I        PT

  1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
  2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  3. PT’s LinkedIn group
  4. Board meetings in 2023
  5. PT’s feedback form
  6. Applying for exchange studies 10.1.-31.1.
  7. ISO recruitment info 24.1. and ISOrecruitment 24.1.-3.2.
  8. PT x VK Murata-excursion 27.1.
  9. PT x AS x MK Valentine’s Day Sitsis 14.2.
  10. Stock sale of PT’s association products on weeks 5 and 6

II      CHEM

  1. CHEM events Telegram channel
  2. Study feedback


  1. Polijazz dance lessons
  2. Aalto Beer Pong -tournament 31.1.
  3. Afry MCD Case Excursion -evening 1.2.
  4. Anti-racist training for Aalto community actives
  5. Starting point of Wellbeing and the Allwell? -survey
  6. Come and start Taekwon-Do this spring!
  7. Unite4Future Event
  8. Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s navigation courses!
  9. Student musical theatre Teekkarispeksi 2023


  1. Metsä Group’s open positions and international internships
  2. Summer Trainee positions at Murata
  3. ABB Summer job positions
  4. Neste summer job positions
  5. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary


ISO recruitment info 24.1.

PT x VK Murata-excursion 27.1.

Valentine’s Day Sitsit 14.2., sign up opens next Monday 30.1.

Remember to pay student health care fee by 31.1, if you’re obliged to pay it! More information here.

I        PT

1.     PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday from 5.1. onwards at 21-22! There you will be able to play badminton or basketball with TiK, SIK and other PT members.


2.     PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.


3.     PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


4.     Board meetings in 2023

Next board meeting is on Monday 30.1. at 8.10 am! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.


5.     PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


6.     Applying for exchange studies 10.1.-31.1.

Application period for exchange studies is 10.1.-31.1.2023. You can find information about exchange studies and applying for an exchange on aalto.fi
If you have any questions related to exchange studies or need help with the application, please contact the exchange advisor kv-neuvoja-chem@aalto.fi or @mariamjalomie


7.     ISO recruitment info 24.1. and ISOrecruitment 24.1.-3.2.

The New Year is here which only means that the recruit for ISOs is coming! The info will be held on Tuesday the 24th of January 2023 at 16:15 in KE1 lecture hall.
The application period is between 24.1.-3.2. You can apply to be You can apply to be an ISO (for Students of the Finnish Bachelor’s Programme), CHEMeng ISO and/or an International tutor (for Master’s fuksis) . ISO Officer is responsible for recruiting ISOs and CHEMeng SOs and the Head of International and Masters’ Affairs is responsible for recruiting International tutors. After the ISOrecruitment the applicants are interviewed in a casual interview. The form in PT:s Ilmomasiina opens on Tuesday 24.1. at 16:00 and closes on Friday 3.2. at 21:00.


8.     PT x VK Murata-excursion 27.1.

Are you interested in the electronic component and sensor industry? Would you like to learn more about the possibilities created by semiconductors and MEMS -tehcnology? Are you looking for a summer job? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then come along for the VK x PT joint excursion to Murata on the 27th of January 2023. The visit includes a tour around Murata´s facility, a company presentation, and some snacks. The journey starts from Otakaari 18 bus stop at 13.15, and we´ll be back in Otaniemi by 16.45. There will be space for 20 members of Prosessiteekkarit ry and 20 members of Vuorimieskilta. The registeration for this event opened on 13.1.2023 at 12.00 pm in PT’s ilmomasiina.

What? A joint excursion to Murata organized by Prosessiteekkarit and Vuorimieskilta
Where? The Silicon Valley (Martinlaakso) of Vantaa
When? 27.1.2023 at 13:15
Why? A good chance to learn about the component industry and about summer job possibilities!
DC? Smart casual


9.     PT x AS x MK Valentine’s Day Sitsis 14.2.

Do you wish to experience the Rakkausseikkailu (2007) in 2023? Step into a ship filled with friends and lovers and sail to the harbour of love (Smökki) on Valentine’s Day 14.2.

Everyone from AS, MK and PT are welcome to the sitsis and we have the following quota:
PT: 62 + 2 song leaders
MK: 62 + 2 song leaders
AS: 60 + 2 song leaders + 2 confidential counselors
The cocktail event begins at 17.30 and sitsis at 18.00. Later you can enjoy afterparty with AaltoDJ. The registration begins on Monday 30.1. at 12.00 on PT’s website and closes on 6.2. at 23:55.

WHAT: Valentine’s Day sitsis
WHEN: 14.2.2023 cocktail at 17.30, gongi at 18.00
WHERE: in the lovely Smökki
WHY: Live Love Laugh
DC: smart casual + love <3
PRICE: max. 15e


10.   Stock sale of PT’s association products on weeks 5 and 6

New year, same association products – at least for now! Before ordering new association products, it’s time to clear the stocks. If you didn’t place your order last time for one reason or another, the fastest ones now have a chance to come and get the remaining products for themselves. There are black and white t-shirts (sizes XS-XL, a few of each), socks in two PT-themed designs, reflectors, stickers and of course, a wide selection of patches! Payment methods are MobilePay or bank transfer.

Products are sold at pHuone at the following times:
– Thursday 2.2. at 15–17
– Tuesday 7.2. at 11–13
– Thursday 9.2. at 15–17

Come and grab your PT products before they run out! Any additional questions can be sent to @norpu in Telegram.


II      CHEM

11.   CHEM events Telegram channel

Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


12.   Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.


If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.


For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @leeviha
  3. The anonymous feedback form


For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form

PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form

VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form


More information about student rights can be found here.



13.   Polijazz dance lessons

Polijazz dance courses start 1.2. in Otaniemi
Are you tired of sitting home and not having enough space to dance?
We got you, come to dance with us to the dance courses starting in February!

The sign up is open now! We offer a discount when you bring a friend with you! Read more from our websites: https://polijazz.fi/en/courses/
If you have any questions, you can join our telegram group here: https://t.me/+58MjJDa3y4lhZTBk
or ask me directly in TG: @Nokkahiiri


14.   Aalto Beer Pong -tournament 31.1.

Aalto Beer Pong presents:

“Random Surprise Pong” is here! Get ready for an unforgettable Beer Pong experience. Every game will feature random racks and 2 randomly drawn extra rules. Test your skills, win prizes, and make a name for yourself. Register now! Don’t miss out on the ultimate Beer Pong challenge. See you there!

Registration opens on 18.1. at 12:00
More info + sign-up: https://abp.ayy.fi/ilmo/event/7

What: A Beer Pong tournament with extra rules
Where: Otakaari 20, upstairs
When: 31.1.2023, 18:00
WHow much: 4€/team for ABP members, 6€ to others


15.   Afry MCD Case Excursion -evening 1.2.

Invitation for AFRY case excursion on Wednesday 1.2.2023 at 15-19 o’clock
AFRY Management Consulting invites engineering, forestry and business students who are close to their graduation and interested in bio-based industries and/or energy markets to spend an evening at our Otaniemi collaboration space (Otakaari 27, 02150 Espoo) to learn more about our business.

To join, please send an e-mail including your name, study major, university and starting year of studies, as well as your CV, to mcd.case.excursion@afry.com  by Thursday 26th of January at 12:00 (noon). Your participation is confirmed by Friday 27th at 18:00 o’clock  – the number of places is limited.


Please check out the attached excursion invitation, as well as  AFRY Case excursion event, for more details!

Warm welcome and see you soon!


16.   Anti-racist training for Aalto community actives

Anti-racism awareness comes through speaking frankly about race and examine and challenge the societal structures through which we operate. At times, it can be painful for participants.
If you are ready to challenge yourself, then this might be for you. If you are ready to take what you’ve learned and demand anti-racist action from the university and other organizations in which you are involved, even better! Please read more and apply through the link


17.   Starting point of Wellbeing and the Allwell? -survey

The Starting Point of Wellbeing offers students advice and guidance on services related to wellbeing. We post links, tips and contact information here. Also, follow us on Telegram: t.me/aaltospw

And more info about the Oasis of Radical Wellbeing project behind these links
Keys to Your Wellbeing 3: Group flow
Student Wellbeing survey AllWell is coming up in February 15.2.-1.3.
Starting Point of Wellbeing services for Aalto students: spring schedule


18.   Come and start Taekwon-Do this spring!

Training starts 22.1.2023!
Have you always wanted to learn flashy kicks, punches and blocks? Do you want to improve your balance, flexibility and mobility of body? Are you in need of self-defence skills?

University of Helsinki Taekwon-do Club provides a beginners’ course for all adults (over 18 years). The beginners’ course starts 22nd January! Training sessions will be given in Porthania gym (Yliopistonkatu 3) on Sundays at 11:00-12:30. The course costs 50,00 €, 40€ if you participate with a friend. Fee includes training, membership and belt exam fees. ITF
Federation license fee (32€) is paid separately. Until Feb 19th you can attend beginners’ course for free.

Languages: Finnish and English
When: Sundays at 11:00-12:30, Starts on 22.1.2023a
Where: Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki
Please, register for the beginners’ course via the form


19.   Unite4Future Event

Unite4Future is inviting students to participate in a competition to win the opportunity to participate in the​ Unite! Student Festival​ in Lisbon
1. Set up a team of students from other Unite! universities​
2. Prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future​
3. Apply from 9-3 1January 2023
More Info here.


20.   Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s navigation courses!

Another year has passed and next summer’s boating season is getting closer day by day. Soon it will be possible to get some sailing vibes and join Teekkaripurjehtijat ry’s navigation courses before the adventures of the season ahead.
Teekkaripurjehtijat is a sailing association for students and non-students, founded in 1951 and operating within AYY.

Are you a beginner wishing to learn how to read a nautical chart, recognize sea marks, and plan routes for future trips? Are you perhaps willing to learn how to navigate also during poor visibility and recognize light and sound marks of different vessels? Maybe you already have experience but want to deepen your skills even further. Are you interested in ocean tides and boating abroad? If your answer to any of these was positive, TRIP’s navigation courses are here for you.

This spring we will organize again three navigation courses according to Suomen Navigoinninopettajat ry’s education system; Navigation 1 in Finnish and in English and Navigation 2 in Finnish. The courses are for Teekkaripurjehtijat members only. If you aren’t a member yet, now is a good time to join! You can fill in a TRIP membership registration form on this web page.

Prior knowledge is not required for participating Navigation 1 -courses. However, prior knowledge is recommended if you are interested in participating Navigation 2 (FIN)-course. A certificate of prior studies is not compulsory for Navigation 2 -course, but you need a certificate (of Navigation 1 or similar level exam) for participating Navigation 2 -exam.
Navigation 1 -courses will start at week 8; the course in Finnish will be held on Tuesdays starting from 21.2. and the course in English will be held on Mondays starting from 20.2. Both courses will last until Tuesday 11.4., when the final exam will be organized for both courses (because 10.2. is Easter Monday). The registrations for Navigation 1 -courses and separate exams will open later in January at week 8. The registration for Navigation 2 (in Finnish) is already open.
Teaching will be arranged once a week as contact teaching in Otaniemi (to be announced). Courses will each consist of seven three-hour lectures and an exam, from which a certificate will be sent via email. One paper exam and the certificate are included in the course prices.

Courses cost 70€ (inc. 1 x paper exam) for students and 90€ (inc. 1 x paper exam) for graduates. It is possible to do an online exam instead of paper exam by paying 10€ extra. In that case, a course with an online exam would cost 80€ for students and 100€ for graduates. It is also possible to do a separate exam without the course. A separate paper exam costs 35€ and an online exam 45€.

Attendance in the classes is not compulsory but regular participation is highly recommended, for gaining a clear picture of the contents and succeeding in the exam. In addition, you can meet great people with mutual interests!

More specific information about the courses will be updated on the club’s
website under the section “Navigation courses”. The registration form link will be published in the website news and in the Navigation courses -section. There will be a possibility to order course materials when filling in the registration form. The materials will be given to participants when the courses start. The schedules for courses and a price list are visible on the website. You can also join a “info” -email list, which is open for everyone, by filling up this form. The form is unfortunately in Finnish, but the messages we send to the list, are in English also. The form asks you to choose an email list, so in this case “Info” -list, and fill in your email address. To info -list we will send general info about things happening in Teekkaripurjehtijat, for example about courses and other events.

A warm welcome to Teekkaripurjehtijat and to our courses! If you have something to ask, you can contact me by sending email to
emmi.nevalainen@teekkaripurjehtijat.fi. 🙂


21.   Student musical theatre Teekkarispeksi 2023

Welcome to see Teekkarispeksi 2023 – Univelka. Speksi will head off to the world of dreams! As family, business and dreams intertwine, surprising partners must join forces to save the world of dreams. But will it be a nightmare?
In Finnish only. Ticket sales 22nd of Jan at 12pm on https://liput.teekkarispeksi.fi/
More information about the tickets and performance dates (in Finnish) https://teekkarispeksi.fi/naytokset-ja-liput/



22.   Metsä Group’s open positions and international internships

Join Metsä Group to make a better future! Explore our efficient production plants, where we manufacture cutting edge products from the world’s best raw material, renewable northern wood. Continuous product development and innovation are key elements of our business. We offer diverse and responsible summer jobs all over Finland. You can develop your skills in areas such as production, sourcing and logistics, production planning, technical marketing, IT or customer service. Apply for summer jobs by 28 February 2023! www.metsagroup.com/summerjobs

International internships:
Are you interested in a summer internship outside Finland? Metsä Group has opened 6 international internships at our mills in Sweden, Germany, Poland and Slovakia! It is a 2–4-month long internship for engineering students in Finland – travel expenses and accommodation are also covered. English is the only language requirement. Check out these opportunities, and hop on an international career!


23.   Summer Trainee positions at Murata

Are you a student with a technical background looking for a summer internship?
Check out www.muratafinland.com/#positions to see all the open positions we have to offer! At Murata, our goal is to contribute to the advancement of society with innovative sensor technology that makes driving safer and improves quality of life. This summer, we are offering a wide range of interesting summer trainee positions to students with a technical background and a passion for cutting-edge technology. In Finland, we design, develop and manufacture accelerometers, inclinometers and gyro sensors based on the company’s proprietary 3D MEMS technology. These sensors are used to measure things such as acceleration, inclination, vibration and pressure.

For Summer 2023, we offer the following summer internship positions:
• Summer Trainee, Process Development, Assembly
• Summer Trainee, MEMS Design, R&D
• Summer Trainee, Test Software Development
• Summer Trainee, ASIC Design, R&D
• Summer Trainee, Failure Analysis
• Summer Trainee, Process Development
• Summer Trainee, Test Design Engineer, MEMS Test Development
• Summer Trainee, Test Engineer, MEMS Test Development
• Summer Trainee, Embedded System Development

These summer internships are an excellent opportunity for students eager to enhance their professional skills in a challenging and fascinating environment. As a Murata summer trainee you will be working in one of our many specialist teams contributing to the development and manufacturing of our products. You will be working with some of the brightest minds in the field who are always willing to share their knowledge with you. Our products are used in applications where reliability and high accuracy is critical. With our technology cars stay in their lanes, people’s hearts keep beating and bridges don’t collapse. One of our goals is to enable safe autonomous driving with our products, and we are constantly looking for new talents to help us achieve this ambition. Interested? Head over to our website www.muratafinland.com and apply for our summer internships through our website by 28th February 2023. Please act quickly, as the positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.


24.   ABB Summer job positions

Hi future talent – looking for a summer internship?

ABB offers hundreds of summer internships for students in many different fields. With ABB you get to work with purpose and put your studies into practice in a multinational working environment with awesome colleagues.

Take the next step in your career and apply: careers.abb/summerinternship

Application period: 2.1.-12.2.2023


25.   Neste summer job positions

Come and create change with us! 🌍

Join us as Summer trainee

We invite you to be part of our transformation journey, to grow with us. We empower you to show initiative in innovating and creating ideas. Your job with us will be meaningful and support your future career.

We are eager to hear what you will say after the summer of 2023!

At Neste, you will be given real projects and interesting work to do as well as the possibility to apply what you have learned in your studies. The experience you gain during your summer with Neste will be helpful both in your ongoing studies and in your future work life. You will also have the possibility to see what it is like to work in a global listed company where experience and high ambitions for the future come together.

Most of our summer jobs are at the Porvoo refinery and technology center and at the Neste headquarters in Espoo. Individual traineeship positions are also available elsewhere in Finland and in other Neste locations worldwide.

Summer jobs are available in all business areas – Oil Products, Renewable Products, Marketing & Services, and Engineering Solutions – as well as in innovation, R&D, finance, strategy, sustainability, human resources, legal affairs, ICT, marketing, communications etc.  Your studies can be in related areas such as science, technology, business or management.

By joining Neste this summer, you also join our global trainee community of 400 young talents in each of our business areas and support functions. Throughout the summer, our global #SummerWithNeste program entails a range of informative and inspiring events and activities. Visit neste.com/summerwithneste to find out more.


All applicants must be students at the time of applying. Your salary will be determined based on the job and its requirements, your relevant previous working experience and the number of course credits you have from your studies. For some roles, the recruitment process may include a health check and drug test. The planned time period for the summer jobs is usually from May 1st to August 31rd.

Please apply by February 6th, 2023 on our website neste.com/summerwithneste.
If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, we answer them at summerwithneste@neste.com. Due to the large number of applications, we are not able to comment on individual jobs or applications. You’ll find tips and answers at www.neste.com/about-neste/careers/tips-faq.

Neste is also looking for a research assistant in Sustainability Assessment! Check here for more info


26.   Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Happy Monday! This week has already felt busy, so this week’s cliché is: “May your Monday feel like a Friday”.


Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram