I        PT

  1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
  2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  3. PT’s LinkedIn group
  4. Board meetings in 2023
  5. PT’s feedback form
  6. [NEW] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee
  7. [NEW] Propose members of Prosessiteekkarit community for acknowledgement by Sun 27.8.
  8. [NEW] Lämmönsiirto XI 23.9., sign-up for members opens on Wed 23.8.
  9. [NEW] 2+ Kick-start Sun 27.8.
  10. [NEW] Process Initiation Afterparty Mon 28.8.

II      CHEM

  1. CHEM events Telegram channel
  2. Study feedback
  3. Master’s programmes’ portfolio renewal in the School of Chemical Engineering
  4. [NEW] Chemistry Guild’s CocKKtail Party Tue 29.8.


  1. [NEW] Helsinki Herkkuappro Tue 22.8.
  2. [NEW] Summer Party by Dash Wed 23.8.
  3. [NEW] Smökki Afterwork Wed 23.8.
  4. [NEW] Imago Questionnaire of Finnish Forest Products Engineer’s Association – win a gift card!
  5. [NEW] BioFinland Pitching Competition
  6. [NEW] Product Development Project Course
  7. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Remember to buy membership of PT for this year on Kide.app via this link!

Wed 23.8. Lämmönsiirto XI sign-up for members

Tue 22.8. Helsinki Herkkuappro
Wed 23.8. Smökki Afterparty
Sun 27.8. 2+ Kick-start
Mon 28.8. Process Initiation Afterparty at Milliklubi
Fri 1.9.  PT Season Opening Party


I        PT

1.     PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK and SIK and other PT members. This week there is no session. The sport will change every week. To sign up for today’s sport session click on the following link and follow the guide pictures. No registration needed! http://athletiks.nimenhuuto.com
Please notice that entering the gym and changing rooms now requires a separate pass code. Contact @olenkissamiau to receive yours. A code is valid from 45 minutes before the start of the slot to 45 minutes after the slot has ended. It is prohibited to publicly share any pass codes you have received.


2.     PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email.
The #PT-chat (https://t.me/+rG8LiYRYWl9hZjg0.) will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.

Remember also to join the CHEM Events -info channel, that information about open events held by Chemistry Guild, Forest Products Guild and The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


3.     PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


4.     Board meetings in 2023

Next board meeting is on Tuesday 22.8. at 18.15 at pHuone! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar.


5.     PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


6.     [NEW] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee

The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can no longer be paid at the same time with the enrolment for the academic year and the AYY membership fee. As a result, the membership register of Prosessiteekkarit ry was transferred to the Kide.app service the 2nd of August, 2023. The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can be paid via Kide.app. The membership fee for 2023 is 8 euros. The membership is valid for one year from the date of membership approval, which will be done at the next board meeting after joining.

To become a full member of Prosessiteekkarit ry, a person must also be a member of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), and to ensure this, the Kide.app service will ask for a Haka login to verify student status. Please note that student status can only be verified for one Kide.app account, so please make sure you use the correct account of your choice before logging in. If you are not a member of AYY, you can become an external member of Prosessiteekkarit ry. External membership does not require a valid student status.

To become a member of the association, click here. Please, choose carefully the right type of membership.

As a reminder, the membership is valid until the end of the autumn semester 2023 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.1.–31.5.2023. The membership is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.6.–31.7.2023. In both cases, the data will be transferred from the old membership register to the new one without any action being required from those concerned. If you do not want your data to be transferred to the new register, please contact the administrator of the register immediately by e-mail rahastonhoitaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi.


7.     [NEW] Propose members of Prosessiteekkarit community for acknowledgement by Sun 27.8.

Dear members!
The time has come to propose members of the Prosessiteekkarit community for acknowledgement!   The next badges of merit will be handed out at Lämmönsiirto XI on the 23rd of September. Do you have one or more Prosessiteekkari in mind who you think have done a commendable job in the association and deserve acknowledgement? Your recommendations are valuable information for the Merit Committee and they will all be gone through thoroughly. The committee will gather a presentation of suggested candidates for the board of the association based on the received suggestions.

You can leave your suggestions here. Please send your suggestions by Sunday 27.8.2023. If you wish to send multiple suggestions, please do so by sending separate forms for each candidate. You can familiarise yourself with the association’s guidelines for granting badges of merit here https://prosessiteekkarit.fi/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2022/07/Ansiomerkkiohjesaanto.pdf (Document in Finnish)
Please note that acknowledgements can not be given to the members of the current board or the Merit Committee. If you have questions, you can contact the Merit Committee on Telegram.
Wishing you a nice August

Merit Committee 2023
Jani Anttila
Savinya Hewapathirana
Jussu Hämynen – @jussuhamynen
Atte Reunanen


8.     [NEW] Lämmönsiirto XI 23.9., sign-up for members opens on Wed 23.8.

We warmly welcome you to the 11th Annual Ball of Prosessiteekkarit on Saturday 23.9.2023. The cocktail event will be held in Otaniemi at an address to be specified later, starting at 13:30. At the cocktail event, guests can give their own greetings to the board of Prosessiteekkarit. A more detailed schedule for the order of greetings will be published closer to the celebration, depending on the number of greetings. This year, the dinner party will be celebrated at Ravintola Töölö at Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki. The dinner party starts at 18:00 and bus shuttles leave from the cocktail party to Ravintola Töölö at 16:30 and 17:30. You can also arrive at the venue with your own rides. After the dinner party, bus transportation will be used to go to the after party together. The Lämmönsiirto herring breakfast will be celebrated on Sunday 24.9.2023 in Otaniemi at Otakaari 20 from 12:00 onwards. The dress code at the Annual Ball is white tie with academic honors. A dinner ticket for Lämmönsiirro dinner party costs 95 € for students and 120 € for others. The dinner card includes the cocktail event, the gala dinner and the after party. A ticket for the herring breakfast can be bought when registering for the dinner party for 12 €. Member registration for Lämmönsiirto starts on 23.8.2023 at 12:00 and closes on 30.8.2023 at 23:55. Registration takes place in kide.app (registering requires a kide.app account). The link for registration will be published later. Any questions or additional information can be asked at lammonsiirto@prosessiteekkarit.fi.

NOTE! The membership of Prosessiteekkarit must be bought in Kide.app by Monday 21.8. so that the board can accept the membership on Tuesday’s board meeting.


9.     [NEW] 2+ Kick-start Sun 27.8.

Once again it’s the end of the summer.
Going back to school feels like a bummer.
How does one not get tired?
This oldie wants to be retired.
Tricks to staying young are needed in plenty,
Therefore arrive to OK20.

Yes you understood the poem correctly! 2+ Kick-start is on Sunday 27.8. in OK20 downstairs. Sauna, small snacks and good company are provided. You can sign-up for the event here so we know how many are joining! The sign-up for the event is not binding
WHAT: 2 + Kick-start
WHEN: 27.8.2023, 17:00->
WHERE: OK20 BIG + Sauna
WHY: ‘Cuz school and parties are back again
DC: Teekkari cap and whatever you’re comfortable in!
PRICE: 0 bills & 0 coins


10.   [NEW] Process Initiation Afterparty Mon 28.8.

The Process is once again initiated! The famous Process Initation has an After Party in Milliklubi on Orientation week’s Monday, starting at 22.00! The whole place is booked just for PT until midnight, so arrive early!

WHAT: Process Initiation Afterparty
WHEN: Mon 28.8. at 22 ->
WHERE: Milliklubi, Kaivokatu 12, Helsinki
DC: Teekkari cap, no overalls
PRICE: Cloak fee 3,5 €
WHY: Was it said already that the process is initiated?


II      CHEM

11.   CHEM events Telegram channel

Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


12.   Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.


If for example the assessment criteria change during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.


For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @leeviha
  3. The anonymous feedback form


For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form

PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form

VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form

More information about student rights can be found here.


13.   Master’s programmes’ portfolio renewal in the School of Chemical Engineering

The School of Chemical Engineering is undertaking a portfolio renewal of the Master’s programmes for the autumn 2024. Read the message from CHEM Vice Dean for Education Jouni Paltakari here, and more info about the renewal here.


14.   [NEW] Chemistry Guild’s CocKKtail Party Tue 29.8.

The summer is slowly ending with the semester knocking at the door. The chemistry guild is organizing a cocktail party to soften the landing into a new academic year. So, dust off your blazer or dress and join everyone for a relaxed night at Aalto Cocktail. We have classic drinks prepared with or without alcohol, that will guarantee a ride for your taste buds. So, if you want to meet new people or see old faces after the summer you know where to go
WHAT: Chemistry Guild’s Cocktail Party
WHERE: 100 Monkeys, Jämeräntaival 11 G
WHEN: Tu 29.8, at 18:00
DC: Smart casual
WHY: Meet both new and old faces



15.   [NEW] Helsinki Herkkuappro Tue 22.8.

Are you tired of the basic lager? Do you wish to taste blueberries without needing to down a blueberry liqueur shot? Your time is here since the sports committee of Aava is organizing Helsinki Herkkuappro 22.8.!
Here the participants enjoy the affordable treats of bakeries and cafés in central Helsinki. This year there are also cultural venues to explore.
WHAT? Herkkuappro
WHERE? Central Helsinki, starting point in Kaisaniemi Park
WHEN? Tuesday 22.8. from 2 pm to 10 pm
TICKETS? Ticket sale began 4.8. here
PRICE? 8.5€, including an overall patch


16.   [NEW] Summer Party by Dash Wed 23.8.

Say goodbye to stress and hello to a bloomin’ good time! We’re thrilled to invite you to Dash Summer Party 2023 Open bar? Oh, you betcha! This summer fiesta will bring you endless sips, delicious bites, a floral ambiance, karaoke, and much much more. The party will be held on August 23rd starting at 18:00 at Startup Sauna (Puumiehenkuja 5)! You can buy your ticket on Kide.app . The ticket price of 15€ includes everything above and a dashing overall badge! Mark your calendars, gather your pals, and bring your best party attitude for Dash Summer Party 2023!

What? Dash Summer Party 2023
Where? Startup Sauna (Puumiehenkuja 5)
When? August 23rd starting from 18:00
Dress Code? Summer casual + optional overalls
How much? 15€ including patch
For who? Everyone!


17.   [NEW] Smökki Afterwork Wed 23.8.

Autumn is approaching, but before that it’s time to enjoy one last summer evening at Smökki Afterwork.
So arrive at Smökki on Wednesday 23.8. between 5pm and 11pm for a while or for the whole night. There you can enjoy food, drinks and fun activities! The event is free, but you can buy food for a small price
Ps. You can also follow Otaniemi’s beach volley tournament, Smökki Cup, in the yard


18.   [NEW] Imago Questionnaire of Finnish Forest Products Engineer’s Association – win a gift card!


Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association is a network of about 2600 personal members and 50 corporate members, and is dedicated to the competence development, attractiveness and renewing of the forest industry.

The association wants to map out its brand image among the industry players and would like to receive answers especially from the students of the field, who are not members of the association.
It would be great if you could answer this brief, approximately 10-minute survey. By answering, you will join other respondents in a lottery with the chance to win one of three €100 gift cards, valid at all S-Group stores. You have time to give your answer by September 6th, 2023. We sincerely appreciate your time and wish you a splendid continuation of the month of August!

Kind regards
Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI) team

Answer the Questionnaire here


19.   [NEW] BioFinland Pitching Competition

Finnish Bioindustries FIB organizes as part of the European biotech week a pitching competition for students in Finnish universities and universities of applied science.
You can come up with an idea, form a team and get pitching experience. The aim of the competition is to strengthen students’ interest towards biobusiness and entrepreneurship and the award of the competition is 1000 €.
You can read more from our webpage or join as audience!


20.   [NEW] Product Development Project Course

PDP Course 2023-2024: A transformative experience awaits!

– Unique Opportunity: Access to a budget of €10,000 to create innovative solutions to real world problems. Dive deep into interdisciplinary teamwork and grow in your abilities.
– Collaboration: Develop strong bonds with teammates from diverse backgrounds. Together, you’ll navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and grow both personally and professionally.

– Design Factory Resources: Gain unparalleled access to cutting-edge tools, labs, and spaces. Benefit from the wisdom of industry professionals, expert advisors, and a dedicated teaching team. This ecosystem accelerates learning and fosters innovation.

– Bridge to Industry: The course doesn’t just teach; it connects. Form meaningful relationships with industry experts, turning classroom knowledge into real-world impact.

– Final Gala Highlight: The journey culminates in a grand event, but it’s not the end. It’s a gateway to a brighter, innovative future.

– Special Edition: This year is unique. It’s the last PDP taught by the legendary Kalevi “Eetu” Ekman, who’s shaped it for 27 years.

– Join Us: First lecture on 6th Sept at 16:15, Design Factory stage.

More Info: www.pdp.fi

Register Now: https://sisu.aalto.fi/student/courseunit/otm-eec371ec-114f-44a3-8b70-2cbfc87418c8/brochure



21.   Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Happy Monday once again! The summer has felt like three weeks long even though many of us have been on vacation (read: at work) for four months. Otaniemi is starting to be lively again! See you at 2+ Kick-start, remember to buy the membership of PT! And of course, this week’s cliché: “Oh, what a delightful surprise! Summer’s ending just as we were getting tired of all that sunshine, relaxation and fun. How utterly unexpected!”


Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram