. From 16:00 to 18:00, there will always be someone from the board so you can for example easily buy overall patches during that time. Depending on the wishes of the people present, the break can be spent by playing games, having chit chat with a nice cup of coffee/tee on the side or even watching a film. However, the playstation is having a break too during the PauseTime so the sofa area and TV are free for the common use and we can all focus on each other. Come to meet old and new PT-friends and make yourself at home in the association’s living room!
This week there will be some doughnuts!
WHAT: The Association’s PauseTime
WHERE: pHuone/Process Room, Kemistintie 1 D 2
WHEN: Every Wednesday from 16:00.
6. Kesäkuntoon 2022
Summer is approaching and for the third year in a row, it’s time to get back into healthy habits! Kesäkuntoon is a phrase loosely translated to “summer fitness”, used in the context of getting fit for summer. The four weeks long event is a type of friendly competition between different teams and also between the guilds TiK vs. PT!
In the competition as you complete small life and health improving tasks you’ll collect points for your own team and guild. At the end of the campaign the best teams and the better guild will be rewarded!
“But!” I hear you saying, “I’m not athletic? What do you mean ‘summer fitness’? I can’t even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath!” Well, fear not! For as many points as can be gathered through sports and fitness, you can gather just as many from things that have nothing to do with moving your body, like sleeping or meditating!
Are you ready to turn your life around?
Join the official Telegram chat of the competition to take part in the competition and to get more info and tips: https://t.me/+4ggBtMfTgv9iODY8
Registration, entering and traking points etc. is all done through a Telegram bot: @kesakuntoon_bot
provided to us by our amazing friends!
What: Kesäkuntoon 2022
When: 4.4. – 1.5.
Where: Anywhere you want!
Why: To maintain healthier lifestyle and compete against the other guild and teams
Price: Free!
7. IK x PT Senior Wappu Sitsit 26.4.
It’s time to celebrate Wappu between IK and PT’s seniors (2+)! So head to Smökki on Tuesday 26.4. with the spirit of Wappu and overalls with the most fancy wappu gadgets!!
There are 180 seats for the first registrant, so be quick! The sign-up begins on Tuesday 12.4. at 21:00 and will close on 19.4. at 23.55 while becoming obligatory. The sign-up link: http://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/146
WHAT? Senior Wappu Sitsit
WHERE? Smökki
WHEN? 26.4.2022
PRICE? 13€
DC? Overalls with the most fancy wappu gadgets
WHY? Wappu & IK!!
8. The tent of Prosessiteekkarit and association’s Wappu Champagne at Ullanlinnanmäki 1.5.
PT’s tent will be again, after a few years, found at Ullis at Vappu Day! Association’s Wappu Masters are offering snacks and drinks for members of the association together with IK. At the tents there will be both sweet and salty refreshments. Picture will be taken together with all Prosessiteekkaris at 13.30, and also there will be some sparkling wine. The tent can be found at Ullis from 11 to 18. Come say hi and bring your own champagne glass!
9. Board meetings in 2022
The board meetings are on Mondays at 8:00 and you are all welcome to follow! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.
10. PT’s feedback form
Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.
11. Study feedback
Hi all!
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.
If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.
For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Mariina through:
- Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
- Telegram: @mariinatikka
- The anonymous feedback form
For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:
KK: @pikkuhart or feedback form
PJK: @ilmarihieta or feedback form
VK: @Janttila or feedback form
More information about student rights can be found here.
12. Just-because-sillis 27.4.
Wappu is coming and so is Chemistry Guild’s Just-because-sillis! Now you get a possibility to enjoy sillis without hangover, so come and enjoy some sauna and sparkling wine, just because! However, if you’re suffering from hangover, delicious sillis foods will make you feel better and give you some energy to survive the rest of the wappu week’s events. So, come to Rantasauna 27.4. at 12.00 and come to enjoy sillis just because!
There will be places for 40 members of Chemistry Guild and 20 members of Prosessiteekkarit.
The sign-up will open 19.4. at 12.00 on Chemistry Guild’s website https://www.kemistikilta.fi/sivut/ilmot?id=muutevaa22&lang=en and close 24.4. at 23.59. The sillis costs 10 euros and will be paid upon arrival in cash. The sign-up is binding after it has closed.
WHAT: Just-because-sillis
WHERE: Rantasauna
WHEN: 27.4. 12.00 ->
DC: Comfy sillis clothes
13. CHEM Band
The CHEM Band has now been formed, but this doesn’t mean you still can’t join!
The group was founded to provide a space for CHEM students who want to play music. The only requirements to join are:
– Membership of at least one CHEM guild/association
– Basic ability with instrument(s)
and most importantly,
– An eagerness to play and collaborate
If you’re interested, please contact @sakarisyvaniemi on TG. The first song-workshop will be held after exam week.
14. Wappu-spirited Singing Sauna 26.4.
Do you yearn to sing during Wappu? Can you feel the awakening of Wappu’s spirit? Does it feel like Wappu-sitsis didn’t satisfy the need to sing? If you answered yes to any of the questions up above, The Songleader Committee is here to offer salvation. Join us in the Wappu-spirit-lifting Singing Sauna in Rantasauna on 26th of April at 6 pm. The evening is filled with songs, sauna, karaoke and a chilled atmosphere. There’s even refreshments available for cash! Admission to the event is free and open for the whole Aalto community. The hot tub is warm and the grill hot for the entire evening! The grill is in public use, so bring your own food and start the grilling season! Grab your friends, food, towels, and head towards the most song filled event of Wappu!
What: Wappu-spirited Singing Sauna
Where: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
When: Tuesday 26.4. at 6 pm
What it costs: free!
Why: Singing and Wappu!
- You can easily make it to the event after the Polytechnic choir’s Hura Hurraa Hoi -concert. That event can be found from this address: https://facebook.com/events/s/hura-hurraa-hoi-teekkarilauluk/995812407716760/
15. Aaltoes’ Vappu Van 27.4. and 28.4.
Aaltoes’ Vappu Van is back! ????
On Wednesday 27.4. and Thursday 28.4., we’ll be serving doughnuts and sima in the spirit of Vappu! Check out our Vappu Van’s schedule and make sure to stop by for some Vappu treats.
Wednesday 27.4.
11:00-14:00 Otakaari 1 F, Otaniemi
15:00-18:00 Jämeräntaival 5-6, Otaniemi
Thursday 28.4.
9:00-11:30 Otakaari 1 F, Otaniemi
12:00-13:30 Atlantinkatu, Jätkäsaari
14:30-15:30 Muotoilijankatu, Arabianranta
16:00-17:00 Pietari Kalmin katu, Kumpula
16. Wappu Exchange 28.4.
It’s time to party, when the bus full of Otaniemi students goes to Hervanta on 28.4. to check Tampere wappu happenings. The day is full of priceless moments you don’t want to miss! The bus leaves from Otaniemi at 9am and returns home around 4am. Only 60 fastest will get their places on the bus, so act fast!
Ticket price is 30€ including tansports and the after party. Tickets will be available on Kide.app on Thursday 14.4. at 12pm: https://kide.app/events/1162a5c3-94c4-4884-ae87-f9cc8a8ee66b
Event is organized in cooperation with Teekkari Union of Tampere!
Wappu Exchange follows Aalto University Student Union’s (AYY) Safer Space Policy. Event aims to be equal and comfortable for everyone. If you see or experience inappropriate conduct, you have the right to intervene in the situation. If you wish, you can also get in touch with AYY’s harassment contact persons hairinta@ayy.fi
17. Fuksispeksit 29.4.
The Fuksispeksis of the 2022 Fuksipeijaiset are here!
In the Fuksispeksis the teams of Fuksipeijaiset perform spectacles that they have created themselves as a part of the 2022 Fuksipeijaiset. Fuksispeksis are each more inventive performances than the others which the freshmen have prepared not for only their own, but for the whole community’s joy and glee. Come with your friends and enjoy the ingenious performances of the young and bold! Remember to keep your spirits high but don’t take them with you in a bottle – bringing your own alcoholic beverages to the University’s premises is strictly forbidden.
The Fuksispeksis are held in Dipoli in the Kaleva Hall on Friday 29th of April at 4:00 PM. The doors of Kaleva Hall will be open for audience at 3:30 PM. Let laughter and shouts of Omstart! echo in the hallways of Dipoli. Let there be cheer and goodwill from the crowd towards all performers.
For the half-time show, we have an unbelievable show by Teekkarispeksi!
Arrive to Dipoli and bring with you your excellent sense of humour, a couple of well timed Omstart! shouts and a large portion of freshman mindness and prepare to enjoy the product of the minds, creativity and hard work of the freshmen.
After the fuksispeksis the beginning of Yöjäynä takes place in Alvar’s square at 20:00 sending each team to their nocturnal adventure.
Please notice that the event is mainly in finnish.
18. Tour de Walpuri 29.4.
Tour de Walpuri arrives once again in all its true glory to shock, inspire and unite the whole Otaniemi nation and all Aalto-minded people on the 29th of April. During the evening, the entire Teekkari Village will be taken over by the most massive checkpoint tour of the Walpuri era without comparison. So make sure you haven’t mistakenly come up with anything else to do on 29.4.
The tour starts at 8pm after the Yöjäynä kick-off and lasts until late into the night. If you still have some juice left after the tour, you can continue the evening with the Wappu Festival organized by AaltoDJ and Pelmu.
Registration is not needed, just show up. The tour will happen in teams of 4-10 people. Checkpoint maps will be distributed around Otaniemi on the day of the event. The best teams will be rewarded with great prizes at the Declaration of Wappu rowdiness at Smökki on Wappu Eve.
If you would like to be a checkpoint organizer, you can sign up via this link by 22.4. https://lomake.ayy.fi/…/walpurin-kierros-22-tour-de…/
All are welcome to organize a checkpoint. The best organizers will also be rewarded at the Declaration of Wappu rowdiness and will also receive free use of one of AYY’s one-off saunas for one night in the summer or autumn of the current year.
What: Tour de Walpuri
Where: Otaniemi Night
When: 29.4. from 20:00
Why: Because Wappu is only once a year
19. Wappufestarit 29.4.
What would Wappu be without Wappufestarit?
The student festival held in every Spring, Wappufestarit, is here again. The event is held on Friday the 29th of April, from 9 pm. onwards. The event is 100% free, and act as the official afterparty of Tour De Walpuri. The evening’s entertainment is brought to you by PELMU and Aalto DJ who ensure the feel is nothing but the best. So get your friends, and head to Smökki on the 29th to the most off-the-hook party of the evening! Check it out here: https://fb.me/e/2F4qjloPF
What: Wappufestarit
When: Friday 29th of April from 9 pm. to 2:30 am.
Where: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
Why: because what would Wappu be without Wappufestarit?
20. Dipolis’ Wappu 30.4.
Dipolis Wappu is coming! This is a party you don’t want to miss! ???????? Join the info channel and follow us on instagra so you won’t miss out on the latest information:
Telegram: https://t.me/dipolinwappu
Instagram: @dipolinwappu
The link to the kideapp will be published on the telegram info channel! Ticket sales start tomorrow.
– 19.4. kide.app at 12:00
– 20.4. Undergraduate center 9:00-12:00
– 21.4. Undergraduate center 9:00-12:00
– 22.4. Undergraduate center 16:00-19:00
Tickets are also divided over the four days so they won’t all end on the first day!
You can buy 3 tickets per buyer at the Undergraduate center and 1 ticket per buyer online.
The ticket costs 15€ + overall badge 2€
You can pay with MobilePay or by card
So put on your pants and get tickets to the best party of the year! ????????????
21. TEK-ferry to Ullis 1.5.
Do you want to spend less time in the subway, switching between rail wagons or getting lost with all the bus tracks during your Wappu?
Do you just want to live in the moment and enjoy wappu feeling with your friends and some beautiful scenery of the sea?
Luckily there is TEK-ferry that will take you from Otaranta to Ullanlinnanmäki and back during the Wappu day
All you need to do is enjoy the ride! The event is sponsored this year by Tekniikan Akateemiset (TEK) and there is going to be great views, sparkling refreshments and jolly leisure activities on board
The ferry leaves from Otaranta harbor 1.5. at 9:30 and the return trip will begin at 18:00 from Ullis. Tickets are available at 10€ for the trip or 20€ with a bottle of sparkling included!
The registration is open on Monday 25.4. between 10-14. Out of all entries registered during this window, 100 will be drawn to join us for this unforgettable journey! Everyone lucky enough to be included on the trip will be sent a confirmation email at the latest on the next day 26.4. with payment information and the registration will be verified as soon as the payment is complete.
Link for the registration form: https://forms.gle/j2g96mkGtmmnFLG89
22. AYY goes AATU 5.5.
AYY’s Community Section Aava sells tickets for the AATU riverside pub crawl, including a party bus to Turku and back on Thursday, 5 May!
Buses will leave on Thursday, 5 May, at 11am from Otaniemi and come back from Turku at night at 2.30am (Friday). Tickets cost EUR 35, including a return ticket to Turku and a ticket to the pub crawl. The afterparties will take place at Apollo and Armas, featuring Portion Boys.
Unlike the previous information, the sale of tickets including the pub crawl and transport will start on Tuesday, 5 Apr, at 11 in Kideapp (https://kide.app/events/df5c9205-8a7f-4ccb-bd93-e4f2356faf2f). There is a limited number of tickets, so be fast!
More information on the event can be found on its website: https://aatu.fi/. Come and enjoy Turku in the spring with your friends!
WHAT: AATU riverside pub crawl with transport
WHEN: Thursday, 5 May
WHERE: Turku
WHY: Turku in the spring and party buses!
23. Tour de Terde 2022
What is a better way to start the summer than a terrace crawl? This traditional Finnish activity is now possible with a student-friendly budget at the Tour de Terde crawl 16.5.!
The bars and cafés of Helsinki city centre are serving the hungry and thirsty students both for lunch and after work purposes, since the starting times vary between 14 and 19 pm. When the crawl ends, a mystery artist will entertain the audience at Kaivohuone!
24. Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022
Happy New Year from Nyyti!
This message contains information about upcoming online chats for students, and tools for mental wellbeing and coping in studies. Come join our chats, learn life skills online and share information about events to others, too! Nyyti is a national non-profit organisation that promotes the mental health and learning ability of all students in Finland.
MielenTEKoja-chat is available in English on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. You can chat one-on-one with another university student and get peer support on any topic related to student life, mental wellbeing or study ability. The volunteer on-call counsellors are regular students trained by Nyyti. No matter how big or small your question is, you can bring it here! The chat is anonymous and free of charge.
Enter mielenTEKoja-chat here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/projects/mielentekoja/
Share info about the chat to other English speaking students, too! Feel free to use our ready made content for IG and TikTok: click here!
Our anonymous group chats are open to all students. Chats in English are on Tuesdays at 6–8 p.m. The group chats are a place to share ideas and experiences on a variety of topics related to student life. Once a month, we chat in English.
Upcoming group chats:
Tue 17.5. Can I find my position in working life?
Tue 14.6. How can I find my strengths?
Learn more and join the group chats here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/chat/
Nyyti’s Learn Life Skills website provides you with information, tips and tools which can help you enhance your own wellbeing. The material covers multiple relevant topics, such as time management, study exhaustion, self-esteem and stress etc. Start practising today!
Learn Life Skills in English: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/learn-life-skills/
Read other students’ stories about living and dealing with mental health or life management difficulties. You might find out you are not alone.
Read stories here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/stories/
You are worthy of help and support. See our list of professionals who offer students and young adults help and support in different challenging life situations.
Find help here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/find-help/
25. T150 – Teekkari Point Card
Re-experience the charm of the freshman year as you collect Teekkari points and find out if you can become a HyperSuperTeekkari!
In connection with the Teekkarius150 anniversary, you can complete the Teekkari Point Card, in which you can receive points from many of the already familiar recreations and T150-themed activities. Point cards are distributed at T150 events and are always advertised on Instagram and on the tg-channel. So remember to follow T150 on social media @teekkarius150 (Telegram, Instagram, Facebook).
26. Radiodiodi
What is a Radiodiodi? Radiodiodi is an annual wappu production from Otaniemi, where students have the opportunity to make their own radio programme. Programmes are produced by volunteering Aalto students (even you!). The Radiodiodi team has no clue about the content of the broadcast – we facilitate it, you make it. The activity is free for students and does not require any previous experience. The radio is heard during the broadcast season both online and on FM.
Join Radiodiodi chats on Telegram: https://t.me/radiodiodichat (casual conversation channel) and https://t.me/radiodiodi (info channel).
Follow Radiodiodi at Instagram @radiodiodi.
27. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Heyo! The long-awaited Wappu week is finally here! There were some nice events organized last week and there will be a plenty of great events this week! I had fun time at the croque picnic (I won a game:D) and I am looking forward to the Senior Wappusitsit tomorrow and the wappu picnic at Ullis at Sunday! Hope you all have a amazing Wappu! The cat video of the week.
Kai Karvetti
Spokesperson-secretary 2022 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358505723651 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram