- PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
- PT Info Channel on Telegram
- PT’s LinkedIn group
- Board meetings in 2023
- PT’s feedback form
- [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee
- Association’s Code of Conduct
- Maintenance break 9.10.-3.11.
- Heureka visit 26.10.!
- [NEW] Joint departure for Blood Donation at Dipoli 26.10.
- The application period for the Former of the Board for the year 2024
- 3+ Sitsit 1.11.
- [NEW] PT x FK Wine and Cheese Night 28.10.
- [NEW] PT x Lipidi X HYK Adventure of Chemical Flavours Sitsit 9.11.
- [NEW] Remember to return exams to exam archivist
- [NEW] Exam week’s badminton session 18.10. at 16-17
- CHEM events Telegram channel
- Study feedback
- Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability
- Coffee break with professors 3.11.
- Neon Rave 21.10.
- Polin appro Wed 15.11.
- Otacruise 26.-28.11.
- Physicists’ Spex 2023 – Student musical in English (Fyysikkospeksi)
- FSOBP x ABP x Beer Pong Turku 11.11.
- 151. Teekkari tradition ball 18.11.
- Otaniemi Events Info Channel
- [NEW] The songwriting contest is here again!
- [NEW] Apply to volunteer in the Teekkari tradition ball!
- [NEW] Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.
- [NEW] A! -Games 7.11.
- Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Remember to buy membership of PT for this year on Kide.app via this link!
Tue 17.10. Election meeting
Wed 18.10. Exam week badminton
Wed 25.10. Dipolin Appro
Thu 26.10. Joint departure for blood donation at Dipoli + Heureka visit
9.10.-3.11. Maintenance break
1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK and SIK and other PT members.
The sport will change every week. To sign up for today’s sport session click on the following link and follow the guide pictures. No registration needed! http://athletiks.nimenhuuto.com
Please notice that entering the gym and changing rooms now requires a separate pass code. Check the code on PT’s Info Channel.
2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
PT has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email.
The #PT-chat (https://t.me/+aY6xg1c3ogA4Mjc0 ) is a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.
Remember also to join the CHEM Events -info channel, that information about open events held by Chemistry Guild, Forest Products Guild and The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat
3. PT’s LinkedIn group
Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!
Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/
4. Board meetings in 2023
Next board meeting is on Wednesday 18.10. at 11.00. You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar.
5. PT’s feedback form
Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.
6. [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee
The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can no longer be paid at the same time with the enrolment for the academic year and the AYY membership fee. As a result, the membership register of Prosessiteekkarit ry was transferred to the Kide.app service the 2nd of August, 2023. The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can be paid via Kide.app. The membership fee for 2023 is 8 euros. The membership is valid for one year from the date of membership approval, which will be done at the next board meeting after joining.
To become a full member of Prosessiteekkarit ry, a person must also be a member of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), and to ensure this, the Kide.app service will ask for a Haka login to verify student status. Please note that student status can only be verified for one Kide.app account, so please make sure you use the correct account of your choice before logging in. If you are not a member of AYY, you can become an external member of Prosessiteekkarit ry. External membership does not require a valid student status.
To become a member of the association, click here. Please, choose carefully the right type of membership.
As a reminder, the membership is valid until the end of the autumn semester 2023 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.1.–31.5.2023. The membership is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.6.–31.7.2023. In both cases, the data will be transferred from the old membership register to the new one without any action being required from those concerned. If you do not want your data to be transferred to the new register, please contact the administrator of the register immediately by e-mail rahastonhoitaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi.
7. Association’s Code of Conduct
Along with the new academic year comes the association’s brand-new Code of Conduct! Everyone involved with the association is obliged to follow the code, so this message is worth reading carefully! What is it about? Code of Conduct (CoC) is the rulebook of the association. it also determines the actions that are taken in an event of non-compliance.
What does this mean? Everyone involved in the activities of the association has the right to be themselves, regardless of any mental or physical traits. The association does not tolerate harassment in any form. To promote equality further, the association will be recruiting harassment contact persons, starting in the autumn. What does this have to do with you? By taking part in the association’s activities, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. In events of non-compliance, the association has the right to impose disciplinary measures. If you experience harassment at our events, please contact a member of the association’s board or a Code of Conduct Responsible immediately.
You can find the full Code of Conduct here (in Finnish, translation coming soon). Questions regarding the Code of Conduct can be directed to the association’s Code of Conduct Responsibles.
Wishing you a great start for the academic year,
Code of Conduct Responsibles
@oonahanska @sarasiivola @prosessitikkari @Juhikka
8. Maintenance break 9.10.-3.11.
Maintenance Break is here and ends on 3.11.
During this period, there will be events promoting wellbeing and small challenges. From now on, all discussion about the Maintenance Break will be posted to #PT so even if you are not actively participating, you’ll get a change to find nice small things to help you to focus on wellbeing🥰
How to participate?
❤️ Main idea is to focus on your and others wellbeing, not taking stress about going to events or finishing all challenges
❤️ Check the Wellbeing task sheet on #PT or Info Channel on Telegram and do the ones that inspire you (or maybe all?)
❤️ Please share your wellbeing actions and completed tasks to #PT. E.g. after baking, you can take a picture of your masterpiece and share your favourite receipe to others!
❤️ Everyone who has completed 7 or more actions from the wellbeing action card, will receive a surprise prize!
Maintenance break events:
10.10. Breakfast at pHuone
26.10. Donating blood in Dipoli
26.10. Joint departure to Heureka
3.11. Wellbeing sauna
9. Heureka visit 26.10.!
Do you still remember the best days of your childhood when you got to visit Heureka? Soon you’ll be able to experience it again when PT goes for a visit to Heureka on 26th of October!
In addition to the classics we all love, Heureka also has exhibitions on natural disasters, artificial intelligence and on the Power of Play!
We will leave from Otaniemi metro station at 16:00, and you can explore the exhibitions until 8:00 pm. All you need is €10 for the entrance ticket (or a museum card, in which case you need €0 for admission!), an HSL ticket and an open and happy mind!
The registration is open until Wed 25.10. on PT’s registration machine.
WHAT: To Heureka!
WHERE: Heureka, Tiedepuisto 1, Tikkurila
WHEN: 26.10., 16-20
WHAT’S THE COST: 10€ (or 0€ with a museum card)
WHY: Heureka!
10. [NEW] Joint departure for Blood Donation at Dipoli 26.10.
Blood Service organises a possibility to donate blood at Dipoli on 26.10. from 11:30-16.
As part of Maintenance Break PT organises a joint departure which starts from pHuone at 13:00! If you haven’t donated this fall, now is your chance to do a good dees😊 Ensure a smooth visit at Dipoli by booking a time slot here. If you’re coming to joint leave, it’s recommended to book your slot from 13:15 onwards📅 We Prosessiteekkarit have our own Blood Donation Group, so remember to mention that when donating because best donating associations will be awarded! If unsure whether you are eligible to donate, fill in the health questionnaire beforehand at veripalvelu.fi
WHAT: Joint departure for Blood Donation at Dipoli
WHERE: Start at pHuone
WHEN: Thu 26.10. @13:00
WHY: Because why not!
11. The application period for the Former of the Board for the year 2024
The application period for the Former of the Board for the year 2024 is now open! Any actual member may run for the position and applying happens by sending a free-form application to the board of the association (hallitus@prosessiteekkarit.fi). Please, also attach a photo to your application. The candidates’ applications and pictures will be published on the association’s election website and there will be a possibility to present questions to the candidates. You can apply to become Former of the Board until the election of the Former of the Board. The new Former of the Board will be chosen at the election meeting that will be held tentatively tomorrow the 17th of October. An invitation to the meeting will be sent later. The task of the Former of the Board is to form a new association rule-abiding board for the association for the year 2024.
The former’s suggestion for the line-up of the board will be discussed in the association’s fall meeting which will be held tentatively on Fri the 17th of November. An invitation to the meeting will be sent later. More information on the forming of the board and the elections, in general, can be found in the association’s board forming bylaw on the website (in Finnish). If you have any questions regarding the matter, please contact the chair of the board or the board!
12. 3+ Sitsit 1.11.
🧓🏼Have you already forgotten the familiar faces from your fuksi year? Do you spend more time on lectures than you do at the sitsi table? Do you feel like the fuksis are being all too dead and center?
👵🏽Don’t worry! During PT’s own 3+ sitsit you get to surround yourself with familiar faces again! So that you won’t feel too old, we will return to a time before university, and spend our evening within the atmosphere of a house party! Dig out your cheapest spirits and gin lemon, or rummage through your parents’ liquor cabinet, and arrive in your best teenage clothes to celebrate an illegally fun night 🍺 Registration opens on Monday 23.10 at 13.00 here, and closes on 29.10 at 23.55!
Note! This event is meant for third year students and older
WHAT? 3+ Sitsit
WHERE? OK20 downstairs
WHEN? 1.11, gong at 18.00
DC? House party
HOW MUCH? 11 €
WHY? Because you’ve still got the stamina!
13. [NEW] PT x FK Wine and Cheese Night 28.10.
Welcome to gourmet life! Wine and cheese are at their best when they age, and the same goes for university students. That’s why the Guild of Physics and Prosessiteekkarit are inviting senior students together for an evening to tantalize their taste buds on Saturday 28th October! This atmospheric evening will feature a selection of wines from about five pours around the world and a cheese platter to accompany them. The event starts at 18.00, when we will begin the wine tasting together. The evening will take place on the Otakaari 20 larger side and costs 12 euros. Please note that the event will include alcohol. We try to accommodate dietary preferences as much as possible, but shop availability may limit the catering available at the event.
Registration opens on Wednesday 18.10. at 18.00 in the Guild of Physics’ event registration. Registration will be visible here on Wednesday https://ilmo.fyysikkokilta.fi/. Registration closes on Wednesday 25.10. at 23.55, after which registration is binding. Both FK and PT have a total of 20 places reserved each. Places will open for members of both associations on 23rd October if there are still places left in the registration. 3+ Wine and Cheese Night is a fair and equal event for all and no harassment of any kind will be tolerated. The event will follow AYY’s safer space policy. However, if you encounter any unpleasant behaviour or harassment at the event, you can contact the AYY harassment officers: hairinta@ayy.fi
WHAT: PT x FK 3+ Wine and Cheese Night
WHERE: OK 20 larger side
WHEN: Saturday 28.10.
WHY: Because wine and cheese is good and you deserve a treat
HOW MUCH: 12 €
14. [NEW] PT x Lipidi X HYK Adventure of Chemical Flavours Sitsit 9.11.
Are you ready for an adventure with food scientist and chemistry students from University of Helsinki? Come to enjoy sitsit together on Thursday 9.11. in Smökki.
Registration starts on Monday 23.10. at 12.00 in PT’s ilmomasiina. More info on registration and link are coming to PT’s Info Channel on Telegram.
15. [NEW] Remember to return exams to exam archivist
The first exam week of the fall semester is here!💚 You can utilize the exam archive: www.tenttiarkisto.fi, where previous years’ exams can be found. Remember to return exams so the exam archive will be helpful in the future as well. You can return exams to the exam archivist, Minna Pentti via Telegram @minnapentti as a pdf file or as a clear picture of the exam. The PT member who has returned the most exams will receive a Wolt gift card as a reward at PT’s pre-Christmas party!🤩 Good luck with your exams!😊
16. [NEW] Exam week’s badminton session 18.10. at 16-17
The examweek badminton on Wednesday 18.10. at 16-17! The event is part of PT’s Maintenance break! 4 badminton courts in Block B, Unisport Otaniemi, are reserved for PT and participation costs nothing, just say to the Unisports customer service that you are coming to PT’s badminton shift in block B. It is possible to rent a badminton racket from the Unisport lobby for 2€ per shift. Shuttlecocks are available for purchase for the price of 3€/piece. The amount of rentable rackets is limited so it is encouraged to bring your own. Playing is only allowed with indoor shoes. Welcome!
17. CHEM events Telegram channel
Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat
18. Study feedback
Hi all!
We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.
If for example the assessment criteria change during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.
For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:
- Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
- Telegram: @leeviha
- The anonymous feedback form
For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:
KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form
PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form
VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form
More information about student rights can be found here.
19. Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability
New online course CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability (5 credits) is available for independent study in periods I-V. All CHEM students are welcome! In this course, you will learn about the role of metals in modern society and climate change prevention. You will gain fundamental knowledge of metals, their properties and applications. You will also learn about the lifecycle of metals, the impact of metals on sustainability and their role in circular economy.
Enrollment period: 31.07-15.12.2023 or 1.01-31.05.2024 More information in SISU.
You can also contact the responsible teacher: anna.klemettinen@aalto.fi
20. Coffee break with professors 3.11.
The time has come for the fall coffee break with professors! So, join us in the School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall on Friday 3.11. at 4 pm sharp to enjoy some coffee with our professors and lecturers. You get to freely converse about things that worry you, such as majors in your bachelor or master studies, summer jobs etc. This is a great opportunity to talk about your feelings and to impact teaching in our school!
WHAT? Coffee break with professors
WHERE? School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall
WHEN? Fri 3.11. @ 4 pm
WHY? Studying is better when you know the professors and lecturers!
21. Neon Rave 21.10.
📅 Mark your calendars for the 21st of October as in Smökki, in the heart of Otaniemi, ravers from all over Otaniemi will gather to celebrate in style amidst a radioactive atmosphere. 🎶 Prepare for an unforgettable journey into the radioactive realm of music, where pulsating beats will energize your every move, and a neon lightshow will make the night glow with an otherworldly allure. This is not just a party; it’s an experience that will be etched in your memory for years to come.
Grab your friends, because it’s time to RAVE like never before! 🎟️ Secure your spot at this epic night by keeping an eye out for ticket sales via Kideapp – they’re dropping soon! Don’t miss it, because this is the night you’ll be talking about for a lifetime. Let’s set Smökki on fire together! 🔥🎉
Ticket sale is open in kide.app https://kide.app/events/accd1bc6-25f6-490d-9fee-559218182628
22. Polin appro Wed 15.11.
The legendary Polin appro will once again take over Helsinki’s city centre on 15.11. So put your overalls on and head for a tour of the eastern port city. All students, student-minded people and other appro enthusiasts are more than welcome. The bar crawl will culminate in the Apollo Night Club , where you’ll be entertained by some amazing artists . If you’re already an impatient appro-enthusiast and November still feels far away, you can warm up for Polin appro with Dipolin appro on Wednesday 25.10. in the safe and familiar environment of Otaniemi.
Polin appro has its own ticket sale later in the autumn. Please follow @polinappro on tg for more detailed ticket sale schedules.
All the necessary information about both Dipoli and Polin appro will be published on this channel and in addition, you can follow us on Instagram @teekkarijaosto
23. Otacruise 26.-28.11.
Feeling stuck in Otaniemi? Longing for a change of scenery and some fresh air? Well we have the answer, Otacruise 2023
Once again, Oracruise gathers 2500 Aalto students for a cruise to Stockholm and back on 26-28 of November 2023!
Tickets are on sale here: https://kide.app/events/4d8ec54d-4558-42aa-9b27-fcc654c9df45
What: Otacruise 2023
Where: Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki
When: 26-28 November 2023
Who: All Aalto Students Info: @otacruise
24. Physicists’ Spex 2023 – Student musical in English (Fyysikkospeksi)
Physicists’ Spex 2023 student musical is here – also in English!
In the Kingdom of Teeth the tooth fairies and rot goblins compete for the most valuable resource of all – teeth. What happens when a fame-hungry fairy criminal and the princess of the Fairies, find themselves caught in the midst of a vicious power struggle. Spex combines musical theater and improvisation. Sink your teeth into the show in English on Nov 20! Tickets on Kide.App.
More info: https://fyysikkospeksi.fi
25. FSOBP x ABP x Beer Pong Turku 11.11.
The greatest sporting event of the fall is approaching, the Finnish Series of Beer Pong (FSOBP)! 🍺👏🤩🥳 This year the event will be provided by Aalto Beer Pong & Beer Pong Turku!
The grand prize for the tournament is a Beer Pong centered trip to Europe for two! The prize includes flights, accommodation and tournament tickets! (Valued up to 500€). Also, other prizes in addition to the grand prize will be awarded! The Finnish Series of Beer Pong is held on 11.11.2023 from about 12.00 o’clock onwards at Kaivohuone in Helsinki.
Buy your tickets and find more information about the tournament from kide.app: https://kide.app/events/c87cf224-03f9-408b-87e9-14bbcb3989a0
26. 151. Teekkari tradition ball 18.11.
18.11.2023 is the day. The day that we will celebrate teekkarius in the 151st Teekkari Tradition Ball. The tickets to the event are sold ✨here✨. The general registration opens on Tuesday 17.10. at 12:00 PM!! Don’t let the chance slip by.
If you are not a member of AYY, a student or are an alumni, please purchase the ticket for alumni. The dinner card covers the ball and the afterparty. In addition it is possible to purchase a ticket to the following day’s Teekkari sillis. More information can be found on kide.app.
AYY’s safer space policy and AYY’s Code of Conduct are complied at the event. More information: https://www.ayy.fi/en/administrative-documents/safer-space-policy
27. Otaniemi Events Info Channel
A new event communication channel for associations under AYY called Otaniemi Events has been established. Join the channel and follow what’s happening in Otaniemi!
28. [NEW] The songwriting contest is here again!
This competition is just for you if you want to test your songwriting skills and add your own contribution to Otaniemi song culture. You can participate in this competition alone or in a group, with one or more songs. 🤝
This year’s categories are:
1. Previously unrepresented songs
2. Previously represented songs
3. International
4. Interactive
So what are you waiting for? The competition is open until 8.11.2023! You can find the entry instructions, competition categories with explanations and competition rules from the form below:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact @lukkaritirehtoori
All new lyrics entered to the competition will be sung during the Songwriting Competition sitsit arranged by LuTku on the 14.11. During the sitsit the winners of the categories will be announced.All members of the Aalto community are welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not they have taken part in the competition. Participants of the Songwriting Competition will have the opportunity to buy a ticket for the sitsit as soon as they have entered the competition and the ticket sales for other sitsi participants will open in week 43 and will be announced separately.
29. [NEW] Apply to volunteer in the Teekkari tradition ball!
- Teekkari tradition week and with it the ball is just around the corner. If you, for some reason or another, don’t want to participate in the annual ball itself, you can apply to become a volunteer in the ball or the next day’s sillis. This way you can experience what it is like to organize these events. Additionally you get an attachment for the pink volunteer string and a ticket to the volunteer thank-you party in December. Apply by https://forms.office.com/e/ERk117QYKv
Applications can be sent from 19.10 to 26.10 or as long there are unfilled positions, so be quick!
30. [NEW] Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.
November and the darkening evenings are approaching which means the Teekkari Tradition Week is getting closer! This fall the 151-year-old Teekkarius is celebrated 13.-19.11.!🥂
Mark down the Teekkari Tradition Week and the events to your calendar:
13.11. Alkupamaus
13.11. International Grand Sitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Fuksien juhlasitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Laulukilpailusitsit (at Otakaari 20)
15.11. Polin appro (in the central Helsinki)
16.11. Elonkorjuu (at Smökki)
17.11. Punaisen laulukirjan läpilaulanta (at Rantsu)
18.11. 151. Teekkari Tradition ball (at Kalastajatorppa), the sign up opens on 17.10. at kideapp, where you can also find more information about the ball
19.11. Teekkarisillis (at Smökki)
More information about the week and its events can be found at https://www.teekkarius.fi
31. [NEW] A! -Games 7.11.
Do you want to become a hero of Aalto and show other schools what you are made of? How would it feel to have a sauna with the championship trophy at a championship party? ⚽️ 🥅 You can take these dreams a step closer by applying for the A!-games team of your school. The games are held on Tuesday 7.11. at 11-15 (a more detailed schedule TBA) 🏸🎽 This year’s sports are floorball, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, elephant ball, mölkky, croquet, rope pulling, and chess. The games are casual and you don’t need to be a pro to participate. 😊 When registering, tell us which sports you want to participate in. 🥏⛳️ After the games, the event has a free sauna after event for participants! 💪🏆 ’
Registration starts on Tue 17.10. at 11 via this link: https://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/255
32. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary
Happy Monday and exam week! Good luck with your exams, remember to return exams to exam archivist! This week’s cliché: ”Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram