I        PT

  1. PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions
  2. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  3. PT’s LinkedIn group
  4. Board meetings in 2023
  5. PT’s feedback form
  6. [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee
  7. IntCo Game Show Night 17.11.
  8. Family and Friends Sitsit 15.12.
  9. [NEW] pHuone game tournament and game evening 21.11.
  10. [NEW] Movie Night at Kinopoli 22.11.
  11. [NEW] PT’s Officials Application period is here again!
  12. [NEW] Pre-ChrisTmas ParTy 3.12.

II      CHEM

  1. CHEM events Telegram channel
  2. Study feedback
  3. Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability
  4. Give feedback on the new Student Guide!
  5. Exchange info sessions 30.11. and 10.1.
  6. [NEW] PI Mentoring Program 19.11.
  7. [NEW] Apply to become a student representative for 2024


  1. Otaniemi Events Info Channel
  2. Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.
  3. The sing-through of the Red Songbook 17.11.
  4. AFRY Case Excursion 23.11.
  5. The university is spending money on the wellbeing of students, vote for the best idea!
  6. [NEW] Elonkorjuu 16.11.
  7. [NEW] Come along to the awards ceremony of Sininen pallo
  8. [NEW] Liukuhihna 20.11.
  9. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Remember to buy membership of PT on Kide.app via this link!

Ke 15.11. Polin Appro
Thu 16.11. Association’s Autumn Meeting
Thu 16.11. Elonkorjuu
Fri 17.11. Sing-through of the Red Song Book
Fri 17.11. IntCo Game Show Night
Tue 21.11. Game tournament at pHuone
Wed 22.11. Movie Night at Kinopoli


I        PT

1.     PT x TiK x SIK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every Thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK and SIK and other PT members.
The sport will change every week. To sign up for today’s sport session click on the following link and follow the guide pictures. No registration needed! http://athletiks.nimenhuuto.com
Please notice that entering the gym and changing rooms now requires a separate pass code. Check the code on PT’s Info Channel.


2.     PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email.
The #PT-chat (https://t.me/+aY6xg1c3ogA4Mjc0 ) is a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.

Remember also to join the CHEM Events -info channel, that information about open events held by Chemistry Guild, Forest Products Guild and The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


3.     PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


4.     Board meetings in 2023

Next board meeting is on Monday 20.11. at 8:00. You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar.


5.     PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


6.     [IMPORTANT] Transfer of the membership register and payment of the membership fee

The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can no longer be paid at the same time with the enrolment for the academic year and the AYY membership fee. As a result, the membership register of Prosessiteekkarit ry was transferred to the Kide.app service the 2nd of August, 2023. The membership fee of Prosessiteekkarit ry can be paid via Kide.app. The membership fee for 2023 is 8 euros. The membership is valid for one year from the date of membership approval, which will be done at the next board meeting after joining.

To become a full member of Prosessiteekkarit ry, a person must also be a member of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), and to ensure this, the Kide.app service will ask for a Haka login to verify student status. Please note that student status can only be verified for one Kide.app account, so please make sure you use the correct account of your choice before logging in. If you are not a member of AYY, you can become an external member of Prosessiteekkarit ry. External membership does not require a valid student status.

To become a member of the association, click here. Please, choose carefully the right type of membership.

As a reminder, the membership is valid until the end of the autumn semester 2023 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.1.–31.5.2023. The membership is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024 for those who have paid their membership fee between 1.6.–31.7.2023. In both cases, the data will be transferred from the old membership register to the new one without any action being required from those concerned. If you do not want your data to be transferred to the new register, please contact the administrator of the register immediately by e-mail rahastonhoitaja@prosessiteekkarit.fi.


7.     IntCo Game Show Night 17.11.

This event is held in English.


🌎🙋 Heard of IntCo yet? We’re PTs own international students organization hosting events throughout the year, and we hope to make both newcomers and old timers enjoy themselves and meet new people.


🎰🎙 On 17.11. we are organizing an all inclusive game night with trivia, family feud, karaoke and much more for an exhilarating experience! You can come to blow us away with your clever minds or hype up the room as encouraging spectators!


🍪🏆 Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring whatever you desire. And of course there will be surprise prizes. What would a game night be otherwise? 😉


The event is held at Pelimanni in JMT 3A at 17.00. Sign ups started on Ilmomasiina 8.11. at 12.00. You better be there!


What: 🃏 IntCo Game Show Night 🃏

When: 17.11. at 17.00

Where: Pelimanni JMT 3A

DC: Rock what you feel comfortable in 🕺


8.     Family and Friends Sitsit 15.12.

Now that December is fast approaching and we’ve had ample time to practice our sitsis, it’s finally time to teach your friends and family how to properly sits Otaniemi style. Give a call to your mom, dad, grandparents, siblings, cousins or elementary school besties, and grab an enthusiastic participant with you to Smökki on 15.12 for a sitsi not easily forgotten! 🙆🏼‍♀️


Registration opens here on 23.11 at 12 PM, and closes 4.12 at 11.59 PM. 👩🏾‍🍳


Please be prepared to fill in the sign-up information for both yourself and your one guest (name, special diets, drink choices). There is a possibility to purchase drink tickets (2 € / pc) along with the sign-up, if you want to enjoy more drinks in addition to the ones served during the sitsit. Payment details will be sent to registrants after closing. The person who registers pays for themself and their guest. 👯‍♂️



WHAT? Friends and familiy sitsit

WHERE? Servin Mökki, Jämeräntaival 4

WHEN? 15.12.2023, Cockails at 17.00, gongi at 18.00

WHY? Because everyone needs to attend a sitsi in Otaniemi at least once!

HOW MUCH? 22 €/person

DC? Smart casual


9.     [NEW] pHuone game tournament and game evening 21.11.

On Tuesday 21.11. there will be a Mario Kart game tournament at pHuone, in which every prosessiteekkari is free to participate! If you want to join the tournament, arrive early at pHuone! In addition to this, on the side of the tournament, it is possible to hang out and play various board and card games. The event will start at around 5pm and will end in the evening (8-9pm), when the winner of the tournament has been decided and the participants have had their fill of board and card games. Of course, the evening needs snacks (chips, dip, candy, soda), so there will be some available🍭🍿

📢More about the tournament📢
The game tournament will be played on Mario Kart on Nintendo Switch using a 150cc racer and a predetermined driver set and character, which will be released a week before the event on Tuesday 14.11. in #PT group


10.   [NEW] Movie Night at Kinopoli 22.11.

Are you fed up with constant coldness, slush and wet socks? Would you just like to lie a couch and watch classic movies on TV. Well now’s your chance as Culture and Wellbeing Responsibles are organising a movie night in the warmth of the renovated Kinopoli! During the evening, we will watch the highly acclaimed City of god, released in 2002. For more information, check IMDb. Of course, the movie experience will be rounded off with popcorn! 🍿 Registration starts at 14.11. 12:00 at Ilmomasiina! There is room for 17 first people to register.

What: Movie night – City of God
Where: Kinopoli, Otakaari 20 A
When: 22.11. @18:30
Price: Free!
Why: Because quality movies


11.   [NEW] PT’s Officials Application period is here again!

Take a Nakki and join to create an unforgettable year as a PT official! Our operations wouldn’t be possible without our valued officials and there is all kinds of tasks available to those who are interested in them. As an official, you have an opportunity to express yourself and being an official is a great change for studying. Besides of unique experience, you will also get to know new people and also get to know our association on a deeper level. The descriptions for different officials tasks are listed on PT’s website under the tab Tasks.

Check all the tasks that you want to apply for and also write shortly in the open field, why you should be chosen for them. Note! Tasks marked with a star (*) require more responsibility, so apply to them only keeping this in mind.

Application form can be found from here!

Application period ends on 21.11.2023. The board of 2024 will interview and choose their officials at the beginning of next year. Official tasks are one year long, so there is plenty to do for the whole year. If you have any questions regarding official tasks, the board of 2023 answers them gladly. You can find the contact info for board of 2023 from PT’s website under the tab Administration.


12.   [NEW] Pre-ChrisTmas ParTy 3.12.

🎄 Christmas is getting closer and what would be a better way to celebrate it than together with PT colleagues! Pre-ChrisTmas ParTy is held on Sunday 3.12. at OK20 starting at 17. The company offers sauna, porridge and glögi, and of course: great friends! To make the evening more fun, there are program numbers for entertainment, including ugly christmas sweater -competition.

Take also a small (max value of 5€) gift with you if you want, perhaps Santa Claus has time to participate in our Secret Santa show…🎅🏼 A more precise schedule is published closer to the event!

TLDR: What: Pre-ChrisTmas ParTy
When: Sun 3.12. at 17 ->
Where: OK20 downstairs, upstairs, sauna
Price: Absolute zero!
Why: Christmas Fun with PerfecT friends
What to bring with you: if you want: sauna gear, a small present (max 5€) and an ugly christmas sweater


II      CHEM

13.   CHEM events Telegram channel

Keep on track what happens at CHEM – join the CHEM events Telegram channel: https://t.me/chemtapahtumat


14.   Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.


If for example the assessment criteria change during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.


For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Leevi through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @leeviha
  3. The anonymous feedback form


For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @Akseli_Rautakorpi or feedback form

PJK: @joonaskovalainen069420 or feedback form

VK: @vuorinainen or feedback form

More information about student rights can be found here.


15.   Online course: CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability

New online course CHEM-C2480 Metallurgical Engineering and Technical Analysis of Lifecycle and Sustainability (5 credits) is available for independent study in periods I-V.  All CHEM students are welcome!  In this course, you will learn about the role of metals in modern society and climate change prevention. You will gain fundamental knowledge of metals, their properties and applications. You will also learn about the lifecycle of metals, the impact of metals on sustainability and their role in circular economy.

Enrollment period: 31.07-15.12.2023 or 1.01-31.05.2024  More information in SISU.
You can also contact the responsible teacher: anna.klemettinen@aalto.fi


16.   Give feedback on the new Student Guide!

Give feedback on the new Student Guide – Take our survey Student Guide (formerly known as Into) is the study guide for all Aalto University students. Now, you have an opportunity to give feedback about the new site and influence its development. Take our 10-minute survey by November 10th. The survey is intended for all Student Guide users.
Take the survey: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/425FC70423D3C8C0


17.   Exchange info sessions 30.11. and 10.1.

The application period for most exchange destinations is held 10.–31.1.2024. There are exchange info sessions held specifically for CHEM students (held in English if needed)
– Thu 30.11. at 14.00 – Building of Chemical Engineering, Ke5

– Wed 10.1.24 at 14.00 – Building of Chemical Engineering, Ke5


18.   [NEW] PI Mentoring Program 19.11.

Sign up for PI’s mentoring program by the 19th of November. Would you like some ideas and support for your future career path? PI’s mentoring project offers new perspectives to students and recent graduates. Mentoring offers guidance and support from a competent mentor who has been in the working life for a longer time. An open and confidential personal relationship between a mentor and mentee is central to the project.

The mentoring project starts in February 2024 and ends in December (break in June-August). Application for mentees is open until November 19th! Sign up here.


19.   [NEW] Apply to become a student representative for 2024

As a student representative, you can ensure that students are heard in the decision-making of Aalto University or your degree programme. All attending bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students of Aalto are eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted until 30 Nov.

Read the call for applications and apply on beta.halloped.fi.



20.   Otaniemi Events Info Channel

A new event communication channel for associations under AYY called Otaniemi Events has been established. Join the channel and follow what’s happening in Otaniemi!


21.   Teekkari tradition week 13.-19.11.

November and the darkening evenings are approaching which means the Teekkari Tradition Week is getting closer! This fall the 151-year-old Teekkarius is celebrated 13.-19.11.!🥂

Mark down the Teekkari Tradition Week and the events to your calendar:
13.11. Alkupamaus
13.11. International Grand Sitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Fuksien juhlasitsit (at Smökki)
14.11. Laulukilpailusitsit (at Otakaari 20)
15.11. Polin appro (in the central Helsinki)
16.11. Elonkorjuu (at Smökki)
17.11. Punaisen laulukirjan läpilaulanta (at Rantsu)
18.11. 151. Teekkari Tradition ball (at Kalastajatorppa)
19.11. Teekkarisillis (at Smökki)
More information about the week and its events can be found at https://www.teekkarius.fi


22.   The sing-through of the Red Songbook 17.11.

What is the best way to spend the Friday evening of Teekkari Tradition Week? By singing, of course, which is why you should head to the Red Songbook sing-through arranged by LuTku at Rantasauna!

The concept of the event is extremely straightforward: we take the Red Songbook in our hands and sing every song in it. The physical well-being of the singers has not been forgotten either, which is why Rantsu’s sauna and hot tub will be kept warm throughout the evening and LuTku catering will take care that the singers have no need to be empty-mouthed 🥰

So recall the old classics and approximate the melody of new acquaintances rather than well. Only two things are guaranteed: the singing will go on all night long and the atmosphere will be through the roof. The doors of Rantsu open at 16.30 and the singing will start at 17 and continue as long as there are songs to sing. You can come and join at any time during the evening🤩

If you are still missing your own Red Songbook, no worries! It’s possible to buy your own piece of the newest version of Red Songbook, published in 2022.

What: The Sing-through of the Red Songbook
Where: Rantasauna
When: 17.11. starting at 16.30
What does it cost: Nothing at all!
If you have any questions, please contact @lukkaritirehtoori


23.   AFRY Case Excursion 23.11.

Invitation for AFRY case excursion on Thursday 23.11.2023 at 15-19 o’clock


AFRY Management Consulting invites engineering, forestry, sustainability, and business students who are close to their graduation and interested in bio-based industries and/or energy markets to spend an evening at our Ota-AFRY collaboration space (Otakaari 27, 02150 Espoo) to learn more about our business.


To join, please send an e-mail including your name, study major, university and starting year of studies, as well as your CV, to mcd.case.excursion@afry.com by Sunday 19th of November 23:00 pm. Your participation is confirmed by Tuesday 21st 16:00 o’clock – the number of places is limited.


More info on PT Info Channel in Telegram.
Warm welcome and see you soon!


24.   The university is spending money on the wellbeing of students, vote for the best idea!

The University is spending 13 000€ on the wellbeing of students, vote for the best idea by 30th November!


At the beginning of the fall 2023, students were given the opportunity to brainstorm how the university should use 13,000 euros to improve student well-being on campus. Now it’s time to vote for the best idea to be implemented during the spring of 2024.


You can vote here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/Participation/Public/1b1098ae-cde2-4e00-a6a9-640518d0e52b?displayId=Fin2936316


More info about the vote: https://www.aalto.fi/en/news/it-is-time-to-vote-how-do-we-use-13000-euros-for-the-wellbeing-of-students


25.   [NEW] Elonkorjuu 16.11.

Next Thursday of the Teekkari Tradition Week (16.11.), Otaniemi’s style-conscious culture lovers will gather at Smökki, as TKTMK, GAYY and Jalostajat join forces once again to organise Elonkorjuu🍂🌾

Elonkorjuu is a gathering of culture where you can enjoy great cocktails, delicious food and amazing performances🍸💃🏻 Additionally there will be four guided drink tastings, for which the tickets are sold at the event. Ticket sales are open here! For more information on the event, click here


26.   [NEW] Come along to the awards ceremony of Sininen pallo

Sininen pallo -environmental award  will be awarded this year to a sustainable business start-up.


Aalto students are warmly welcomed to participate in the award ceremony on November 30th from 16.30–18.15 at Dipoli where the winner will be announced. The event will be followed by a networking and cocktail event and an opportunity to meet the winners and event’s speakers. The event is free of charge and has limited number of seats. Claim your seat: here


27.   [NEW] Liukuhihna 20.11.

At the party organized by the Guild of Automation and Systems Technology fuksis, the assurance of the walls staying upright is not guaranteed when LIUKUHIHNA 23 blasts through all expectations with a new level of cyberpunk raves at OK20. Invite your friends to this interdisciplinary spectacle, dress up in the best attire of the 2077 era, and come enjoy the DJ, karaoke, and numerous solid and liquid delights.


You can exchange your ticket for a wristband and overall patch at the Kandikeskus:

Fri 17.11. 12-16

Mon 20.11. 12-16

Or at the entrance of the party


✨In summary✨:

What? – The best cyberpunk party of the century

Why? – Wuup wuup

Where? – Otakaari 20 (OK20)

When? – 20.11. 20:00->

Dress Code – Cyberpunk or overalls

Price? – 6.9 € (overall patch included in the price)

Tickets? – Kide.app (https://kide.app/events/4423e70a-9778-4714-93b7-97f5cb8c0147)


28.   Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Happy Monday! The days are getting darker and the weather is getting colder, but lots of fun events are coming!  This week’s cliché: In the darkest November nights, we find the brightest stars shining.”


Anna Savola
Spokesperson-secretary 2023 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358400876287 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram