- Information about events in 2021 – Updated 10.1.2022
- PT x TiK regular sport sessions
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- ISOinfo 2.2.
- Board meetings in 2022
- Study feedback
- Study advisor hours on III period
- Lunch week with CHEM international 24-29.1.
- Skating with Vuorimieskilta 25.1.
- Teekkarispeksi 2022: Signal – Tickets out now!
- Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022
- Become a wellbeing ambassador
- Polijazz dance courses start 14.2. in Otaniemi
- Aalwarts
- Dissonanssi choir looking for male voices
- Space Kimble Tournament 26.3
- Tech Summer Trainee in the city of Rauma
- Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
1. Information about events in 2021 – Updated 10.1.2022
The board of PT decided in the meeting held on 10.1. that the association will follow all regulations and recommendations of the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish institute for health and welfare, university and Student Union in its events.
2. PT x TiK regular sport sessions
PT x TiK regular sport sessions have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
3. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
4. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
5. ISOinfo 2.2.
ISOinfo on Wednesday 2.2. at 16.30
Greetings from the ISOresponsible:
Spring is here and so is the ISOrecruitment!
Join the Zoom on Wednesday 2.2. at 16.30 to hear what this amazing position is all about and how to apply!
More information about the ISOrecruitment coming soon
6. Board meetings in 2022
The board meetings are on Mondays at 18:00 and you are all welcome to follow! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held in pHuone.
7. Study feedback
Hi all!
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.
If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.
For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Mariina through:
- Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
- Telegram: @mariinatikka
- The anonymous feedback form
For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:
KK: @pikkuhart or feedback form
PJK: @ilmarihieta or feedback form
VK: @Janttila or feedback form
More information about student rights can be found here.
8. Study advisor hours on III period
If you have any questions regarding your studies or wish to collect your lab pass, you can come without an appointment to the study counsellors’ post to ask questions or just talk. The help desk of the study advisors is located in the main lobby across from the janitor’s cubicle. (Kemistintie 1).
The bachelor’s studies advisor is present:
Mondays at 10-12
Tuesdays at 10–12
Thursdays every other week at 12.30–14.30
The master’s studies advisor is present:
Thursdays at 12.30–14.30
The exchange studies advisor is present:
Fridays at 10.20–12.20
Study advisors of the CHEM bachelor’s programme:
Julia Tofferi and Aarni Aspi, kandi-neuvojat-chem(at)aalto.fi
Swedish-speaking study advisor
Charlotta Livman, studieradgivare-chem(at)aalto.fi, TG: @ChalleLivman
Exchange studies advisor
Songwen He, kv-neuvoja-chem(at)aalto.fi, TG: @zokehe
9. Lunch week with CHEM international 24-29.1.
Have you ever wondered where Studio Kipsari is and why they only serve soup*? Or perhaps what a Kaivopiha is? Well wonder no more!
From 24-29.1 we’re organising two mini-lunch-excursions daily around Otaniemi and into Helsinki. Information and a poll will be posted in the evenings about the next day’s lunch where you can select which group you’d like to join. At least one daily option will offer vegan and food intolerance alternatives ????????. So grab a friend or two, or just tag along to explore just what you can get for €2.70! ????????????
What? Lunch! ????????
When? 24-29.1, 12:00-13:00.
Where? Otaniemi/Helsinki
Why? Explore student food options.
Price? Lunch: €2.70, HSL AB ticket €2.80 (if required)
*Studio Kipsari is a really good soup place, you should give it a try 😉
This event is open to everyone
^If you have any questions about either event, please message an international officer
10. Skating with Vuorimieskilta 25.1.
Hi all!
Culture and sports event correspondants of Vuorimieskilta launch 2022 skating season. Bring your friends and arrive at the Tapiola Ice Garden on 25 January at 6 pm. You don’t need your own skates, because you can rent skates from Cafe Hile for 5 €/ hour.
Event is open to everyone.
Fuksis: come and get the Old guild fuksi point
NOTE! Weather reserve ⛸
What: VK skates
When: on 25 Januray at 6 pm
Where: Tapiola Ice Garden
What does it cost: nothing! (skate rent 5 € / hour)
11. Teekkarispeksi 2022: Signal – Tickets out now!
The Speksi Teaser is out: IG ja Youtube!
Androids clatter on and the coffee-substitute-machine keeps on beeping as Teekkarispeksi 2022 jumps aboard a spaceship and straight into the world of scifi. The in-space research vessel goes through exciting times as the new machine, invented by the world-renowned space researcher Reine Haan, picks up an unexpected signal. Where does the signal originate from and what is it trying to tell us?
Speksi is a full night’s musical theater spectacle with a hint of improvisation.
The tickets to the 2022 show Signal are on sale NOW~! Get yours from our website and FB Event.
Follow Teekkarispeksi: Website, IG and FB
12. Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022
Happy New Year from Nyyti!
This message contains information about upcoming online chats for students, and tools for mental wellbeing and coping in studies. Come join our chats, learn life skills online and share information about events to others, too! Nyyti is a national non-profit organisation that promotes the mental health and learning ability of all students in Finland.
MielenTEKoja-chat is available in English on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. You can chat one-on-one with another university student and get peer support on any topic related to student life, mental wellbeing or study ability. The volunteer on-call counsellors are regular students trained by Nyyti. No matter how big or small your question is, you can bring it here! The chat is anonymous and free of charge.
Enter mielenTEKoja-chat here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/projects/mielentekoja/
Share info about the chat to other English speaking students, too! Feel free to use our ready made content for IG and TikTok: click here!
Our anonymous group chats are open to all students. Chats in English are on Tuesdays at 6–8 p.m. The group chats are a place to share ideas and experiences on a variety of topics related to student life. Once a month, we chat in English.
Upcoming group chats:
Tue 25.1. How to find relationships at the beginning of studies?
Tue 22.2. How to manage?
Tue 22.3. Time management in studies
Tue 19.4. Self-criticism and sense of insufficiency
Tue 17.5. Can I find my position in working life?
Tue 14.6. How can I find my strengths?
Learn more and join the group chats here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/chat/
Nyyti’s Learn Life Skills website provides you with information, tips and tools which can help you enhance your own wellbeing. The material covers multiple relevant topics, such as time management, study exhaustion, self-esteem and stress etc. Start practising today!
Learn Life Skills in English: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/learn-life-skills/
Read other students’ stories about living and dealing with mental health or life management difficulties. You might find out you are not alone.
Read stories here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/stories/
You are worthy of help and support. See our list of professionals who offer students and young adults help and support in different challenging life situations.
Find help here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/find-help/
13. Become a wellbeing ambassador
Looking for a paid, part-time job? Become a Wellbeing Ambassador!
Are you a student at Aalto University with an interest in community-building at our university? Are you interested in wellbeing and/or inclusion of minorities? Are you tech-savvy with social media?
Oasis of Radical Wellbeing is looking for four paid, part-time Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Read more about the positions and apply by Jan 31st!
14. Polijazz dance courses start 14.2. in Otaniemi
Are you tired of sitting home and not having enough space to dance? We got you, come to dance with us to the dance courses starting in February!
The sign up opens 24.1. onwards. We offer 1st time for free and a discount when you bring a friend with you!
Read more from our websites: https://polijazz.fi/en/courses/
Spring term 14.2.-13.5.2021 Otaniemi
Modern dance: Mondays klo 16:30-17:45 (intermediate)
Breaking: Wednesdays klo 19–20 (beginner), 20–21 (advanced)
Oriental dance: Thursdays 18–19 (open level)
We speak EN&FI.
15. Aalwarts
Just yesterday an owl delivered a mysterious letter to you. You have been accepted to study in the famous Aalwarts, the School of Wizards and Witchcraft. Can you graduate with honors or will you fail the potions class? Be careful not to fall from your broom and never go to the dungeons. Gather a team and start your Aalwarts adventure!
Go and play the outdoor puzzle adventure game in Otaniemi! Read the instructions here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-at-aalto/aalwarts-the-outdoor-puzzle-adventure-game-for-students
16. Dissonanssi choir looking for male voices
Are you interested in singing in a mixed choir? Dissonanssi is currently looking for new male voices to join our ranks. It is possible to join even with less singing experience.
The auditions are held on Tue 1st Feb starting from 19.00 at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18, Espoo).
Our rehearsals are held part in Finnish, part in English, so international students are also welcome to join~!
If you are interested and want to join the auditions, you can fill in this form.
17. Space Kimble Tournament 26.3
Is your favorite color blue, red, green, or yellow? Do you like to click on the dice and take action with friends in extremely exciting competition situations? And isn’t space a pretty fun place? THIS IS AN EVENT JUST FOR YOU!
In honor of the 35th anniversary of the Jäynä competition, the SPACE KIMBLE TOURNAMENT will be held on March 26th, 2022 at Trap Factory! Gather 2-4 persons gang and sign up for a 20€ entry fee per team. Places are limited, so it’s worth being even faster than a shooting star! Registration opens 17th of December at 4 pm at https://jayna.fi/en/avaruuskimble. If you do not want to take part in the tournament yourself, you can come to encourage the teams and enjoy the thrill of the race. There will be games and other program during the tournament, more about this later!
The exact rules of the competition will be published later. Each team will be given four Fat Lizard beers upon participation, non-alcoholic options are also available. Covid-19 certifications will be checked from everyone who attends the event.
The Space Kimble is organized in collaboration with Tactic, Aalto Ventures Program and Fat Lizard!
What: Space Kimble
Where: at Trap Factory
When: on 26th of March (26.3.2022)
What costs: 20€ per team, others 0€
Why: Because Kimble is fun!
How: Sign up here: https://jayna.fi/en/avaruuskimble
18. Tech Summer Trainee in the city of Rauma
City of Rauma offer student housing and a three-month card for city buses (can be changed to a bike) against an employment contract to those with a summer job related to their engineering studies in local companies. The benefits will be valid in June, July and August 2022. The company and the student shall be responsible for making the agreement on the summer job as usual. Company must be located in Rauma. Student is entitled to benefits by showing the employment contract to project manager of campaign.
The campaign is intended for Master of Science students of mechanical engineering, production engineering, maritime technology, building technology, and architecture in Finland’s universities of technology (Aalto University, Tampere University of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, and Oulu University of Technology).
The benefits are available to 10- 20 students in Rauma. The campaign supports the recruitment needs of companies among the future experts in the fields of engineering.
More info and instructions how to apply found here
19. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Hey! Im doing fine. I have sent a lot of summer job applications and done plenty of school work. Here is me trying to get to the store since its very slippery outside 😀
Regards from the board: Today we had a board meeting where our AYY’s board angel Sampo told us a little bit about AYY’s activities and ISOresponsible Anna told us about the upcoming ISOinfo.
Kai Karvetti
Spokesperson-secretary 2022 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358505723651 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram