- Information about events in 2021 – Updated 19.6.2021
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- Additional meeting 14.9.
- Heat Transfer Week IX & Annual Ball Stream 17.9.
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- Board meetings in 2021
- Koronavilkku-app
- Sustainability in teaching
- Feedpack
- CHEM electoral alliance is looking for candidates!
- Greetings from CHEM repco group
- Lakinlaskijaiset 2021 30.9.
- Dipoli and Poli appro
- Otacruise
- Dash Hack
- Dissonanssi’s open rehearsals and singing auditions
13.-17.9. Heat Transfer Week
13.9. Heat Transfer Pre-Party
14.9. Additional meeting
14.9. Case Evening
15.9.Ticket sales for Dipoli and Poli appro
15.9. Cold Rolling
17.9. Heat Transfer IX – Annual Ball Stream
1. Information about events in 2021 – Updated 19.6.2021
The board of PT decided in the meeting held on 19.6. that the association will follow all regulations and recommendations of the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish institute for health and welfare, university and Student Union in its events..
2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
3. Additional meeting 14.9.
Dear members,
welcome to the Association of Process Engineering Students’ additional meeting on Tuesday 14.9.2021 starting at 16.00. The meeting will be held at Otaranta 8 B in Otaranta Club Room.
During the meeting, we will discuss the proposition for the receiver of the golden badge of merit and the receiver of the honorary membership.
To start the meeting on time, I ask that you all arrive early before the meeting.
Meeting agenda:
- Opening
- Verification of the legality and quorum of the meeting
- Organization of the meeting
- Approval of the agenda
- Course of action
- Announcements
- The board’s situation report
- Approval of the golden badge of merit
- Approval of the honorary membership
- Any other business
- Closing
Best regards,
Oona Hanska
Chair of the Board 2021 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358 504074822 | puheenjohtaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
4. Heat Transfer Week IX & Annual Ball Stream 17.9.
Dear prosessiteekkarit,
The autumn is nearing, but the green is not leaving. Hereby we want to invite you to celebrate our nine year journey with us.
The Heat Transfer Week is finally here and it will include the traditional events Heat Transfer Pre-Party, Case Evening and Cold Rolling. The week will of course end with the Annual Ball itself, which will be brought to your home as a virtual streaming event, which will be held mostly in Finnish. We encourage everyone to watch the stream together with friends! Link to the stream
The stream starts on Friday 17.9. at 18.00 and it will last about three hours. The programme contains music performances, a CanCan dance performance, speeches, the distribution of the badges of merit and more!
The dress code is evening dress / white tie with academic medals of honour or an otherwise fancy outfit and your teekkari cap.
More details about the Heat Transfer Week can be found from http://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/en/heat-transfer/. If you have questions related to the annual ball or the other events of the annual ball week, you can send them by email to this address: lammonsiirto(at)prosessiteekkarit.fi
Warm regards on behalf of the Heat Transfer Committee,
Janika Hart & Taru Jormakka
Heat Transferers IX
5. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
6. Board meetings in 2021
The board meetings are on Mondays at 8:10 and you are all welcome to follow! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will now be held in pHuone, but because of corona restrictions one can not follow the meeting there. Because of that, you can still come to meeting remotely through this link.
7. Koronavilkku-app
The PT board recommends everyone to download the Finnish corona tracking application Koronavilkku!
You can download and install Koronavilkku here:
8. Sustainability in teaching
the school of chemical engineering wants to hear the opinions of students about sustainability and its teaching.
Aalto wants to include the principles of sustainability in technical studies. The heads of studies have discussed about this with the school’s management. Based on these discussions, the school would now like to know your opinion. How much and by which methods should sustainability be taught?
By answering the questionnaire, you can have your voice heard and have concrete effect on teaching in our school in the coming years. You can find the questionnaire here.
9. Feedpack
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! The issues will be reacted to when the feedback reaches us.
You can contact Sara @sarasiivola
(opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi) or use the anonymous feedback form in PT’s website if you have any bachelor level related study feedback.
If you have any masters or major studies related study feedback you can inform the guilds’ heads of study affairs:
KK: @Joakim9 or feedback form
PJK: @reettamaria or feedback form
VK: @olgapartanen or feedback form
10. CHEM electoral alliance is looking for candidates!
AYY’s representative council elections are coming once again this autumn and you can apply for candidacy now! As per usual, the CHEM electoral alliance is representing the students of The School of Chemical Engineering and making our voice heard in the decisions regarding the Student Union and all of its members. Every member of the Student Union is eligible to stand for election and if you are interested in applying for the CHEM electoral alliance then send a message to the electoral alliance representative Jani Anttila (@jampade, jani.anttila@aalto.fi) before 27.9. at 12.00.
If you are pondering what the representative council and the elections are all about, then you can find more information on AYY’s website (https://www.ayy.fi/en/representative-council-elections/materials).
Do not forget to also follow the CHEM representative council group on social media:
11. Greetings from CHEM repco group
Representative council meeting 5/2021 of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) was held on Thursday 17th of June remotely via Zoom. There were 31 members of repco present. You can watch the meeting recording from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YeLRpxMCak and the meeting documents are available in AYY Inside: https://inside.ayy.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=73728056
The next repco meeting is organised in September. The links to meeting livestreams can always be found from the AYY website ayy.fi/live!
Latest news from the student union office
Board member Julia Tofferi presented the latest news. The AYY board has discussed with Aalto leadership the upcoming hybrid model for autumn as well as the meeting practices of hallopeds. AYY’s own corona exit plan has also been prepared and discussed with special status associations. Rentable spaces have been reopened. In total 50 applications were received to the club rooms and storage spaces that have now been allocated in JMT1, JMT6 and OK20. Associations without any space in Teekkarikylä were prioritised. The new name of the museum is Museum of Student Life. Over 100 name proposals were received, of which 15 were selected for further evaluation. Tutors number over 1000 also this year, and the spring tutor trainings went well. The Otakaari housing projects made some progress, and the City of Espoo has started the street planning of Otakaari.
Other items
Chair of the board Milja Leinonen presented the mid-year review of the student union plan of action. The representative council approved the changes to the student union constitution the second time. In addition the repco approved the amendments to the election bylaws, the rules of procedure of the repco and the board, as well as to administrative and economic regulations. A single member of the repco presented to the council a proposal on amending the housing regulations to take into account the right of residence spent during mandatory military service. The repco decided to instead approve the board’s proposal on requiring the board to take the matter into account when further revising the housing regulations by 2022. The handling of the meeting point on assignment of properties will be continued in the next meeting in autumn.
12. Lakinlaskijaiset 2021 30.9.
The time has come to end the summer season and set the teekkari caps to rest for the winter. If you want to do it surrounded by good music and amazing atmosphere, you should head to Lakinlaskijaiset!
Lakinlaskijaiset will be held the 30th of September at Vermo Arena in Espoo. Three amazing artists will entertain the party people so you don’t want to miss this party! Ticket sale to the event will open on Monday the 13th of September. You can purchase your ticket from this link: https://bit.ly/lakinlaskijaiset21 More information can be found from the Facebook event here.
13. Dipoli and Poli appro
There is light at the end of the telescope when on Tuesday 12th of October stars align and parties begin in the Otaniemi rentable facilities as Dipoli Appro returns.
Crawl maps are distributed in Dipoli’s “Juhla-aula” between 5pm – 7pm. Put on your overalls and head off to the checkpoints under the starry sky of Otaniemi. At dusk it is time to head to Smökki, where it is possible to change crawl maps to an overall badge.
The tickets will be sold only together with Polin Appro tickets for the common price of 20€. Ticket sales start on Kide.app on Wednesway 15.9. at 12:00: https://bit.ly/polinappro2021. The age limit for both events is 18 years.
More information will be announced later on this page, so be sure to follow this event to stay updated!
14. Otacruise
Is the ground beneath your feet getting too familiar? Want to ride the wave off campus? All of Otaniemi is now heading out to sea and Finland’s biggest student cruise is finally here????
The first-ever Otacruise will bring together the whole of the Otaniemi’s ocean crowd to Stockholm from 28-30 November 2021????
Grab a bunch of your best student friends and buy your ticket for Otacruise on Kide.app from 22.9. at 18:00!
Otacruise takes your cruise experience to the next deck???? You don’t want to miss this one!
Ps. The event organiser reserves the right to make changes. Follow @otacruise on Telegram and Instagram to get the latest information about the event.
What: Otacruise
Where: Helsinki-Tokholm-Helsinki
When: 28-30.11.2021
Who: The whole Otaniemi’s ocean crowd
Tickets: from Kide.app from 22.9. at 18:00
More info: @otacruise
15. Dash Hack
Hey! Have you heard about Dash Hack – The World’s Leading Design Hackathon?
This unique event is held on 8. – 10.10. in Helsinki at Klaus K Hotel. In Dash Hack you get to solve real life company challenges from e.g. Kalmar and Mehiläinen in diverse teams with the tools of design thinking.
Find your inner creative problem solver, network with professionals, compete for the main prize, earn 2 ECTS and most importantly have fun!
In Dash Hack you get to also hear keynotes from the top names in these fields and enjoy our amazing catering – all this for free of course.
We are looking for tech students for all our challenges. The companies want to create new technology that is close to the end-customer. Now’s your chance to develop meaningful solutions within your own field. Ready to give it a shot? Read more and apply! Registration opens on 15.9., detailed information and up to date information can be found in instagram @dashdesign.official!
16. Dissonanssi’s open rehearsals and singing auditions
Dissonanssi is a mixed choir from Otaniemi singing diverse music all the way from renaissance to glam metal — without forgetting to have fun! We rehearse once a week in Otaniemi at Otaniemen lukio (Tietotie 6, Espoo). During the pandemic situation we have approximately two performances a year. Our rehearsals are conducted in Finnish, however you are welcome to join even with no Finnish speaking skills. Someone is always willing to translate!
In fall 2021 we will have auditions at Otaniemi (Ossinkulma, Otakaari 18, Espoo) on Wednesday 22.9.2020 at 18. We’ll have open rehearsals on Tuesday 21.9.2020 at 18 at Otaniemen lukio (Piazza-lobby, Tietotie 6, Espoo). Anybody interested in choir singing is welcome to join the open rehearsals!
Due to the pandemic, our normal training time is on Tuesdays at 18-20 at Otaniemen lukio.
You can participate in the auditions, even if you don’t have previous singing or music experience!
What: Dissonanssi’s open rehearsals ja singing auditions
When: Tuesday 21.9 at 18.00 open rehearsals and Wednesday 22.9 beginning around 18.00 singing auditions
Where: Open rehearsals at Otaniemen lukio (Otaniemi high school) (Piazza-lobby, Tietotie 6, Espoo) and auditions at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18, Espoo)
How to participate: Fill in the form at: https://forms.gle/Hy69swr4VUGQQri58
IV Summer jobs
17. Secretary’s Regards
Orientation week is over! Orientation caused a lot of work, but it was also super fun! It was great seeing new students and some old ones as well.
Animal video of the week: step training
News from the board:
The board went over how the events during orientation week succeeded. Even though the orientation caused a lot of work, everything went well. This week is Heat Transfer week and everyone in board are looking forward to it!
Pyry Vartia
Spokesperson-secretary 2021 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358445953800 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram