I        PT

  1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
  2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  3. PT’s LinkedIn group
  4. Board meetings in 2023
  5. PT’s feedback form
  6. [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee
  7. Maintenance break 9.10.-3.11.
  8. Application for the board 2024 is open!
  9. PT x Lipidi X HYK Adventure of Flavours Sitsit 9.11.
  10. Maintenance Break: Closing Sauna 3.11.
  11. Official Fair 6.11.
  12. [NEW] 2+ Patch Sewing Night at pHuone
  13. [NEW] Hydrogen evening 13.11.
  14. [NEW] Application period for harassment contact persons is still on!

II      CHEM

  1. CHEM events Telegram channel
  2. Study feedback
  3. Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability
  4. Coffee break with professors 3.11.
  5. Give feedback on the new Student Guide!
  6. [NEW] Evening of Materials Science


  1. Polin appro Wed 15.11.
  2. 151. Teekkari tradition ball 18.11.
  3. Otaniemi Events Info Channel
  4. [NEW] Songwriting Contest Sitsit 14.11.
  5. Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.
  6. [NEW] The sing-through of the Red Songbook 17.11.
  7. A! -Games 7.11.
  8. AFRY Case Excursion 23.11.
  9. [NEW] Housing Week and House Tournament 6.–10.11.
  10. [NEW] Find your candidate – RepCo Elections
  11. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Remember to buy membership of PT on Kide.app via this link!

Wed 1.11. 3+ Sitsit
Thu 2.11. Gasum-excursion
Fri 3.11.  Maintenance break: Closing Sauna
Mon 6.11. Official Fair
Tue 7.11. Evening of Materials Science
Wed 8.11. 2+ Patch sewing night at pHuone

9.10.-3.11. Maintenance break


I        PT

1.     PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK and SIK and other PT members.
The sport will change every week. To sign up for today’s sport session click on the following link and follow the guide pictures. No registration needed! http://athletiks.nimenhuuto.com
Please notice that entering the gym and changing rooms now requires a separate pass code. Check the code on PT’s Info Channel.


2.     PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email.
The #PT-chat (https://t.me/+aY6xg1c3ogA4Mjc0 ) is a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.

Remember also to join the CHEM Events -info channel, that information about open events held by Chemistry Guild, Forest Products Guild and The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


3.     PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


4.     Board meetings in 2023

Next board meeting is on Monday 6.11. at 8.00. You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar.


5.     PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


6.     [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee

The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can no longer be paid at the same time with the enrolment for the academic year and the AYY membership fee. As a result, the membership register of Prosessiteekkarit ry was transferred to the Kide.app service the 2nd of August, 2023. The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can be paid via Kide.app. The membership fee for 2023 is 8 euros. The membership is valid for one year from the date of membership approval, which will be done at the next board meeting after joining.

To become a full member of Prosessiteekkarit ry, a person must also be a member of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), and to ensure this, the Kide.app service will ask for a Haka login to verify student status. Please note that student status can only be verified for one Kide.app account, so please make sure you use the correct account of your choice before logging in. If you are not a member of AYY, you can become an external member of Prosessiteekkarit ry. External membership does not require a valid student status.

To become a member of the association, click here. Please, choose carefully the right type of membership.

As a reminder, the membership is valid until the end of the autumn semester 2023 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.1.–31.5.2023. The membership is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.6.–31.7.2023. In both cases, the data will be transferred from the old membership register to the new one without any action being required from those concerned. If you do not want your data to be transferred to the new register, please contact the administrator of the register immediately by e-mail rahastonhoitaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi.


7.     Maintenance break 9.10.-3.11.

Maintenance Break is here and ends on 3.11.
During this period, there will be events promoting wellbeing and small challenges. From now on, all discussion about the Maintenance Break will be posted to #PT so even if you are not actively participating, you’ll get a change to find nice small things to help you to focus on wellbeing🥰
How to participate?
❤️ Main idea is to focus on your and others wellbeing, not taking stress about going to events or finishing all challenges
❤️ Check the Wellbeing task sheet on #PT or Info Channel on Telegram and do the ones that inspire you (or maybe all?)
❤️ Please share your wellbeing actions and completed tasks to #PT. E.g. after baking, you can take a picture of your masterpiece and share your favourite receipe to others!
❤️ Everyone who has completed 7 or more actions from the wellbeing action card, will receive a surprise prize!

Maintenance break events:
10.10. Breakfast at pHuone
26.10. Donating blood in Dipoli
26.10. Joint departure to Heureka
3.11. Wellbeing sauna


8.     Application for the board 2024 is open!

Any actual member can apply for the board. The following positions are open for application:
Head of Internal and External Affairs
Fuksi Captain x 2
Head of International and Master’s Affairs
Host/Hostess x 2
Head of Study Affairs
Head of Corporate Relations

You may apply for the board by sending an application of free form and a picture of yourself to hanna.kujanpaa@aalto.fi. The picture should be sent in square form, or at least there should be free space above the head for possible cropping. After that, applicants will receive further questions about the position and all applicants will be interviewed personally. The applications, written answers to the position specific questions and pictures will be published on association’s election page as applications are received. Members can ask the applicants questions on the election page.

The application must be sent by Thursday 2.11. The proposal for the new board will be published at least two days before the Autumn meeting on 16.11. where the proposal will be reviewed. If you have any questions about applying or different positions, don’t hesitate to contact me. The easiest way to reach me is by Telegram @hannakujanpaa.

Best regards, Hanna Kujanpää
Former of the Board 2024 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University
+358 453530765 | hanna.kujanpaa@aalto.fi


9.     PT x Lipidi X HYK Adventure of Flavours Sitsit 9.11.

You’re in the lab. The clock is ticking, and before you know it, 6 hours have passed, and the analyses are still not done. Your lab partner is as clueless as you are, and work isn’t progressing at all. Your brain is starved of oxygen, and you’ve become careless. In the midst of exhaustion, you accidentally lean your head into the fume hood… …suddenly, you wake up in the midst of a sensation of smells and tastes. But where are you? There are a lot of tech students around, the scent of an old cabin’s wood fills your nose, and your hands are stuck to a spilled beer…

There can only be one answer: You’re at the PT x Lipid x HYK Adventure of Flavours -sitsit. Welcome to the PT x Lipid x HYK Adventure of Flavours -sitsit at Servin Mökki, Smökki, on November 9th! Registration for the sitsit is open on PT’s ilmomasiina. The registration closes on November 2nd 23:55. You can register here. There are places for 64 HYK students, the first 62 Lipidi students, and the first 64 PT students. The event is only intended for members of Prosessiteekkarit, Lipidi and HYK.

What: PT x Lipidi x HYK Chemical Adventure of Flavours -sitsit
When: November 9th. Cocktail-event 17:30, Gong 18:30
Where: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
DC: Overalls + chemistry
Price: €14
Why: Because of interdisciplinary fun!


10.   Maintenance Break: Closing Sauna 3.11.

🧖‍♀️ Welcome to a unique journey of relaxation! 🫧

Immerse yourself in the world of deep relaxation, where the sauna warms your soul and melts away the worries of everyday life. Pamper yourself with facial masks that refresh your skin and leave your face radiant. Foot baths will carry you away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, giving your feet a well-deserved break. The program also includes bingo, where winners are, of course, rewarded! In the closing sauna, every step is like a gentle breeze, and stress evaporates like steam after a good sauna session. All of this awaits you at PT’s well-being session in the Closing Sauna of the Maintenance Break. Enjoy this unique opportunity to take a moment for relaxation and give your body the rest it deserves. 😴

The Closing Sauna takes place on Friday, November 3rd, starting at 6 PM. Remember to bring your sauna gear! The sauna will be warm until around 10 PM, after which everyone can continue their weekend in a relaxed manner. Snacks will be available. 🍿

All participants who complete seven or more tasks from the Maintenance Break task sheet will be rewarded in the event. As a reward for nurturing your well-being, you’ll receive a well-being-themed onnea-overall patch!

What? Maintenance Break Closing Sauna
Where? Ossinsauna, Otakaari 18
When? Fri, Nov 3, 6 PM – 10 PM
Price? 0 euros
Why? wading pool


11.   Official Fair 6.11.

A lot has happened in the association over the past year. 🤩
The Code of Conduct has been completed ✅, overall patches like Wappua and I am CHEMough have been added to the collection 💖, cool association products have been designed and ordered 🙆‍♀️, awesome events have been organized🔥🔥, and much much more.

The association wouldn’t run without more than a hundred amazing officials.

Come to listen and learn about different official positions at Otaranta Clubroom on Monday 6.11. Doors open at 17.30 and the program starts at 18.00. Current officials and board members will also be present. 😊🙌🏻
WHAT? ➡️Official Fair
WHEN? ➡️ Monday, 6.11. 17.30 ->
WHERE? ➡️ Otaranta Clubroom
WHY? ➡️ Because Official stuff=best and a sausage house!!!


12.   [NEW] 2+ Patch Sewing Night at pHuone

Do you have a growing pile of overall patches waiting to be sewn? Are you interested in following the results of AYY Representative Council election? Are you at least on your second year of studies? If you answered yes to these questions, you should come to 2+ Patch sewing night!

Grab your overalls and your sewing equipment and arrive to pHuone on 8.11. at 5pm to sew patches and see the results of AYY RepCo election!
PS. There’s a sewing event for fuksis on the same day elsewhere, check Captains’ Channel!


13.   [NEW] Hydrogen evening 13.11.

Are you interested in hydrogen and the opportunities it creates in industry? Do you want to know how the Finnish hydrogen industry is doing at the moment? Are you wondering about future hydrogen projects? You will find the answer to all these and many other questions at PT’s hydrogen night, which will be held at the School of Chemical Engineering on Monday 13.11! The hydrogen-filled evening consists of presentations from various companies in the field, presentations on different hydrogen projects as well as career stories. The hydrogen panel will include representatives from Neste, VTT and Gasgrid, among others! Registeration for the event opens on Thursday 2.11. at 14.00 in PT’s ilmomasiina.

What? Hydrogen evening featuring companies within the industry!
When? On Monday 13.11.2023 at 17.00
Where? At lecture hall KE1 at the School of Chemical Engineering
Why? Because hydrogen is cool!
What does it cost? 0 kJ/mol


14.   [NEW] Application period for harassment contact persons is still on!

Do you want to be part of creating a safer and more equal PT? Apply to be the association’s harassment contact person, the application is now open! 🎉 Harassment contact person’s responsibility is to be the first point of contact for people involved in the association’s activities to investigate any incidents of harassment. The position is for an indefinite period, meaning that a harassment contact person can decide how long they want to hold the position. No previous experience is necessary as the selected harassment contact persons will be trained for the position!

Apply here! All respondents will be interviewed by the board, and the harassment contact person will be elected at a board meeting. The application is open until 23:59 on 11th November, but the interviews will start already during the application period. For more information, please contact @sarasiivola @oonahanska @prosessitikkari on Telegram.


II      CHEM

15.   CHEM events Telegram channel

Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


16.   Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.

If for example the assessment criteria change during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.

For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @leeviha
  3. The anonymous feedback form

For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form

PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form

VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form

More information about student rights can be found here.


17.   Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability

New online course CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability (5 credits) is available for independent study in periods I-V.  All CHEM students are welcome!  In this course, you will learn about the role of metals in modern society and climate change prevention. You will gain fundamental knowledge of metals, their properties and applications. You will also learn about the lifecycle of metals, the impact of metals on sustainability and their role in circular economy.

Enrollment period: 31.07-15.12.2023 or 1.01-31.05.2024  More information in SISU.
You can also contact the responsible teacher: anna.klemettinen@aalto.fi


18.   Coffee break with professors 3.11.

The time has come for the fall coffee break with professors! So, join us in the School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall on Friday 3.11. at 4 pm sharp to enjoy some coffee with our professors and lecturers. You get to freely converse about things that worry you, such as majors in your bachelor or master studies, summer jobs etc. This is a great opportunity to talk about your feelings and to impact teaching in our school!

WHAT? Coffee break with professors
WHERE? School of Chemical Engineering’s entrance hall
WHEN? Fri 3.11. @ 4 pm
WHY? Studying is better when you know the professors and lecturers!


19.   Give feedback on the new Student Guide!

Give feedback on the new Student Guide – Take our survey Student Guide (formerly known as Into) is the study guide for all Aalto University students. Now, you have an opportunity to give feedback about the new site and influence its development. Take our 10-minute survey by November 10th. The survey is intended for all Student Guide users.
Take the survey: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/425FC70423D3C8C0


20.   [NEW] Evening of Materials Science

What kinda backstories do the professionals of materials science have? What stories do they have about their studies, internationality, and career? What tips can they give just for you? Come to the evening of material science to hear the best stories and advices directly from the experts! This is an unique opportunity to get new perspectives to your own studies and to get more information about many opportunities in the field of material science. The event is held in the Ke1 lecture hall as panel discussion, where panellists are representatives of companies in the field of material science. There’s also food for participants! The event is free for all the students of CHEM. The companies participating in the panel discussion are Okmetic and Metso.

What? Evening of material science
Where? KE1 lecture hall
When? 7.11.2023, at 17:00
Why? Material science and the wisdom of the graduates
Cost? 0 currency



21.   Polin appro Wed 15.11.

The legendary Polin appro will once again take over Helsinki’s city centre on 15.11. So put your overalls on and head for a tour of the eastern port city. All students, student-minded people and other appro enthusiasts are more than welcome. The bar crawl will culminate in the Apollo Night Club, where you’ll be entertained by some amazing artists . If you’re already an impatient appro-enthusiast and November still feels far away, you can warm up for Polin appro with Dipolin appro on Wednesday 25.10. in the safe and familiar environment of Otaniemi.

Polin appro has its own ticket sale later in the autumn. Please follow @polinappro on tg for more detailed ticket sale schedules.

All the necessary information about both Dipoli and Polin appro will be published on this channel and in addition, you can follow us on Instagram @teekkarijaosto


22.   151. Teekkari tradition ball 18.11.

The wonderful Teekkari Tradition Ball that ends the Teekkari Tradition week will be celebrated on 18.11 at Kalastajatorppa!🥂Tickets are still available on kideapp and the sale closes on 31.10 at 11 p.m.

More information about the Teekkari Tradition Week can be found at https://www.teekkarius.fi


23.   Otaniemi Events Info Channel

A new event communication channel for associations under AYY called Otaniemi Events has been established. Join the channel and follow what’s happening in Otaniemi!


24.   [NEW] Songwriting Contest Sitsit 14.11.

Registration for the Songwriting Contest Sitsit is open! 🎶

Now we sing something totally new! During these sitsit, all Songwriting Competition 2023 songs will be sung and the winners of all categories are announced. So if you want to be the first one to learn the latest masterpieces, or just enjoy good company and new lyrics, these sitsit are for you!🤩

The Songwriting Competition Sitsit will take place on 14 November OK20 upstairs. Doors open at 18 and gong rings at 18.30. All members of the Aalto community are welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not they have taken part in the competition. The common ticket sales for the sitsit will open on Fri 27.10. at 14 in kide.app

Remember that the competition is open until 8.11.2023 and the competitors can ensure their tickets by buying a ticket from their own quota immediately after entering the competition!
You can find the entry instructions, competition categories and competition rules here.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact @lukkaritirehtoori via Telegram


25.   Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.

November and the darkening evenings are approaching which means the Teekkari Tradition Week is getting closer! This fall the 151-year-old Teekkarius is celebrated 13.-19.11.!🥂

Mark down the Teekkari Tradition Week and the events to your calendar:
13.11. Alkupamaus
13.11. International Grand Sitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Fuksien juhlasitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Laulukilpailusitsit (at Otakaari 20)
15.11. Polin appro (in the central Helsinki)
16.11. Elonkorjuu (at Smökki)
17.11. Punaisen laulukirjan läpilaulanta (at Rantsu)
18.11. 151. Teekkari Tradition ball (at Kalastajatorppa), the sign up opens on 17.10. at kideapp, where you can also find more information about the ball
19.11. Teekkarisillis (at Smökki)
More information about the week and its events can be found at https://www.teekkarius.fi


26.   [NEW] The sing-through of the Red Songbook 17.11.

What is the best way to spend the Friday evening of Teekkari Tradition Week? By singing, of course, which is why you should head to the Red Songbook sing-through arranged by LuTku at Rantasauna!

The concept of the event is extremely straightforward: we take the Red Songbook in our hands and sing every song in it. The physical well-being of the singers has not been forgotten either, which is why Rantsu’s sauna and hot tub will be kept warm throughout the evening and LuTku catering will take care that the singers have no need to be empty-mouthed 🥰

So recall the old classics and approximate the melody of new acquaintances rather than well. Only two things are guaranteed: the singing will go on all night long and the atmosphere will be through the roof. The doors of Rantsu open at 16.30 and the singing will start at 17 and continue as long as there are songs to sing. You can come and join at any time during the evening🤩

If you are still missing your own Red Songbook, no worries! It’s possible to buy your own piece of the newest version of Red Songbook, published in 2022.

What: The Sing-through of the Red Songbook
Where: Rantasauna
When: 17.11. starting at 16.30
What does it cost: Nothing at all!
If you have any questions, please contact @lukkaritirehtoori


27.   A! -Games 7.11.

Do you want to become a hero of Aalto and show other schools what you are made of? How would it feel to have a sauna with the championship trophy at a championship party? ⚽️ 🥅 You can take these dreams a step closer by applying for the A!-games team of your school. The games are held on Tuesday 7.11. at 11-15 (a more detailed schedule TBA) 🏸🎽 This year’s sports are floorball, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, elephant ball, mölkky, croquet, rope pulling, and chess. The games are casual and you don’t need to be a pro to participate. 😊 When registering, tell us which sports you want to participate in. 🥏⛳️ After the games, the event has a free sauna after event for participants! 💪🏆 ’

Registration started on Tue 17.10. at 11 via this link: https://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/255


28.   AFRY Case Excursion 23.11.

Invitation for AFRY case excursion on Thursday 23.11.2023 at 15-19 o’clock

AFRY Management Consulting invites engineering, forestry, sustainability, and business students who are close to their graduation and interested in bio-based industries and/or energy markets to spend an evening at our Ota-AFRY collaboration space (Otakaari 27, 02150 Espoo) to learn more about our business.

To join, please send an e-mail including your name, study major, university and starting year of studies, as well as your CV, to mcd.case.excursion@afry.com by Sunday 19th of November 23:00 pm. Your participation is confirmed by Tuesday 21st 16:00 o’clock – the number of places is limited.

More info on PT Info Channel in Telegram.

Warm welcome and see you soon!


29.   [NEW] Housing Week and House Tournament 6.–10.11.

This autumn, we will determine which of the houses in Otaniemi is the best, most majestic, and most beautiful! No matter where you live, the Campus Section is organizing a housing-themed week in early November. During the week, everyone has the opportunity to participate in challenges that improve their living comfort and have a chance to win amazing prizes! Those living in AYY’s apartments can participate also the grand House Tournament 🏆
The themes of the week:
🌮 Cooking
🧼 Cleaning
🎨 Painting
💡 Housing life hacks
More information about all the theme days will be available next week, when the challenges and prizes will be announced!
The best way to stay up to date is to follow @Kampusjaosto on Instagram 🦊


30.   [NEW] Find your candidate – RepCo Elections

Candidate matcher for the Representative Council elections is now open! Find your preferred candidate and get ready to vote very soon – 1.–8.11.

Find the matcher here and read all about the elections here 🗳 Election panel will be organized on 2.11., stay tuned!


31.   Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Happy Monday! There was snow in the ground today, so it’s basically winter! This week’s cliché: First snowfall of winter, a blanket of pure delight.”

Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram