- Information about events in 2021 – Updated 19.6.2021
- PT10 annual year
- History and wine 23.10.
- Save the date 1.-5.11. Wellbeing week
- Process Room is now open
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- Board meetings in 2021
- Covid-19 vaccines available at the Otaniemi campus on Wed 20 October from 10 to 15
- Aalwarts
- Polytech Orchestra
- Inflexus x GAYY Halloween party 24.10.
- Teekkari Tradition week 5.-13.11.
- Teekkaritraditionparty
- Volunteering at Teekkari tradition party
- The song competition is here again!
- Polin Appro 2021
20.Regards from head of corporate relation
23.10. History and wine
1. Information about events in 2021 – Updated 19.6.2021
The board of PT decided in the meeting held on 19.6. that the association will follow all regulations and recommendations of the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish institute for health and welfare, university and Student Union in its events..
2. PT10 annual year
This year’s annual ball is over and it is time to head towards PT’s tenth anniversary year! You can find more information about anniversary year from PT10 website prosessiteekkarit.fi/en/anniversary-year/. You’ll find the updated information about anniversary year and important dates from this site. First anniversary year event is History and wine evening 23.10. More information about this event can be found from the registration machine (http://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/106 ) and facebook (https://fb.me/e/1M1FuxkUk ) event.
3. History and wine 23.10.
Do you have wonderful memories of PT? Or would you like to hear such? Despite the young age of our dear association, the years have included all kinds of opportunities. What could be better than gathering in honor of the tenth anniversary to reminisce about past years successes and misfortunes! So come to the Otaranta club room on Saturday, October 23 at 5 pm to collect the history of PT with historians as well as tasting wines and enjoying the good company. Registration is compulsory for tracking possible covid-19 infection chains. Registration takes place at prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/106 and closes on Friday 22.10. 11 pm.
What: History and wine
When: On Saturday the 23rd of October at 5 pm
Where: Otaranta club room (Otaranta 8 B)
What does it cost: nothing
Why: The tenth anniversary is only once – let’s celebrate and increase the knowledge of our history for future generations
4. Save the date 1.-5.11. Wellbeing week
PT’s very own wellbeing week is coming in November. During the week we will have different kinds of events that will enhance members personal wellbeing in multiple ways. Stay tuned!
5. Process Room is now open
Read through carefully! The Process Room is now open for members, so a few practical things. All students of the School of Chemical Engineering who have completed a laboratory safety course have access to the Association Room. Access works with an HSL card, for which you can find instructions for registration at https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/access-control-with-hsl-card.
The coffee, tea and milks for coffee found in the cupboards are free of charge for the members. In the fridge you can find some snacks for cash. Sodas, energy drinks, chocolate bars etc. Billy’s pizzas can be found in the freezer. The price list can be found on the refrigerator door and payment is made to the mailbox “raha-arkku” on the wall. Note that only cash is eligible for payment. Please remember to recycle your waste properly and clean up when you leave.
It is also possible to buy overall badges from the Process Room, which are sold by board members. Please treat the Process Room like your own home. Welcome!
Questions? Slide to dm @reukku
6. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
7. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
8. Board meetings in 2021
The board meetings are on Mondays at 8:10 and you are all welcome to follow! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will now be held in pHuone.
9. Sustainability in teaching
the school of chemical engineering wants to hear the opinions of students about sustainability and its teaching.
Aalto wants to include the principles of sustainability in technical studies. The heads of studies have discussed about this with the school’s management. Based on these discussions, the school would now like to know your opinion. How much and by which methods should sustainability be taught?
By answering the questionnaire, you can have your voice heard and have concrete effect on teaching in our school in the coming years. You can find the questionnaire here.
10. Feedpack
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! The issues will be reacted to when the feedback reaches us.
You can contact Sara @sarasiivola
(opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi) or use the anonymous feedback form in PT’s website if you have any bachelor level related study feedback.
If you have any masters or major studies related study feedback you can inform the guilds’ heads of study affairs:
KK: @Joakim9 or feedback form
PJK: @reettamaria or feedback form
VK: @olgapartanen or feedback form
11. Covid-19 vaccines available at the Otaniemi campus on Wed 20 October from 10 to 15
Regardless of their municipality of residence, Aalto University students, faculty and staff may get their first or second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday, 20 October between 10 and 15.
Vaccines are available on the Otaniemi campus at the Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, room Y115. You can visit the vaccination site to get your first or second vaccine. No appointment booking is needed. The second dose may be given 6 weeks after the first dose at the earliest.
You can also get an EU Covid-19 vaccination certificate at the vaccination site. If you have already received two doses of the vaccine or visit the vaccination site to get your second dose, the vaccination site staff can give you a certificate right there and then. If you have a temporary Finnish personal identity code, they can give you a printed certificate.
Vaccines are also available at the following locations: the walk-in vaccination site at the Iso Omena shopping centre from Monday to Friday between 9.30 and 11.30 and between 12.15 and 15.00; Sello Library on Thursdays from 10.00 to 18.00; and Entresse Library on Fridays from 10.00 to 18.00. These vaccination sites are open for students and everyone aged 12 or older. If you wish, you can also book a vaccination appointment at the Iso Omena vaccination site.
Further information about the vaccination sites in Espoo is available at espoo.fi/coronavaccination
Vaccination is voluntary. Bring an official form of identification or your Kela card with you to the vaccination site. Students whose municipality of residence is not Espoo can also get vaccinated in Espoo.
12. Aalwarts
Just yesterday an owl delivered a mysterious letter to you. You have been accepted to study in the famous Aalwarts, the School of Wizards and Witchcraft. Can you graduate with honors or will you fail the potions class? Be careful not to fall from your broom and never go to the dungeons. Gather a team and start your Aalwarts adventure!
Go and play the outdoor puzzle adventure game in Otaniemi! Read the instructions here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-at-aalto/aalwarts-the-outdoor-puzzle-adventure-game-for-students
13. Polytech Orchestra
The Polytech Orchestra (PO) returns to the concert stages in its Autumn Concert at the lovely Temppeliaukio Church. The evening will be full of beautiful folk melodies and devotional music making after the long concert break!
Robert Kajanus: Finnish Rhapsody
Felix Mendelssohn: Symphony No.3 “Scottish”
Conducted by James Kahane
What: The Polytech Orchestra Autumn Concert
When: 22.10.2021 7pm
Where: Temppeliaukion kirkko
Tickets: in advance 8-15 €, at the door 10-18 €
Ticketshop: www.polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi/en
FB event: www.facebook.com/events/208655571228553
14. Inflexus x GAYY Halloween party 24.10.
Come celebrate a queer and cross-disciplinary Halloween with us!
The party is organized by Inflexus, the queer association of medical students and GAYY, the LGBT+ association for Aalto students. More information about GAYY on our website: https://www.gayy.fi/en/gayy/
The party will be held at the LKS clubroom in Sörnäinen on Sunday the 24th of October. (this week!)
Additional information on Facebook:
What: Halloween party
Where: LKS clubroom Euphoria (Sörnäisten rantatie 33 C)
When: Sunday 24.10. at 18
Cost: 3€
DC: Halloween (Costume contest!)
15. Teekkari Tradition week 5.-13.11.
Teekkari Tradition Week is coming. Information about the events can be found here: https://teekkarius149.ayy.fi/teekkaritraditonweek/
16. Teekkaritraditionparty
This year we celebrate the 149th anniversary of Teekkari traditions, we welcome both students and alumni to celebrate this honorable journey to Dipoli (Otakaari 24, 01250 Espoo) on Friday, 12 November 2021. Teekkaritraditionsweek culminates in an evening gala, which celebrates the anniversary of teekkarihood and the teekkari community.
Signup for the Teekkaritraditionsparty opens for invited guests on the first of October 2021 at 12.00 and for other guests on 13 October 2021 at 12.00. Sign up at kide app. The link to the sign up will be posted in the Facebook event. Teekkaritraditionsparty costs 90 euros for students and 110 euros for alumni. Moreover, there’s a chance to support the arrangements of the party and buy a support ticket which costs 149€. Dress code in the party will be white tie with academic decorations.
See more information about events during the week from the Teekkarius 149 website at https://teekkarius149.ayy.fi/.
Link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/173316431590280
17. Volunteering at Teekkari tradition party
Teekkarius turns already 149 years this year!
During the Teekkari Tradition Week 5.-13.11. there are multiple open volunteer positions, which award e.g. freshmen points, attachment to the wanted party worker string and free entrance to the Herring breakfast organised on Saturday 13.11. and to a separately organised volunteer party.
The registration is open 18.-31.10. and keep in mind that the registration order is taken into account when assigning the tasks! You can register here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/149-teekkariperinnejuhlan-vapaaehtoishaku/
18. The song competition is here again!
The Song Competition is an annual playful competition organized by Lukkaritoimikunta, to which anyone and everyone in Aalto can participate. Join the competition by either writing lyrics to a melody or composing a new piece of music! ???? ???? The singing competition is open until 3.11.!
See the event page for more information.
Forms: https://forms.gle/R6HtqpvpJ77YUPZh9
19. Polin Appro 2021
During the Teekkari Tradition Week, on Wednesday 10th of November the streets of Helsinki will be filled with students hunting the next place to satisfy their thirst when Polin Appro returns.The event is for all students and student-spirited. The theme of 2021 appro is the goddess of hunting, night sky and the moon, Artemis. Decorate yourself and your overalls accordingly and head off to the night to hunt (bars) like Artemis.
The age limit for both events is 18 years.
More information about the ticket sales, artist reveals and more on this page, so make sure to the event facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/600601577616072
IV Summer jobs
20.Regards from head of corporate relation
Hello, here is head of corporate relations, Leevi.
The fall has started really well as I have been working with overalls and events with corporations.
It felt nice returning to the cradle of technology after summerwork, especially now that process room is open!
Here is my favourite cat video to brighten up your day.
News from the board
The board discussed marketing of English bachelor’s degree. Incoming wellbeing week was also discussed in the meeting. The board started to find out how covid-19 passport affects incoming events.
Pyry Vartia
Spokesperson-secretary 2021 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358445953800 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram